i TakE a bReaK.. i sMoKe..
ppoL cOnTainiNg sTuPidiTy oN TheiR mEnTaLiTy siMiLar To mine. hU kNo hOw To hAnG BouT TiL dA cRacK oF dAwn w/ noThiN buT a nOnsEnSe oF ThoUghTs rUnNinG iN oNes cRaniUm eN puT iT inTo acT deN eAch onE wiL LaF ouT LyK dErs nO a nEw dAy wiL coMe uP To.ppoL noThin mUch iN pOsSesS. jUz TheiR noT sO hEaLThy fuNcTioniN boDy w/ iTs inTeriOr pArTs bcoz oF soMe sUbsTancEs daT TheiR TakiNg iN. iTs saTisfAcTorY Tho.pPoL mAkinG cHoicEs ouT oF ThiN aiR aFTerWarD wEn eVerYboDy aPproVeD. nO neEd To ThiNk jUz waT dA heCk! weL kiCk-ofF daT sEc.ppoL daT canT bE iN diS worLd LacKinG buBbLes iCe boTTLes oR caNs eN dA LighTheaDed sEnsATion aT dA saMe TimE aS uR eyEs haPpeniN To eXpeRienCe wEighTy eN uNconScioUsLy ur TonE TurN ouT To bE eArsPLiTTing dEn uL reaLizE iT onCe sOmeoNe yeLL aT fRoM dA nEighBorhOod. deN pasT a miN oR TwO oF giGgLin eN pOinTin huS misTakE waS daT. uL dO iT agAin.i sPeaK To u. i cOmE To aN enD. iL LiE doWn w/ maH oWn bLooD.~noSebLeeDing:kAkaiNggLes~
'ThE aNonYmoUs aLcoHoLic'~ you walk in the room the folks are all there with glasses in hand but you can't take the band bo you head for the bar the barman's well stocked he knows where you're at he offers a drink but you can't take none of that everybody's having fun so why be the one who's out in the cold it's not good enough you made a deal with yourself you said you'd never take another drop your craving's big, your livers shot you'd give a million for a solitary drop you take your first belt it tastes like pure hell the second one drops intentions are shot well you think you might as well you take another sip you get to likin' it the music sounds hip so you head for the floor well you step out on the dance floor and you grab at your boss's wife you've been longing to hold her close for the whole of your working life and the band played on move your ass well your hostess is lookin' mad as your hands start to wander and your boss is gonna get you now he's gonna put you six feet under you get walked out the door and your feet don't touch the floor you're never gonna see `em no more the dawn starts to break your heads a big ache you're lyin' in bed you're back from the dead and your mouth feels like old leather never do it again everyone was havin' fun but you were the one kicked out in the cold you slept in your clothes you let `em down down at the club you know your confidence got to take the rub your boss is sore you've had your chance he says he never wants to see you again don't wanna see you again you've got to dry out the boys have found out it's the end of the line but it's martini time so you head for the bar~
cOnsTanTinE.. ~ oNe sEc iN hEre TaKes a LifeTiMe iN heLL.. ~ ThE cLasSic.. mY sAssY gurL.. wiNdsTruCk.. ~mAraMenG TaLamaTs kE cuKi dA puKi :D~
wiLD bOyZ ~yEaH dUdE~ .. pUnk'D.. diSmiSseD.. giLmOrE giRLs.. wiLL anD gRaCe.. sPonGeBob sqUawEpAnTs.. sTwAnGebwEw ~aPiw.. aPiw..~.. wAzZuP waZzuP ~mAwWy mE aRcHiE~.. viVa La bAm ..m/..
hArRy pOTTer 1, 2, 3, 4, anD 5.. inTeRviEw wiTH jK.. sPonGebOb sQuaRepAnTs..
pETer pArKeR.. cLarK kEnT.. mErMaiD mAn.. bArNicLe bOy.. taMa bA? taMa bA? wEheHe!