xerol profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Free DHTML scripts provided by
Dynamic Drive

*...like sleep...
*...hot tempered...
*...(like cooking)... .
T his is a cool script that allows you to compact any content and confine it within a scrollable mini "window" Save valuable document space while making your page more "interactive", all at the same time! This script uses two different techniques- one for IE, one for NS- to create the scrollable window. Scrollbars will be available to IE 4 users to scroll the window, while NS users will need to use the "up" and "down" buttons instead (since NS does not support the adding of scrollbars to contents).
Up | Down | Top | Bottom

My Interests

*DANGER!!!...like x - treme activity...
*do something new.
*some stupid stuff .

I'd like to meet:

*my new friend.
*old buddy.
*my idol... .


*hip hop and r n b music .
*metal core and hard core.


*comedy movie.
* horror.
*suspense movie.


* documentary.


*yellow pages and my univercity book!!! ha ha ah.....wah law wehhhh .


me ,myself and i
*my father..hashim bin hassan.
*Dr.mahathir mohammad.
*Someone who's succes in their life.