Henners!!! profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

AOL: XxHennersXx
msn: [email protected]
yahoo: Shotgun_steve1337
icq: 213124121
Facebook: Click Here
LiveJournal: Click Here
Xbox Live: XxHennersXx
Facts About Henry
Facts about Henry. Facts About Henry
Well, I'm Henry. I'm a geek. And that makes me awesome.
Robots make my heart go beep boop.
My world consists of music, movies, cartoons and video games.
I have a bigger video game collection than you.
I will also humiliate you at video games.
You can call me whatever you want, fag, homo, retard, nerd, geek. I've heard it all. Nothing surprises me anymore.
I hate girls that try to stop me from doing what I love (Video games, skateboarding, etc). If you wanna change me - don't even talk to me. If you can't accept me - don't even talk to me.
I don't play guitar, I make horrible noise with a guitar that some people find appealing.
I work at Starbucks.
I will only leave home without my iPod if I forget it and it's too late to go back.
I love the color pink.
I'm confused about just about everything in the world...
I love Hello Kitty.
I hate sleep. More than 6 hours gives me a headache.
I love energy drinks and coffee.
I love computers. I used to fix them as a career, but I came home wanting to punch babies every night.
I know famous people on the internet.
I love Star Wars.
Chances are likely I'm smarter than you. But I won't treat you any different than if you were smarter than me.
If you're nice to me, I'm the sweetest guy in the world and will do everything in my power to help you.
If you're mean to me, I'm the biggest asshole in the world and will do everything in my power to make you miserable.
I like to believe I'm the karma police.
I'm also the hair police. Ugh, flat iron that!
I love the 80's.
I'm sarcastic.
I'm agnostic.
I'm shy to dance.
I will very seldom drink.
I've never smoked anything.
I can no scope you from across the map.
I make silly films.
I was one of those "losers" lined up days in advance waiting for the Nintendo Wii to come out. Oh by the way, I have two Nintendo Wii's. And you have none. VICTORY!
As of writing this, I have no pants on. But for what it makes up, I have boxers and a t shirt that says "1f u c4n r34D Th15 U R mY Dr34m GrrrL." on. But no socks. Defiantly not socks.
I suck at most sports. And I'm okay with that.
In Smash Melee and Brawl, I play Fox. Fear my Fox Trot!
I tend to be pretty ambiguous.
I don't post my journals here anymore, I've abandoned this for that. My LiveJournal

My Interests

Video Games
Guitar Hero
Rock Band
Local bands that don't suck
Independent Films
Indie rock
Horror Movies
Competetive Gaming

This video makes me Tear Up

My friendsMy friends mean everything to me. Without them my slow descent into insanity would have been accelerated to the point of oblivion. They're also there to play Halo and Super Smash Brothers with. But friends are a funny thing...a lot of people have this, group of friends. That has been there their entire life. Or at least since Junior High...or High School. But my friends are different. I never had a set "group" of friends. And the ones that were in that group have defiantly fallen out since. But that's beyond the point. Here's the ones close to my heart...


Charlie. We've been best friends since Summer of 1995. I remember that exactly; you had the same super soaker I did, It was purple and green and you went walking down the first cultdesac. In about 5 minutes we were talking. Then my mom ended up watching you every day after school. From you showing me porn, to our obsessions with Power Rangers, Mortal Kombat, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon. In Junior High we caused so much trouble...too much trouble. Skateboarding from 3 to 10 at night. Stealing Picnic tables to skate on, breaking into places to skate. When we went on a graffiti spree, tagging every place we could...and then almost getting arrested for it. You left when I went into 9th grade, and came back every Summer and practically lived at my house and came back to Washington your senior year. Now we're grown up and in college, the times are different now...but the memories are the same.


Jon. We met at the beginning of Senior Year, and from the get go, there were obvious differences between us. But we quickly saw past the differences and onto the Radness that has kept our friendship going and growing for close to three years now. From Emerald City Comic Con to the oh so wonderful Penny-Arcade Expo... The many late nights playing Halo and Super Smash Brothers. You've done a lot for me Jon, you've changed the way I view certain things. You were a pretty casual gamer (who was good at Halo) when we met, but now you have a Debug Ps1 and just imported DoDonPachi for your imported White Sega Saturn. ^_^ *pinches cheeks* You're growing up so much!


Dude. You're my little brother. And I give you shit...because you're my little brother. No joke. You tried to kill me when I was 12. You're fucking insane. You're slowly getting less and less annoying and better at video games. You think I hate you but I love you, pretty much because I have to. Just like I have to give you shit because you're my brother. You should know this.


Chris. In the short amount of time I've known you, we've had an incredible on and off history of ownage. When I first met you, I dubbed you "Kite Festival". I remember, we were at Bubba's on the trampoline, and Charlie, Corbin, Isaiah, John and I all came in on Roller Blades and Skate boards. We tried talking to you and you had a "KITE FESTIVAL 2002" Tshirt. The next time I talked to you, you had skechers on and told Chace you knew how to Skateboard...you didn't. That was all long and over with however, when you started coming over and we talked about Transformers and Star Wars and obsessed over Animal Crossing. We've been in SO many bands together. I swear to god, just to spite everyone we need to record some stuff under the name Nintendophiles! You've got place in Rocket Science soon as you get that drum set back up. =D The late nights at Kyle's, the amount of pranks and stunts that we filmed! Remember when I set your arm on fire? Or when I went down that hill on that bike specifically to crash into a rock and fall? Were you there when we made a bomb and lit it off in Kyle's back yard? The amount of times we wandered Spanaway at 4 o'clock in the morning. And less we forget PAX! Remember when we just chilled in your garage listening to the 14 Year Old Girls, and we woke up on that air mattress? Last year at PAX we slept on the same futon at Terry's house, and it was totally not gay. Chris, your grandparents are fucking Crazy. And I can't wait until you're in college so you don't have to deal with them anymore.


Kyle. I've known you, no joke, since you were born. We've been friends since. You pretty much had no choice, I lived down the street and am totally awesome. Your house has acted as a refuge from my own insane home. Your parents take me in as their own, and treat me as their son. Your mom got me a job. And as big of a douche as Chace is, he's fucking awesome. I can't think of the times we've had. Basically, just read what I wrote about Chris, Charlie, and Jon. Since you were there for it all too. Sakuracon, PAX, Smash Melee, the mass amounts of bands Chris and I have been in (Remember you said you'd play the Nintendo? Haha!). Your house was the first place I experienced Halo, and cable internet. And when I fought with my parents, your parents made me vegetarian dinner because I was on a no meat binge. The amount of pranks pulled at your house. Rave night! Or when I threw that heavy pillow at Jash, and he went flying into the metal Corner of your wall and passed out for a good 5 minutes! The amount of Penises drawn on Jash as he slept, and Nachos! We replaced the girl I loved with Nachos when it ended between her and I! Dragonforce, Freezepop, Halo, Smash Brothers, Guitar Hero... You go into refuge every few months to veg out and play PSO. You're almost 18 dude. It's going to be a crazy ride, and I'm here for you all the way.

I'd like to meet:

A girl who will trade me mixtapes every week.
A girl who will play her bass while I play my guitar.
A girl who's iPod I can get mixed up with my own and not notice.
A girl who laughs at my stupid jokes when no one else does
A girl I can have goofy face contests with
A girl I can sing along to songs in the car with
A girl who understands my morbid sense of humor and doesn't think I'm insane
A girl I can have shopping cart races at the grocery store with and not be told to "act my age"
A girl I can do nothing with, and it feels like something

I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles In our eyes are mirror images and when We kiss they're perfectly aligned


Ryan 8Bit
8Bit Weapon
14 Year Old Girls
The 32-Bit Handhelds
The Advantage
Agent 51
Alkaline Trio
All Time Low
The All-American Rejects
The Apples in Stereo
The Aquabats
Astral Projection
The Ataris
At The Drive-In
Bad Religion
Basement Jaxx
B.B. Rights
Beborn Beton
Bit Shifter
Black Flag
Blink 182
Black Tape for a Blue Girl
Blood Hound Gang
Bright Eyes
The Cardigans
The Ceasars
The Chemical Brothers
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
The Cynic Project
Daft Punk
Dead Kennedys
Death Cab For Cutie
Alice Deejay
DJ Farm
DJ Metazero
DJ Pretzel
DJ Kaycee
DJ Sammy
DJ StarScream
DJ Tatana
Hilary Duff
The Dust Brothers
Eiffel 65
Elite Force
Elliott The Letter Ostrich
Enter Shikari
Fall Out Boy
Fountains Of Wayne
Franz Ferdinand
Green Day
Ayumi Hamasaki
The Hives
Icon of Coil
Iron Maiden
Jimmy Eat World
Juno Reactor
Mesu Kasumai
Kids In Glass Houses
The Killers
L.A. Style
Le Tigre
The Mae Shi
Marilyn Manson
MC Chris
MC Frontalot
Johnny McGovern (The Gay Pimp)
The Megas
Mindless Self Indulgence
The Minibosses
Kylie Minogue
Modest Mouse
Motion City Soundtrack
The Movielife
Devvyn Murphy
My Chemical Romance
Hideki Naganuma
Name Taken
Nine Inch Nails
Nirvana NoFX
No Use For A Name
Paul Oakenfold
Operation Ivy
Optimus Rhyme
Panic! At The Disco
Scott Peeples
The Pillows
The Planet-Smashers
Plus 44
The Postal Service
The Prodigy
Tito Puente
Quiet Life
Reel Big Fish
Reggie and the Full Effect
Relient K
Rise Against
Robot Goes Here
Samurai Champloo
The Shins
Shiny Toy Guns
The Sex Pistols
The Sounds
Suicidal Tendencies
Suicide Machines
Sum 41
Sunny Day Real Estate
Totally Radd!!
Tube & Berger
Twilight Electric
Ugly Duckling
The Unlovables
The Vandals
The Vapors
VNV Nation
Zombie Nation





Kevin Mitnik
Jhonen Vasquez
Ed Boon
Snake Eyes
Shigeru Miyamoto
Ryu Hoshi
Gabe & Tycho
Steven Spielberg
Quentin Tarantino
George Romero
Darth Vader
Dr. Claw
Lord Zedd

My Blog

The word "artist"

I don't like the word "artist", because the term "artist" is relative to the situation. I prefer the phrase "person who creates things". When you hear the word "artist" you think that that is what the...
Posted by Henners!!! on Sun, 04 May 2008 10:31:00 PST

I’ve come to the conclusion

That I'm pretty much dead on the inside.And yet, I've never felt so alive.
Posted by Henners!!! on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 05:42:00 PST

Top 5 Celebritie I think will Die this year

1. Nicole Richie2. Britney Spears3. Patrick Swazie4. Farrah Fawcett5. Tony Snow
Posted by Henners!!! on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:31:00 PST

There are rules for mixtapes

To me, making a tape is like writing a letter  there's a lot of erasing and rethinking and starting again. A good compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do. You've got to kick off with a cork...
Posted by Henners!!! on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:20:00 PST


HonestlyI wish I knew what was going onI never have any ideaI'm always in the darkI second guess myselfI miss my chancesOpportunity only knocks onceLife comes at you hardthe world is endingwe are all ...
Posted by Henners!!! on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 12:28:00 PST

Memory Lane!

Oh joy....
Posted by Henners!!! on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:35:00 PST

hurk, bleh.

weird.pretty much sums up the last 2 days...m/ Homework and Iron Maiden time.
Posted by Henners!!! on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 07:39:00 PST

Its my christmas list betches!

pictures link you to where you can buy it ^_^Astro Gaming Headset+Mixer$250.00Samsung 906BW 19-Inch Digital/Analog Widescreen LCD Monitor (Black)$201.44 Skelanimals Black And White Kit Cat Hoodie size...
Posted by Henners!!! on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 01:49:00 PST

Summer time wrap up

It's almost the end of summer, and with the end of this summer comes the end of many things for me. Thing's such as PAX, a relationship, and most importantly...the end of Red Vs Blue. This series has ...
Posted by Henners!!! on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 04:44:00 PST

The Neo-Geo

Anywho, despite being in not the greatest of moods to the point of calling in for the first time EVER to work, the quest for the Neo-Geo arcade machine was about to begin!google mapsFirst stop: Spokan...
Posted by Henners!!! on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 10:36:00 PST