Music, Bimmers, Classic American muscle cars, food, Theme parks, computers, rock shows, Recording sound, and A lot of other damn things that I can't remember.
Whoever is openminded and cool with alot of things that I'm into. I've already got a girlfriend so I'm not looking for any ladies, but I like to entertain (make people laugh etc.) so it's fun to meet lady friends that are cool and interesting just not so flirtly like. I think it would be really cool to meet Mr. Dane Cook, that silly bitch. So yeah, down to meet anyone really as long as they aren't gonna screw me over and kill me or some shiz.
I thinks it time we all met the Myspace underneath the Myspace we know Check out:
I'm just broadening horizons here. I'm going to School to be an Audio Engineer so yeah, I like everything and anything as long as I can take it apart analitically.Check out my 2nd & 3rd Quarter Projects Click Here to Share Your Music
I like horror flix, comedy flix, action flix, fantasy flix, and pretty much anything that I can watch and enjoy with other people
FAMILY GUY, THAT 70'S SHOW, PROPS, McGUIVER(hahahaha JK), DANE COOK(CUZ DANE COOK'S A SILLY BITCH), and whatever I get on Komo4, NBC(ch.5), and KYRO7 Cause I'm a college student who can't afford TV.
Right now I've been readin the classic Hermann Hess book; "Steppenwolf"
This Clock Was Made By Paul W.
i REALLY DON'T HAVE ANY HEROES But I know girls that own a pair or two of Superwoman Panties and that makes me feel really safe does that count? Oh and have you seen the show?! HEROES?! "I WANT THAT!!!! WHY NOT ME!!!"-DANE COOKhahaha these are my heros if I had any.
Get Some Crack
This, This is it!