like a lot of music, especially dance, but getting into rock, really like H.I.M, 30 seconds to mars, marlyn manson, went to creamfileds every year, but last year put me off so maybe not again. Work in an office, admin supervisor, have a 10 year old son Dylan, boyfriend of 5 years, Ross. Love Billy Idol, been a fan since I was 14. Love horror films, gory the better, favourite TV, has to be shameless & gimme gimme gimme.Don't go clubbing as much, prefer to have friends round and blast hardcore and have a laugh. Have a best friend Tracey who I have been friends with for over 20 years, work with a nutter called Nic, have a really good laugh with her.Enjoy life to the max, have a lot of good memories raving years ago, fubar, rez etc with my brother stuart. Pregnant now. 5 weeks to go