Dance,Painting and Drawing,Body art,Esthetism,Photography,Music...
Tell me a beautiful story...
Synthetic and Jeet Synthetic and Jeet
Wumpscut,Combichrist,Porcelain,Sirenia,Blutengel,Harmaa,Darg aard,Lights of Euphoria,London after Midnight,Ordo Funebris,Ayria,Akira Yamaoka,Zombie Girl,Skinny Puppy,Epsilon Minus...
The Butterfly Effect,Sleepy Hollow,Beetle Juice, Anatomie,Cold Case,the Corpse Bride,the Walt Disneys,Session n°9,Lord of the Ring,Matrix,Requiem for a Dream,Virgin Suicide,Johnny Depp,Keanu Reeves,Nicole Kidman...
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Him, for one milion years and after...