I love Dungeons and Dragons, one might say I am addicted. I play many characters.... Silveela, is a spanish born Human, and a seer to a Norman king, based in medieval times, no magic.....Chhaya is a Xeph Soulknife, called the Chosen, and meant to stop the evil of Verangers stead....Tiazen, My human girl, who died in two minutes of game time, and became a Tremere Vampire ( the best clan ever )......Runestone, 1/2 elf Frost mage, searching for her twin brother and lastly, Phouka, my Faerie Druid, who is scouring the depths of the underdark. I also love the Medieval Society, with the Honour, Chivlary, and Ettique that it entails. My Name within the Society is Anastasia Daysshe. ( My Device/Arms is above ) I am the Barony of Seagirt's ( Victoria ) Dance Mistress. I teach Medieval Dance, almost Every Tuesday night. ( newcomers welcome. ) Faeries, are a big part of my life as well, and all things that the fey entails. They are always about, guiding me with joy and love. I am wiccan and everything that it entails. We all have our own religions, I will accept you and yours and expect as much in return. I love to curl up and read a book, or draw and doodle out characters, or walls that I am going to paint.
All the good Aligned Faeries. Drew Barrymore, Catherine Zeta Jones Orlando Bloom. My Miro.Somethings are not always the same, on the other side of the glass.But a glimse into my mental mind smiles. A dream, just a dream.
I am an 80's girl, but I do listen to other music, mostly what pulls at my soul. Medieval music, Gentle natured songs, but with spunk, and words to sing to.To all you rap creators, I am sorry, I do not like it, not do I care for metal, or songs, that you cannot understand what they are saying.Chuyen Tinh My Chau
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Fantasy based, Ever after, Dangerous Beauty, Lord of the rings, Pirates.
Charmed, thats it, dont ever really watch TV
All fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons, Thrillers, Archie comics
my hero, hmmm, this might be a tough one, I would have to say, it would be Elminster of Faerun. for he raised 7 daughters, and is still alive to tell about it .