About Me
Try the BEST MySpace Editor at MySpace Toolbox !I became Ambassador Londo Mollari's attaché in early 2258. I was very naive and timid when I arrived on Babylon 5. I met with Lennier, the Minbari Attaché. Our friendship was an outlet for their feelings about the profession that they shared. We would discuss their strange behavior and wish we understood more about their "secrets". In 2259 I almost lost my job, but Londo stood up for me and I remained.In January 2260, Londo arranged for me to become the Centauri Ambassador to Minbar. I made three trips to Babylon 5 while I was the Centauri Ambassador to Minbar. On my second visit in April 2260 I was present when Lady Morella visited Babylon 5. Lady Morella was a prophetess, and she prophesied that Londo and I would both become the Centauri Emperor, one after the other had died.In May 2260, I took action to help the Narn who were being mistreated on their conquered homeworld. I created a false identity named Abrahamo Lincolni, an official in the Centauri Relocation Bureau. I used this identity to send Narn to Centauri Prime. The Narn were diverted during transfer to worlds where they received medical aid and then through Babylon 5 to refugee camps elsewhere. I altered the Narn's records to indicate that they were dead.In late June 2260,I traveled to Centauri Prime to present my report on Minbar. Emperor Cartagia was pleased. In early July, I continued on to Babylon 5 where I was surprised to learn that my family had arranged a marriage for me. My intended bride was Lyndisty, the daughter of a Centauri officer who had perpetrated many atrocities on Narn. Two Narn pouch brothers recognize Lyndisty and attack her for revenge. I was horrified by Lyndisty's callous attitude toward the Narn.Commander Ivanova discovered my "Abrahamo Lincolni" alter ego. When she learned the truth behind my actions, she enhanced my fake identity file to make my work easier. She created a photo using Captain Sheridan's face with Centauri hair. It was quite amusing.Londo diffused the situation by arranging for me to lose my position on Minbar. I resumed my position as Londo's aide on Babylon 5. When Lyndisty's family learned that I was no longer an ambassador, they called Lyndisty home to reconsider the engagement. Lucky me!!!!!My duties occasionally required me to interface with Mr. Morden. I knew that Londo's association with Morden could only lead to tragedy, and I had no fear of letting Mr. Morden know how I felt. When Mr. Morden asked me what he wanted, I boldly told him that I wanted to live just long enough to see Morden's head placed on a pike as a warning to future generations that some favors come with too high a price. I promised to smile and make a little wave at his head. Just like the wave in my photo.In December 2260, Emperor Cartagia ordered Londo to return to Centauri Prime to act as his security advisor . During Londo's absence from Babylon 5 over the next year and a half, I acted as the Centauri Ambassador on Babylon 5.In January 2261, I accompanied Emperor Cartagia and Londo to Narn for G'Kar's execution. I had conspired with Londo to assassinate the mad Emperor. Through an unintended mishap, my own hand held the weapon that killed Cartagia. I had never killed anyone before, and the event haunted me for years. I even started drinking!!!Londo's efforts to erase the Shadow influence from Centauri Prime led him to execute Mr. Morden. As a gift to me, Londo had Morden's head placed on a pike in the courtyard. I kept my promise and waggled my fingers at the severed head and grinned wildly at it!!
In July 2262, Londo told me that I would become the Centauri Ambassador to Babylon 5, when Londo became Emperor. Londo received an unexpected demonstration of my new strength. When I challenged a Drazi merchant who had planted a bug in my purchase, the Drazi laughed in my face. I returned with a sword, demolished the his stall, and questioned him again. Londo was satisfied that I was ready to be Ambassador.In August 2262, with the war between the Centauri and the Alliance heating up, I became suspicious that the Drazi were not returning bodies from the ships they destroyed. I convinced Dr.Franklin and paid Lyta Alexander to investigate.My suspicions led to the discovery that the Centauri ships were being remotely controlled by Shadow technology.For the next few years I found himself in a difficult position. I was the only Ambassador on Babylon 5 from a government that was antagonistic to the Alliance. During this time I became involved with a number of techno-mages who had taken it upon themselves to help thwart some of the actions of the Drakh. With their help, I stopped an assassination attempt against President John Sheridan.I took more direct action against the Drakh as well. With the techno-mages, I destroyed the Drakh facility responsible for the Shadow death clouds.Over the next several years, I used my ambassadorial position as a cover for my role as the leader of the Legions of Fire, a resistance group that opposed the military buildup of the Centauri Republic.
In January 2278, I brought my resistance fight to a climax.I destroyed the Tower of Power, a huge edifice that had served as the secret center of Drakh power. This revealed the presence of the Drakh to both the Centauri people and the Interstellar Alliance. Now everyone knew that the Drakh were using the Centauri.In the aftermath of my attack and the Drakh's subsequent detonation nuclear bombs across Centauri Prime, Londo met his fate at the hands of G'Kar. With his passing, I became the Centauri Emperor as Lady Morella had predicted.The techno-mages quickly removed the rest of the Drakh's nuclear bombs, and the Drakh made a show of leaving Centauri Prime. However, the battle was not over yet. David Sheridan had been released by Londo and returned to Centauri Prime, but he still had a Keeper. Dr. Franklin determined that the only way to remove it was to kill its controller. Michael Garibaldi and I returned to Centauri Prime, lured Shiv'kala into the open, and ended David Sheridan's captivity.With help from the Interstellar Alliance,I set about rebuilding the devastated Centauri Prime. I imortalized Londo and G'Kar by building giant statues of them on opposite sides of the Centauri capital, standing guard and watching each other's backs.In January 2281, I traveled to Minbar to visit John Sheridan before his death. Upon returning to Centauri Prime, I gave Zack Allan a job as an advisor.