Mo'Nique is a G!.. Fuck You Skinny Bitches !! profile picture

Mo'Nique is a G!.. Fuck You Skinny Bitches !!

I love New York you know its true. But Baltimore show me hella love so of course i love it back.. No

About Me

I ♥ Music.
Favorite Artists
Tremaine Neverson
All looks aside.Not saying this because he is beautiful Trey Songz is something like a beast. I Love his music man =]
Favorite Shows ....
Law and Order,
music videos,
Fairly OddParents,
Suite Life of Zach and Cody,
That's So Raven, &
Jeez,my List looks pretty bad,all Disney Channel and Nick Lol.
Sadly YouTube and Google Video have become a part of my Life lol. My top searches consist of...
The woman is Idolistic..Mo'Nique
Ok I'm black and I like skateboarding..NEXTTT.Bam Margera is a G!
Bam put me on to Compton ass Terry a few years ago.TK is a beast !
Not the normal girl R&B is Cool BUT DIPSET IS MY LIFE {I'm from NY man..You know i love HipHop}
I LOVE SPORTS..ESPN is what I do lol
I Like Football and Soccer !!
{especially those 3's}
Reggie Bush
Brazil's Adriano Leite Ribeiro
Stephon Marbury
Allen Iverson
Chris Paul
Dwayne Wade
Last Movie Seen on the Big Screen : Stomp the Yard && Dream Girls
A mini-movie for you : The Myspace Movie

My Interests

I'm from New York..I toe-w0p all day..but this is what I get for being around B.O.H Niggas.. I love em Tho..

Yea...I fuckz with Them !!

I'd like to meet:

Synthetic and Jeet Synthetic and Jeet Synthetic and Jeet


My Loved 1’z

My Brotha KaDEEM !!

This boyman here is amazing he is one of the sweetest yet meanest people I know and I am so proud to call him my brother. As odd as it may sound over the years I have become so close to you I believe you actually are my blood and I trust you with every secret my life may hold. You have yet to deceive me and even if we don’t talk on the phone everyday, or see each other everyday I can honestly say you are one person I would not only kill for but die for and I LOVE YOU !!

My Best in the World Timani !!

Over the last 5 years here on long island you have been my best friend. I remember back in 8th grade we really began to talk because we had a project in Ms.Jessup’s science class, I remember talking about JH and all kinds of random stuff. And then I remember that summer where we went from casual hello’s to spending everyday together. You me and Tawana. I can remember when MEB broke my heart with that slut and you were there to listen to my foolish ass cries and insecurities. I can remember when we met Marcel and Rob {Peedi Crakk && White Choklat} and we just thought Marcel was soooooo hot !!, and then he spoke {well didn’t speak} lol. There are soooo many memories to go through its crazy. Kenny and Marcus stealing like 43288 bikes from me, The summer that You, Kenny, Macrus, Tica and Dana lived in my damn house !!...The singing in the study at all hours of the night, sitting on my stoop rapping dancing and acting a fool. So much to go through in so little time. Mike and Momma rolling up on us that night. As I write this I cry because I can recall when we spent damn near 3 or 4 hours a day on the phone,not even speaking about anything serious lol. Remember Adam and crazy ass matt making different voices =], I love you so much its unfathomable and even though I let vlad come between us I’m slowly trying to rebuild the friendship we had. Your still one of the only people I trust with everything I have, own, and care for and I hope that feeling is mutual. You will probably never read this but Goddammit I love you and I have no clue where I would be without you for the last 5 years =/...probably out in front of Parkside slanging crack,or getting shot up with bobby or shit getting locked up for some dumb shit,you bring out the ”dumb girl” in me and as bad as that sounds it saved me and I love you a lot more then you will probably ever know {damn this shit long!...longer then the damn yearbook} =]

The Love of my Life APPLEJackxx !!

Jackie Jackie Jackie, I actually don’t even know what to say, I know personally I thought we would never speak again and I still cry and feel like shit every time I stop and say that because it is my fault. For me to have been mad at you for doing the same things I did was hypocritical and I know in the back of your mind you still have to think about it. I hope that you can truly forgive me for leaving you when everyone else did and I pray that you will never leave me because I know “alone” hurts. But then I smile when I think of the journey we have been through and all the moments we have had. I don’t even know how we got close but I know b2k was the issue lol, whether it be the damn stories or just the fact we both liked them they created a bond that was so extreme we can’t help but still love them. Lol Even if your skin isn’t brown and your hair isn’t 100% afro you are my sister and that’s all that matters {fuck all the boricua shit u are a nigger and Jamy is just gonna have to get over that!!! =] }. I smile as I think of the moments we have had, the boy drama, the b2k stories in chorus, twin day in the damn royal and baby blue fitted and t-shirts, 106 and park a month before the breakup, the concerts, the break-up I had with jasmine r. You were always there for me and always held me down, you might never be able to fight for me but I have faith you would run a hoe over for me lol. Man there is just so much to think of even to this year when we started off just saying hello like strangers and one night of fun and liquor brought us back to what we used to be. This had to be one of the best summers of my life with you Jasmine, Marcel, and Justin and it makes me proud to call yall family. I love the fact that your heart is so pure and I love the fact that you can forgive people for the wrongs they have done you and take them back into your life and I’m so happy to be someone you took back. Even though I haven’t been in much contact over the last 2 months please know its not by choice I have just been having drama with my phone,you know damn well that I cannot live without you now because when I lost that year it made me realize without you and Imani I am incomplete and I don’t ever want to go back to that now that I am whole.

My Other Half YaDaDiBri !!

B.E.M!! My other half... the west to my east, the k to my 9...The A to my E...GiiiiiRL who knew that Scotty could be the root of something good?? Lol. From supporting “Undaride’s oh boi” and “the A’s SO PYRO to being best friends wow lol {THIS IS THE LAST BESTFRIEND I SWEAR LOL} Girl I don’t even know where to start on your shoutout lol. Maybe I will start with the 4deep board , dealing with shit…NO NO NO !!! let me go farther back to when we were apart of kantBkloned.. That was the gayest shit in the world lol,I don’t even know what to call it lol. We really had dreams man lol, remember you me Jelisa and Robyn had the nerve to have a “clique” stay regulatin hoes lol. Remember when my electricity was off for those 2 months and I had the cheap little cord phone, when Courtney-Ann picked up the phone crying giving you the address, I feel like such a pussy because this is the third time tonight Im crying writing someone’s shoutout. You are such a great person EVEN IF U MAKE DUMB ASS DECISIONS IN LIFElike peewee !...but hey I am still here supporting you and being there for you and even though you claim I’m giving you the k9 treatment you know deep down you are my other half as I am yours even if you “beg to differ” girl I love the shit out of your boney ass and when I come to cali AGAIN!!!..we are gonna do it up so lovely =] ..Love u girl

K9.. He Sort of Completes Me !!

I can hate you so much, yet I can’t seem to live without u. Over the years I have spent a lot of time talking to you and a lot of time mad at your disappearing acts.But your still here so obviously you hold a place in my heart. Even though I hate some of the things u say with a passion, or the constant rapping in my ear, you have been a very good friend to me and I love you for that. Whenever I was going through something at home, or just so much as getting into a fight you were always there to calm me down and to keep me smiling whether you were working or clubbing and I thank God for blessing me with you. Down here in MD I don’t talk to you as much but when I come home it’s a wrap =]…To keep yours short and simple I love you and I hope you never fuck it up lol



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Synthetic and Jeet of course! Synthetic and Jeet of course! Synthetic and Jeet of course!

My Blog


Everyone who knows me,knows I must be where the fun is. I'm not chasing you niggas down to tell u where I'm goes the summer plan... IF ITS NOT GONNA BE A SELL OFF.. I'M NOT THERE    ...
Posted by Mo'Nique is a G!.. Fuck You Skinny Bitches !! on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 10:41:00 PST

I'm just Tired...

I'm fucking ready to come back to Bowie. Being home reminds me of how poor I am. Fuck living in a house if the neighborhood is bad, fuck living in a house if niggas can't pay for college, fuck living ...
Posted by Mo'Nique is a G!.. Fuck You Skinny Bitches !! on Sat, 26 May 2007 01:55:00 PST

__________*depressing poetry....

My Floetry I was trying to find something to write then i got bored So decided to sit down and address my flaws It led me down this path of slow reminiscing so just relax sit back while you listen i'...
Posted by Mo'Nique is a G!.. Fuck You Skinny Bitches !! on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 12:50:00 PST

pix from my fone

pix from senior trip my best friend imani..this is the emptiest the halls were all trip lol   everybody's number 1 caucasian...this is my nigga man !! (i wonder if thas my juice elif...fuckin t...
Posted by Mo'Nique is a G!.. Fuck You Skinny Bitches !! on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 08:22:00 PST

Part of me wants to die

I was listening to some song on someones page and it made me think,im a senior in high school dude,I havent done anything in my high school career to really truely be proud of.Maybe im just second gue...
Posted by Mo'Nique is a G!.. Fuck You Skinny Bitches !! on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 10:14:00 PST

R.I.P. K.T

When people die it makes u is mad short,REAL TALK..u see someone and 5 minutes later they could b gone,it doesnt hit you that u will never see them again,never get to apologize for someth...
Posted by Mo'Nique is a G!.. Fuck You Skinny Bitches !! on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 03:06:00 PST


Life hast treated me farely,everything i truley love I lose and what i want i cant get.I have realized tho that i will be 17 this feb.What am i gonan do with my life? thats a whole new blog..This one ...
Posted by Mo'Nique is a G!.. Fuck You Skinny Bitches !! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST