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Mest. LoveArcade. HomeGrown. PINK. KillHannah. TheMedicDroid. DefLeppard. Cher. TheMovieLife. BritneySpears. ForeverTheSickestKids. ScaryKidsScaringKids. SoulAsylum. Poison. JackJohnson.
Fight Club, Brokeback Mountain, Chasing Amy, Clueless, The Princess Bride, Grindhouse, Only The Strong, Mean Girls, Prey for Rock and Roll, SPUN, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Georgia Rule
Passions, Gossip Girl, Family Guy,Nip/Tuck, LA INK, Degrassi, ANTM, The Nanny
HairStyles of the Damned by Joe Meno
Harry Potter
Anything by Sylvia Browne
Revolutions on Canvas (comp)
A lot of modern poetry and anything to make me question the world.
Katie Price. Gina Gershon. Kat Von D.