meh? dunoo wattah say bwt myself.. hehehe!! i love watching PBA! certified basketball fanatic!! woooH!! sports layout @ HOT music / movies
i luv surfing d net..aLmost..everyday..d pwedeng indi... checkin egroupz..
hmmm..pEopLe whO makEs my LifE complEtE!! if ur 1 of thEm..aha! swertE moh!!! asyd from Man! hahaha! meet lng naman ah! my reaL friends..around the gLobE!! TextmaTEz..from globe to smarT!! r u one of us? mY idoLz...c'mon... mY buddiEs
music..? as long as okx xa pakinggan..
thE day after tomorrow!! like ds moviE..wala ng.. a certified KAPAMILYA and KABARKADA!! The basketball show rockz on!!
im thinkin of d book of "my Man" d future..courtesy of urz trully..ewL!!
hEroEs..?duh! d man of mY LyF!! 4 me..he s mY hero! nah other dan...