skateboarding, alley cat races, fixed gear bikes, drawing, building stuff, power tools, explosives, mayhem, destruction with fireworks, custom hot rods and bikes, sport bikes, and welding.
a bio-chemical engineer
Superargo, Nameless Numberhead Man, Capsules and Shallow, KRS-One, Def Jux, Digital Hardcore(the label), Bloodshot Bill, Heiroglyphics, Deer Hoof, KJHK, the Streets, Dizzy Rascal, Lady Sovereign, Interpol.
the Professional, Rushmore, Steamboy, Akira, Batman Begins, Kung Fu Hustle,
Naruto, Metalacolypse, Frisky Dingo, Heroes, My Name is Earl, the Office,
Graffiti World, Graffiti Women, Priest, Blame, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Verses that Hurt,
Howard Hughes, Albert Einstein, Banksy, Krs-One, ....