XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com profile picture

XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com

"If you pay attention closely... Life will teach you something valuable everyday. - Xavier

About Me

Go to YouTube.com to see these videos in high quality.

From the very first song constructed in its privately owned studio, Signature Xavier’s main focus has been to please its audience through well produced, high quality, entertaining musical pieces. With well structured factual concepts, SX continues to impress its following. The focal point of their business has been their customers, making sure to provide quality product, quick responses to customer queries, and excellent customer service.

Throughout the history of Signature Xavier they have strived to provide continual entertainment. The future of music lies in the creative ability of producers and artists of today. That being said, it is a continual and necessary process to improve company infrastructure, in which, SX prides itself in.

Visit www.signaturexavier.com frequently to read updates on our company’s progress.

My Interests

The main thing that interests me is... exploring the powerful capabilities of our mind. And not just for business and other things of that nature. Knowing that there are two worlds that surround us, I like to explore the spiritual or what some call supernatural. And I'm not talking about what they teach in churches I'm talking about a deeper understanding of spirits and the influence they have on humanity. It is the one thing man is uncertain about... And I'm determined to learn it, study it, and experience it.

I'd like to meet:

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Even though I produce HipHop and R&B... I really don't like listening to it HipHop that much... I only like dancing to it...lol It's my favorite music to dance to. I'll only play HipHop or R&B if other people are in the car or I just don't turn on the stereo... I normally drive alone in my car so I listen to things that educate me like the Bible on CD, self improvement, psychology CD's, etc. Or when I want to mellow out I'll throw on some jams from artists like Babyface or Brian McKight (think what you want I don't give a rats! I like it! just don't say anything or you'll have problems...) to get my mind ready for going out. I'll even throw on some Classical music if I'm in the mood (I don't know why I like it, I never heard it growing up, I just do... weird hah?)


I like all kinds of movies: fiction, action, drama, suspense, comedy, heck I even like love stories (if the story line makes sense). I love watching movies, it's one of the biggest forms of entertainment for me. Every now and then I'll watch like 3 movies in a row. Usually its when I'm tired of thinking so much and I just need a break from using my brain.


Don't watch TV... If I want to listen to the news I just go online.


I like reading educational books on topics such as: Marketing, building successful businesses, graphic designing, music video production, music producing, music engineering, music mixing and mastering, music industry, music publishing, music law, movie production, movie lighting, writing fiction screenplays, PHP programming, Visual Basic programming, video game programming, and a little of psychology, human behavor, body language, you know learning how, mind works, etc...I got a bookshelf full of these kinds of books... I don't really read for entertainment.


Men of the old and new testaments... reading those letters that were written so long ago and finding out how they lived their lives dedicated to their God... A society that was used by God and had the vindication of God's power... That's amazing! Think about it... the scrolls they found were only letters to each other (not to the world). They weren't trying to convince the world with those letters, they were only intended to reach their friends in other cities for encouragement. It was other people that found the scrolls years later that made a book out of them and built a religion after it. But the original people from the letters spoke to God and He spoke back to them, giving them power beyond this world... Now that's a hero! Nothing like today.

My Blog


Go to YouTube.com to see these's video's in high quality. ...
Posted by XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 03:01:00 PST


Posted by XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 12:05:00 PST

BLISS... Bringing back Fresno’s nightlife

Posted by XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 01:20:00 PST

Vengeance of Jealousy

VENGEANCE OF JEALOUSY A simple argument... ends in death By Xavier              Tonight dinner started later than usual, I was so hungry.&nbs...
Posted by XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 05:54:00 PST

Hawaii’s got me feeling deep

MY THOUGHTS ON LIFE BY XAVIER   What is life worth if its spent chasing the wind. What is the root of lust and where can it's end be found? Who chooses to have pain within, but everything we touc...
Posted by XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 11:42:00 PST


OUR PROMOTING TRACK RECORD          BY XAVIER                  What started off as jus...
Posted by XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 04:57:00 PST

Word For Thought

When will a man ever find fault in himself?  Though all that is his be destroyed by his own ignorance his pride will not let him stop.   When does a man ever look to benefit another mor...
Posted by XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 01:20:00 PST


THE STORY OF AN "ALMOST HEROIC MAN" BY XAVIER      I was taking my normal evening jog down the path next to the cannel that runs through my neighborhood and the night looked promis...
Posted by XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:28:00 PST


THE BIOGRAPHY OF XAVIER SIGNATURE XAVIER                                &nbs...
Posted by XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:34:00 PST

A PASSIONATE MOMENT (for the ladies - long but worth it!)

A PASSIONATE MOMENT BY XAVIER                  A couple of friends and I were at a restaurant, sitting, talking, waiting for our food to...
Posted by XAVIER www.signaturexavier.com on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 12:06:00 PST