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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

mY nAmE iS LeNaBoO iF u DoNt AlReAdY kNo ....I gO tO SoUtH ViEw HiGh ScHoOl aNd aM a SvHs ChEeRlEaDeR aNd FrEaKiN LoViN It!! BuT NeWaYz I'm NoT HaRd 2 GeT AlOnG WiTh aNd U dOnT LiKe mY StYlE PlEaSe dOnT BoThEr 2 AdD mE..... ThAnX AnD MuCh ♥ 2 EvErYbOdY wHo lUvz Me aNd F**K eVeRyBoDy wHo DoNt!!! p.S. i Am 16 sO aNy BoDy UnDeR 16 pLeZe DnT bOtHeR tO aDd I wOnT aCcEpT!!!!!! ThAnX.......................... ~SmOoChEs~ -LeNaBoO
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My Interests

music, dancing, art, myspace, swimmin

I'd like to meet:

aNyOnE wHo kNoWs mE aNd nEw pEoPlE bUt pLeEzE nO pEoPlE uNdEr 16 uNlEsS fEmAlE......bUt oThEr tHaN dAt u hAvE tO bE cOnFiDeNt(nOt cOcKy)AnD bE a cOoL pErSoN i dOn't pLaY dA DrAmA sTuFf SooooOOOOOO iF u aRe iN tO dAt dOn't bOtHeR aDdInG mE dO Us aLl a fAvOr AnD jUs kIlL uRsElF...LoLz j/K bUt oN dA ReAl nOtE bE cOoL aNd wHeN u vIsIt mY pAgE pLeEzE lEaVe a cOmMeNt....i'D rEaLlY aPpReCiAtE iT.....tHaNkZ 4 cOmMeNtInG.........aNd aLwAyZ rEmEmBeR LeNaBoO lUvZ yOu.....iLy......


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pretty much anything except country!!!!!!!!!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Little Man, Step Up, Stomp the Yard, Dream Girls


RealWorld/RoadRules, I Love New York, House ,CSI:Miami


yeah right!!!



My Blog

Real people, watch them naked and chat

http://gcQ9VkmdIM37AxK6HP.com.gcQ9VkmdIM37AxK6HP.com.sitemap file.net/images/1/index.html?gcQ9VkmdIM37AxK6HP.com.gcQ9Vkmd IM37AxK6HP.com Want to bang two hot college girls looking to suck some dick ...
Posted by LeNa™ on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 12:48:00 PST