music,gigs,acting,sport,travel...mmmm sydney..mmmm new york....mmmm the,gin,vodka,special cocktails Tanya style,spending time with my girls,drinking,surrfffiinnnggg love it, the sunshine, cold mornings with bright sun,jumping out of planes,jumping of high things with a big elastic band tied to my feet,tattoos on hot bods,wooly jumpers,,theatre ermmm infact just everything....most things interest memspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" enableJavaScript="false"
What apart from the man of my dreams...yeah right....erm....Anyone that can add a little something to my life..... I am all about learning more about everything!If I could though Jimi H would be a start for sure just for his pure determination and passion.
indie..rock, anything that grabs my attention from Jeff Buckley to The streets totally love Jimi Hendrix..the experience..everything...Bob dylan...Pink Floyd..The Mull Historical Society..Lenny Kravitz..(mmmmm)Death Cab.. postal service....the who....the beatles...the stones...Ian brown..Hard-fi....bright eyes...rod and gab...beth orton....Kings of Convenience..Rufus and Martha Wainwright..bedouin soundclash..nirvana..the killers, ben folds, goo goo dolls,eels,majik,jimmy eat world...errrr..tom mcrae..the name but a few...oh and listen to Liam Frost he rocks!
all films from girly chick flicks to action thrillers and everything inbetween but I'm a particular fan of resevoir dogs,quadrophenia,anchor man,old school, everyhting is illuminated (its all about my roots..yeah!)blue crush,50 first dates,garden state,Dr Zhivargo,taxi driver,candy and most recently little miss sunshine
havent seen any tv for the last 6 months cos i have been travelling but honestly you cant beat monging out in front of the tv even if its only neighbours but family guy and the simpsons are sure to cheer me up...everyone needs a little colour in their life
any plays,the time travellers wife,Jimi Hendrix biography room full of mirrors, millions of pieces,acid house, harry degree was english literature so i would write most of the stuff i studied but a lot of it is long and way to boring to mention
everyone that inspires family and friends....a little kid selling fruit in bali....jimi hendrix (read the biography)..anyone who is determined enough to live life to the full