Isis profile picture


Live in the SuperUnknown, Baby...

About Me

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

<Well, what can I say that is distinct or unique from every other profile on this crazy hook-up site? Let's be honest-that's primarily what this myspace stuff is all about. I really ended up here mistakenly (I swear!) but have since become somewhat fascinated by the antics of others whose paths cross mine. It leaves me feeling as if I have nothing much to contribute when there are SO MANY PEOPLE with the need to be seen. Who am I? I am just me, and words fail to suffice in describing who I am. You just have to know me to understand or get me...people say I seem cool, but I don't really know how to quantify those statements especially since I just now am adding this part. More later-I actually need to go out into the real world and interact for a few. Staring at the computer screen makes my eyes all red, with no beneficial condition accompanying that status, if you follow me. Ciao! ISIS

My Interests

Constant And Never Ending Improvement, Learning and Growing, Laughing, Music, Arts and Crafts, Fix-it Projects, Animals, Sexual Pleasure and all that goes with it, Reading, Dancing, Teaching, Ancient Cultures, History Channel, Travel, Ocean and Fresh water activities like Kayaking, Exploring, and more

I'd like to meet:

The sort of people that I would actually want to meet are people who have something to lose...that may sound evil to some of you, but if so that is just as well. It is meant in a positive and constructive sense, in case you were confused and thought otherwise. Individuals with nothing to lose concern me and I am often uncomfortable when I find myself close to becoming involved with the like...if they have nothing of value of their own, how could you feel that they would choose to value anything of anyone else's? To some degree, people who exhibit risk management skills and have higher than usual standards of integrity. Honesty is an invaluable trait...lets face it, most people are not very honest. We all fudge the truth at times, myself included. That being said, I am basically pretty damn honest...and loyal. I admire people with these qualities, and seek people who possess these traits. Depending on my mood at the time, I may be motivated to accept an invitation to meet up as long as its understood that when you say you want to be my "friend", I don't exactly believe that to be true. Of course it is closer to the truth than any other label that is affixed to interactions between human beings, so I am comfortable to refer to it as such. I just want to be really clear about my expectations (none)of people. Am I perhaps a tad cynical? Yes...unrealistic? Hell,no! Of course, I am human...I want all the same sorts of things that everyone else dreams of finding, but those things be realized through a medium such as this? Its hard enough to imagine it happening at all, don't you think? CIAO!


From Classical to Big Band, Punk to Grateful Dead, just about everything but modern Country Music...just can't stomach that "Achy Breaky" shit. Oh and I don't really care for boy/girl band crap Menudo or Backstreet Boys here, altho I will make an exception for Marky Mark. Major artists that I love are Bauhaus, Peter Gabriel and(Old)Genesis, Outkast, Black Crowes, Live, U2, Smiths, Talk Talk, Gwyn Stephanie, Annie Lennox, Mozart, Tool, Beatles, New Order, Depeche Mode, Dave Matthews, The Dead, Neil Young, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, David Bowie, Audioslave, Pink Floyd, Cocteau Twins, and more....


I don't really watch T.V. with the exception of the occasional Jerry Springer episode and the History Channel...I really don't watch it, but I listen to it as a constant backdrop. The other stuff I only check out under certain circumstances, like I am stuck in a hotel room or something. THE ONE SHOW THAT I LOVE MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY: DEADWOOD on HBO, which of course is now kaput! I can not tell you the profound impact that show had upon me and my life-I am still in denial about it ceasing to be. My newest saying is: "WHAT WOULD AL DO?" GOD how I love that show... anyone who hasn't checked it out is seriously missing out on a spectacular experience! Get it on DVD and watch it closely, rewind and make sure you caught it all- I still am discovering its nuances and I have watched all 3 seasons start to finish at least 2 times now. Ian McShane is absolute genius as Al Swearengen... I'll be Trixie to his Al ANY GODDAMNED DAY!!


Watership Down, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Catcher in the Rye, The Chronicles of Narnia, so many more I can't even begin to list....


God I just realized how out of date this is: aside from my #one (who is now my one and only), I am SO OVER whatever it was that I was going through before!! Heroes? I don't really have many people that I look up to...that is what is seriously lacking in the world today. Well, one of the things at least. My remaining hero is the official myspace truest friend in this online 'hood--my hot letter-writing, online fantasy fuck buddy, and all around positive energy source: number one "top friends" position goes to my Darling Norman, and belongs to him for all of time.There is one other person in my life whom deserves mention... this person I will not name, but it isn't difficult to figure out his identity. Doubt and mistrust obscure his understanding of what I feel for him... he cannot see my heart or the love therein.

My Blog

So here is my first effort (for what it is worth)....

So this is my first blog and I think it will be moderately lame...I don't have anything of significance to say at the moment.  I am writing because I have to start somewhere and so I am just gett...
Posted by Isis on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 12:42:00 PST