Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace LayoutsI'm your basic sarcastic, fun-loving individual. I like to be creative, and witty on a regular basis. I enjoy throwing rocks at old people, counting my money in front of the homeless and pretending that I know sign language in public. I think porta potties are probably the greatest invention in the history of human civilization and I long to understand the DNA relationship between humans and chimps. I want to buy a guitar, so in a few months, after I've grown my hair out and learned how to play it, I can make the boys swoon with my Damien Rice impression. I am always in search of the next Life-Changing Movie/Book/Album, but I am learning these are few and far between. I can be really sarcastic and a little bit jaded when I want to be, and I will claim to despise romantic comedies, but ultimately I kind of want my life to be like the movie "Love Actually". I'm working on being less hard on myself and becoming more assertive. If you're stupid, please don't talk to me. Otherwise I'm pretty nice, easy to get along with, and playful when not guarding my close-knit group of friends. I'm always worried I seem slightly insane online, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. Those that have taken the time to get to know me seem to find me worthy, and that's all I really care about. I believe in trying to get to know people, not just befriending them based on their outward appearance or how much money they make. Quality, rather than quantity is my point. So feel free to say hello. Unless you're stupid, I was serious about that.......