Yeah, I got some.
Tallyhooers, Lousabouts, and people who only use words from the coal-mining days or yore...
Neil Diamond. Nick Diamonds. My Brightest Diamond. & Nas.
Blue Planet. Seriously. This is THE best oceanic documentary footage ever. The most intense scene goes like this: A two-ton Orca ("killer whale") beaches itself in order to grab a cute little seal. A minor struggle ensues. The whale, clasping its' prey between its jaws, drags the seal out to sea where it catapults the seal 50 feet into the air with its tail. Flinging it from side to side with its’ powerful jaws, the seal puts up a good fight, but ultimately cannot withstand the force. The whale has no interest in eating the seal and it appears to have caught it for a) fun and b) to teach its' offspring how to hunt. Sure, it’s kind of sad, but damn it if it doesn’t make for fantastic footage!
Curb. The Office. Simpsons. Discovery Channel. Telemundo.
Thompson, Eggers, Safer Foer, Vonnegut, Joyce, Schultz, Albini, Jung, Kafka
Jim Henson and Jack Kerouac