Skot profile picture


AS Scoop Nisker says Stay High & Keep your priorites straight

About Me

I have a real weakness for blondes....I don't know why but i do.

My Interests

Music, mostly good jambands & unsigned local acts.

I'd like to meet:

Bud Abbott & Lou Costello......and LLoyd Loar Do you know who LLoyd Loar was? Without doing a websearch? ;-)


Why is it all my Fav bands have to disband & why is it that the bands i like no one has ever heard of? Oh right, cause Major Labels suck the life & creativity out of even the best bands.They hook you by saying "wow, you're the next NEW thing"....then after you sign a contract they turn & say, "could you write some songs more like...(insert any top 40 band here, ie Dave Matthews, Incubus, flavor of the day)".Anyhow, bands i like are 3SG, Leftover Salmon, Karl Denson Tiny Universe, Umphrey's McGhee, The Deadbeats, The Radiators, Hot Buttered Rum String Band & most other JamBands.


Orgasmo is my all time FAVORITE movie.


Wavy Gravy (My Camp Counselor for Life), Jerry Garcia (for the pure enjoyment he has brought me over many years), Bill Hicks (because he is the funniest man EVER)

My Blog

New Uncle & Great Uncle with in a week!

Well, My neice (Jena) had her baby at the end of last week. Congradulations!And last night i got the call that my sister had her baby. Breach, Julie you just can't do ANYTHING the easy way can you? Of...
Posted by Skot on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 09:18:00 PST

1 more WEEK

Then off to Cali for the High Sierra Music Festival...WAHOOOOO! Taking the truck & tent trailer this year instead of the motorcycle. It's gonna be a BLAST. 2 weeks off this time, and hea...
Posted by Skot on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 04:14:00 PST

Move is DONE

finally, about 1 more load and we are all moved. Spent the weekend painting. The studio looks GREAT. We are thinking about an August Grand Opening party.
Posted by Skot on Mon, 22 May 2006 08:33:00 PST


Well, 1 more week until the move. And my back is already out. Oh well, I think i'll make it. I'm really jazzed about the next week. Woodrush is playing at Stan's in Issaquah & that's how I'm kicki...
Posted by Skot on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 08:26:00 PST

Moving MarsSound NORTH?

Hmmm...MarsSound may have a new home. We went and looked at a place last night...and the day before. It JUST might work. Not that any of us really want to move to the Everett/Mill Creek area, but it w...
Posted by Skot on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 09:14:00 PST

It's been awhile...

...but i'm off to the Bay Area for my b-day and some shows. Box Set Duo Opening for the Box Set Band Friday in Oakland, then Saturday (MY B-DAY) off to Mill Valley to see the Band play the S...
Posted by Skot on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:35:00 PST

The Scott Fischer Band

Check them out Found them at High Sierra this year. AMAZING. Great stuff Scott, a ton of fun....
Posted by Skot on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 04:56:00 PST

Finally about the trip.

1701 miles exactly start to finish. 2 days each way, with 4 days of music in between. I couldn't have asked for a better vacation.   Day 1 Up and packed by 7:30am or so, on the road by 8:30. Dre...
Posted by Skot on Tue, 16 Aug 2005 11:13:00 PST

Only 6 daze till THE RIDE

Issaquah to Quincy CA, 722 miles the end 4 days of drinking & music, then the 4th Of July in Chico, CA. Then 700 miles home. Heading down 97 just for the fun of it. Bring on the naked dacing...
Posted by Skot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Made you LOOK !  LOL
Posted by Skot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST