Alun profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Obje't Noir, Grim, Sympathy for the Devil, Elitist, Satire of Life and Death.

My Interests

Rabble Rousing, Drinking, Perfect Bars, Nvironmental Design, Structure, Metropolis, City States, Cool underground bars, Being wired in a real city, Poker, Mixology, Giant Robots, Metal, Blades, Pop Culture, Drinking, Commercial Real Estate, Drinking, New York City, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Smoking, WWII film footage, Lions eating Christians, Hell Large animals eating anything. Focused Destruction, Assasins, ED 209, Space Operas, Gundam, Wholesale chaos. did I mention Drinking?

I'd like to meet:

Gentlemen and Elitists by Merit, Aristocrats, Maddams of Interest, Geishas, Movers and Shakers, True Creatives. Attractive young ladies both in Aesthetics and Conversation, Richard Branson, Michael Schumacher, Valentino Rossi, John D Rockerfeller, Rudyard Kipling, Einstein, Mazinger Z, Optimus Prime, People with true style and identity.


Misfits, HIVES, Strokes, Brit POP, Classical, Old School Jazz, Rock, Sounds before the 70's, Some Cock Rock, David Bowie, Bill Withers, Old School R&B. Screams of pain torment, and Absolute Shock. Oh and when I make you blush and giggle.


Coen Brothers, John Woo, Wong Kar Wai, Mamoru Oshii, Lots of really cool Euro Flicks, Peter Jackson, Jean Luc Besson, Jim Jarmush, Lots of crappy 80s action flicks, Godzilla, Cowboy Bebop, Macross Zero, Lots more anime, Rounders, Great Expectations, Closer, Guy Richie, Lots of other kick ass flicks,


eh, Whats that?


Too many to list, Modern Drunkard, All of Roald Dahl, Douglas Adams, Margeret Weis/ Tracy Hickman, Stephen Hawking, Zombie Survival guide, Sin City, Neil Gaiman, Samuel L. Clemens, the Great Brain Series, Oddyssy-Jason and the Argonauts, Illiad, Dr. Doliitle, etc...etc......


Richard Branson, John D Rockerfeller, Tom Ford, Karim Rashid, I M Pei, Frog Design, Lots of real estate guys, the Heff, Mom and Dad, Batman (minus the whole crime fighting thing), James Bond, Grendel,

My Blog

funny thing!

I am not actually truly inebriated this evening.....Funny thing eh? ......Sometimes one has a certain persona that they introduce to the regular world.I believe I have made it a point to provide ...
Posted by Alun on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 04:40:00 PST

So again with the fun stuff!!!!

You know you are reeeaaally inebriated when you deleted your 2 page diablog 3 times and I wasn't available  to try once again????....Damn I am messed up!!!Soo I have a few fun things I would like...
Posted by Alun on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 05:35:00 PST

Why I should not blog!!!

So apparently more than enough of you actually read this tripe......BTW ....(tripe means Cow stomach) .........I have come to the conclusion I should never blog when drunk.The Catch 22 is that the onl...
Posted by Alun on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 01:30:00 PST

So apparently I should know whom reads this!!! I am drrrrrrunk again.........hmmm something new eh????I don;t know how many of you will actually read this due to the fact I don"t know how this works.Anyway.......I find some of you on m...
Posted by Alun on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 05:20:00 PST


So here I am .....inebriated again.........I am still wondering how this thing works....does everyone on my "friends" list see this or not????Anyway.....I went out with an old patron of
Posted by Alun on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:20:00 PST

Diabolic DiaBLOG !

Hmmm....I am just trying this out.....but how many of you would actually read accounts of my drunken craziness????While most likely inaccurately trascribed by my drunken self????hmmmm...
Posted by Alun on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 11:34:00 PST