As mentioned,already, I love swimming. I am not much good on ski's,but can swim great!Much prefer fresh water, like lakes, rivers,since salt water irritates my skin. Love to read..specially things with some historical base, even if the book is ficition.
Who I would like to meet, this is a hard thing to decide. If i could go back in time,I think it would be Benjamin Franklin..gotta meet a guy who would sit in his bathtub, playing chess or checkers with his mistress, LOL. Also,some of the great architects and engineers, who designed and built the castles of old. Those are so interesting,with towers,turrets, dungeons,escape tunnels, secet passages..and kitchens with cooking fireplaces big enough to live in! In the here and now, I would choose Colin Powell. I beleive he would be very interesting, his views on life seem very straightforward and normal, in a crazy world. Also, Prez. Jimmy Carter, and Rosalind,they have taken life to the best it can be..working toward making life better for others,when they didn't have to...
Old school, so my kids and grands say. I love the 60's-early 90's..some of the new things,also, though. Don't really care for rap, it seems to me (my opinion ONLY) to be same beats, for all songs, bad language.
Simple things..things that make me laugh. Loved "Cars" both "Ice Age" movies. Love the old Lon Chaney, Vincent Price,Bela Lugosi movies.Werewolves, vampires, big scary things, like in The Raven, or Pit and the Pendulum. My absolute fave, any and ALL of the "Highlander" movies!
Sitcoms, of course, but not all. Like Survivor,but think it has bout run it's course. Lost, of course. Am a major Trekkie, so the Star Treks appeal to me
Anything, except porno stuff. Don't need that,think it is a waste of paper. Other than that, fiction, with some historical background,any country.
General Schwartzkopf ~Colin Powell ~ the men and women who served in the wars, and their families. The men and women who came home from 'Nam to find themselves not heros, but spat on, unwanted people, due to a press corp.that tried to find bad,and ignored good, in actions that were forced on the soldiers by commands of higher ups,sitting safely in the USA. The men and women who are serving, now, in foreign places.