ze Demented Kitten profile picture

ze Demented Kitten

Turn yourself upside down. Do it now! Now let all the blood rush to your brain. Then, stand up quick

About Me

Okie dokie, I was going to just put the same old stuff I always put on EVERY site, but Poopy said 'Write! Write!'. Now I have to.
How Long Can You Hold It?

My time was somewhere around:
45 minutes and 17 seconds!
I was born long ago. February 24th, 1986 at midnight...to be exact. I had an...interesting life. I was a child prodigy, my mother hated me, my sister tormented me...your standard fucked up scenario. I used to write...all the time. Books upon books. I read constantly as well. Now I'm lucky if I write a poem or two. I went through life angry. Furious really. I would take it out on others...some deserved it, some didn't. Later on, I learned other, somewhat more productive, ways to cope. But to this day, my first emotion in any negative situation is anger. It's a defense mechanism. Which is why I come off as a being a bitch.Okie you got me! I am a bitch. Things I cannot abide are:
People who type in all CAPS
Ppl who type like dis
0r p30pl3 w40 7yp3 l1k3 7h15
Child beaters/molesters (I'm after you)
People who are cruel to animals
Smelly things
My face being covered up
And more than likely You. I don't like many people.
I am no goody two shoes, I am not a saint, I am not sweet, and I am not your average whore. I can be very open with people, but if I give you my trust and you betray me...you will never get it back.
I'm not really on Myspace to meet people. I'm on here to stay connected with people I already know. I don't want to hook up with you, I don't want to meet you, I don't like you.
No offense...
My favorite things (addictions) in the world are:
Subway (I love it MORE than chocolate)
Ego Trips
Random sites (Myspace, OkCupid, CherryTap, ModelMayhem, Flickr)
Flickr. I am a Flickr whore.
As you can see I am kinda vain. Deal with it.
I'm not quite sure what else to write in this box. I doubt anyone even reads this stuff...

My Interests

Hiking, rock climbing, writing, drawing, photography (duh), reading, talking, traveling, cuddling, cooking, playing doctor, lemons, Subway!, cats, dogs, snakes, rabbits, ferrets, monkeys and contemplating the universe.

I'd like to meet:

Aliens. The Boogeyman. The munchkins from The Wizard of Oz. Satan and God (if either exists); a nice little conference would be kinda cool. Can you imagine? Shrek. Kitty cats. My fairy godmother...



Everything but country and polka...Staind, NIN, TOOL, H.I.M, Disney songs, Stephen Lynch, O.A.R., Enya, India Arie, Pink, Veggie Tales, Evanessence, Tori Amos, Mazzy Star, Lorenna McKennitt, Erika Badu, Guns and Roses, Jack Johnson, Nightwish, Norah Jones, Pink Floyd, Ray Stevens, Fiona Apple, Dream Theater, Infected Mushrooms, Savage Garden, Celine Dion, Madonna, Alanis Morrisette, Nelly Furtado, Japanese Flute, Namaste, Disturbed, Apocalyptica, and anything else that's not country or polka.


Muppet Treasure Island, Evil Dead Trilogy, Aeon Flux, RENT, What the BLEEP Do We Know?, What the BLEEP Do We Know? Down the Rabbit Hole, The Elegant Universe, Son of the Mask, Hostel, Spirited Away, Anastasia, Barbie's Princess and the Pauper, Happily Never After, Shrek 1-3, 28 Weeks Later, The Reaping, Ratatoullie, Labyrinth, Pan's Labyrinth, Saw III, Happy Feet, Surfs Up, The Elegant Universe, Meet the Robinson's, Harry Potter, etc.


Er I rather enjoy cartoons and comedies, but I don't really watch T.V...




Nina Conti, Jeff Dunham, and anyone else that brings laughter into this world.

And Scott: WwW.Myspace.com/Fictive07 ~ I think I should get a mention for being your best friend with a penis and all...up to you though.

My Blog


Cylly: odd convo eh?tim_shady_55: loltim_shady_55: you know what, though, I'm a Christian...granted I don't go to church anymore or read the Bible but I still have the faith and I still pray.....and...
Posted by ze Demented Kitten on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 12:30:00 PST


Devils Dictionary:Delusion n.The father of a most respectable family, comprising Enthusiasm, Affection, Self-denial, Faith, Hope, Charity and many other goodly sons and daughters. All hail, Delusi...
Posted by ze Demented Kitten on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 07:51:00 PST

What I hate.

I am getting sick and tired of all the people who do the whole 'gangster' thing. You know what Im talking about! The hand thing....I see it EVERYWHERE!  And most of these people have never had a...
Posted by ze Demented Kitten on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 11:11:00 PST

I got bored one night...

.dlike_banner img, a.dlike_banner { padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; } .dlike_banner table, .dlike_banner tr, .dlike_banner td, .dlike_banner img, .dlike_banner a { padd...
Posted by ze Demented Kitten on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 12:37:00 PST

Principia Discordia

"How I Found Goddess and What I Did to Her When I Found Her"As Revealed to Malaclypse the Youngerv0.23h; Formatted by [email protected] All Rights ReversedINTRODUCTION by Kerry Tho...
Posted by ze Demented Kitten on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 05:59:00 PST

Youve been tagged! Pass it on!

TRUTH OR DARESo here's the deal.You get to ask me THREE QUESTIONSno matter how crazy, silly stupid, or just plain old random,and I promise to answer it100%truthfully.(thats the truth part)Now I get t...
Posted by ze Demented Kitten on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 09:42:00 PST

My Supcast----audio blog

Posted by ze Demented Kitten on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 11:58:00 PST

Sex Toys Anyone?

I thought since others were making wish lists I would too. I'm moving so this can be my house warming wish list...a naughty one...Thing is...I'm going to have a roommate...so I need something quiet....
Posted by ze Demented Kitten on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 06:42:00 PST

Hmmm...I thought I would be MORE abnormal....grrrr

You Are 32% AbnormalYou are at medium risk for being a psychopath. It is somewhat likely that you have no soul. You are at high risk for having a borderline personality. It is very likely that you are...
Posted by ze Demented Kitten on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 07:57:00 PST