comedy writing, comedians, drinking with friends, films, lenny bruce, marxism, observing, people watching, redheads, philosophy, quips, satire, sarcasm, second hand stores, smartass comments, stand up comedy, stories, writing
I know this might sound shallow but I am really only interested in getting friend requests from dozens of local shitty bands and internet cam whores.
Film noir, The Big Lebowski, Mel Brooks, Fritz Lang, The Coen Brothers, Sam Fuller, Wes Anderson, John Cassavetes, Robert Towne, Antonioni, Kurosawa, Robert Altman, Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, Sam Pekinpah, Jim Jarmusch.
I'm prone to seeing something on the screen and ranting about for twenty minutes.
Lord of the Flies, Catch-22, Kerouac, Kesey, Burroughs, Burgess, Orwell, Salinger, Phillip Roth, David Sedaris, Dylan Thomas, Dostoyevsky, Irvine Welsh, Chuck Klosterman
Groucho Marx, Bill Hicks, Dave Attell, Lewis Black, and Mitch Hedberg