Beach, tubing, jetskiing, partying, animals, shopping, purse parties, softball, going up north, hanging out with my friends and my boyfriend and partying
Some Advice to those Guys with Girlfriends: Hold her hand. Tell her she looks beautiful. Introduce her to your friends as the most amazing girl you know. Look her in the eye. Protect her. Tell her stupid jokes.. Look at her like she's the only girl you see. Become best friends. Let her get her way. Tickle her even if she says stop. Let her fall asleep in your arms. give her a cute nickname. Call her for no reason and just tell her you miss her. Tease her. Make her laugh. Watch her favorite movie even if it is the notebook and she has already watched it 30 times. Kiss her forehead. Hold her, and snuggle her every chance you get. Let her wear your clothes. When she's sad stay on the phone with her and tell her everything will be okay...And when you fall in love with her, tell her every chance you get... Be the guy who calls her beautiful instead of hot, who calls her back when she hangs up, who will lie under the stars and listen to her heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch her sleep. Be the guy who prays for her. Be the guy who just holds her and enjoys deep conversations, who isn’t in the relationship to ‘get some.’ The one who wants to show her off to the world when she’s in sweats, who holds her hand in front of his friends and parents, who thinks she’s just as pretty without makeup on. Be the one who is constantly reminding her of how much you care and how lucky you are to be with her...The one who turns to his buddys and says, "thats her"...
rock and country
Dirty Dancing is my all time fav
Desperate Housewives, Days Of Our Lives, Oprah, Grey's Anatamy, The O.C. Extreme Makeover House Edition
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My Mom
Which Victoria's Secret Angel are you?
Gisele Bundchen
You are nice, trendy, and love to have fun!
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