Marine Corp Ball 07 Kings Bay Georgia Proposal... Brandon Proposed to me at the ball... WOWI love sports im very competive.. Basketball, Softball, Field Hockey, and Volleyball are my sports i played soccer too but it was'nt my greatest sport. Other than that i love to go to the movie, take nice loong strolls on the beach, romatic dinners, flowers, shop especially for shoes and clothes.. Theres one thing i want to do in life is to design my own house which would be perfect.
I would to meet the rest of Brandon's Family, God and thank him for forgiving him of all my sins and to watch over my baby and the rest of his brothers and sister that are apart of any armed forces... Marines, Navy, Army, Coast Guard, Air Force! God Bless to all those who are oversea's...
Country and pretty much everything else.
I no almost every movie or ive seen almost every movie.. so there u go.
I love TV
5 people you meet in heaven, Lonely Bones, Davanci Code..
Daddy-Tom Mommy-Aneita Brother- Thomas Sister- Beth Boyfriend- Brandon Cousin, Uncle's and Grandfather who also served in the United States Marine Corps Jay Wiess- USMC Tommy Ciota-USCG David Parker- USN Alex S- soon to be USMC Everyone who is apart of any armed forces, stay safe and god bless to you and you loved ones.