poker on line and live,walking the dog sometimes for days alchol and scrabble usally together,starting an interest in astrology and astronomy(the stars).
i dont care who talks to me.i like open minded none judgemental people but as i say not fussy
Everthing.Depending on mental health.The deeper the better
loved beutiful minds last film i watched could realy relate think johnei dep is great and looking forward to new pirattes.twelv monkeys is probly my favourite film,like films that make u think think english films are best
watch east enders sometimes not rely a tele addict
used to like philosophy books but when i was reading lao sue he said the man of calling should do the opposite of learning and i havn't bothered since plus ne chi was a bit too much.i still enjoy a good novel now and again
kind of worship insects think i should worship women more but whos the daddy kind of worshiped my dad as a kid but dont we all