Mike profile picture


Aparently, I have a sleeping disorder. ;)

About Me

Wuts up.. I have officially lost my fuckin mind lol hahahah.. i love to party, thats a given... i do it the right way though. Im going to be a civil servent for a long time and thats the plan for the future.. relationships are cool as long as the "M-Word" is NOT involved! Usually im down for any crazy adventure, life threatning situations are awsom bc i love the rush, for example.. i plan to go sky diving at least 500 times in my ife.. outbaking, basejumping, swiming with the sharks, anything to get that feeling and overcoming is the best... Hopefully i will meet that one women out there that is on the level, until then... i beliefe Living Life is what i should do. I Love to travel and I want to travel to so many places... MIAMI San Diego Florence -I Love the Giants Baby!!

My Interests

If you want to get to know me just ask, I'm not shy at all.

I'd like to meet:

"; I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


Anything goes here.. i Love all music


Its kinda broing and repetative, haha of corse i Love ESPN though..


I acually like to read, although people may not think it, i jsut havent had the time lately. :P


Brian Urlacker is the Man!