The outdoors, crazy weather (storms are freakin amazing), gardening and watching ur creations come to life, MUSIC, drawing (especially weird psychadelic designs ;)), writing about all sorts of nonsense, jamin' with good musicians, madlibs kick ass and always crack me up, hiking, climbing, camping, backpacking. Exotic animals such as lions, tigers, and bears OH MY! No but really, i just love animals, especially my kitty Biggles! Reading either completely fictional stories like Harry Potter or deep, philisophical books that make ur mind question everything. I'm a helpless romantic so i love sentimental things and enjoy simple pleasures. Going for walks, riding my bike, deep discussions on controverisal issues...but most of all, just chillin with good friends that know how to have a good time. There's nothin better than bein with the people u love! :)
A talking cat so he can teach me feline!
The Abyss is a sweet ass movie! Van Helsing. The Sphere. Dangerous Minds. Eye of the Beholder. Charlie and the chocolate factory. Cape Fear. Clockwork Orange. Dumbo. Armagedon. Trainspotting. To End All Wars. Fievel goes west. Dumbo. Braveheart. Requiem for a dream. Lord of War. I *heart* huckabees. The Alien movies. Finding Neverland. Red Dragon & Hannibal. Lord of the Rings, duh. What Dreams may come. Phantom of the opera. Rain-man. i love movies!
Rarely do i sit in front of the tele, i find it boring, but i do enjoy an episode of South Park from time to time ;)
I own a library. hahaha, not really but i have enough books that i could probably start one if i wanted too! In my dream house i WILL have a library with a 30 ft. ceiling, books from floor to roof and i'll need one of those moving latters to get to them all. Oh yes, someday...
My brother James, wise beyond his years. He's like Yoda.