mrz. trotter profile picture

mrz. trotter

I thank god for blessing me with a beautiful family

About Me

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My Interests

A Accurate
N Nice
G Glorious
I Innocent
E Eccentric
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
My True Colors
What is your nickname? angie or slymm
What is your favorite color? baby blue
How many langauges can you speak/understand two
Are you a virgin? no
How many people have you had sex with? can u keep a sercret....i can too
Do You have any children? 1
Are you a gossiper? sometimes
Do people gossip about you? prolli dont doubt it
How many times have you physically fought? twice..
Have you ever been jumped? naw
Ever jumped anybody? naw
Have you ever been cheated on? yea
Ever done the cheating? yea a lil bit here an there
Honestly... ever been the other woman/man even if not by purpose? yea
Ever fought over a girl/guy? hell naw
Do you think your attractive? yea
Do you have sex appeal? yes
Do you like having sex? who doesnt
Do you go to school? yes
Ever skipped school? yes
Ever wrote graffiti in a public bathroom? no...borin
Ever dance in front of your mirror? yes
Sing in the shower? yea
Ever Went comando(no underwear)lol? no
Ever gave the finger? all da time
Ever done anything with the same sex? no
Ever been in love? still is
Ever been obsessed? yes
Did you anserw all these ? truthfully?? yea


I'd like to meet:

First Name: Angela
Middle Name: Felicia
Birthday: November 13
Eyes: brown
Hair: Black
Fav color: baby blue
Day/Night: night
Fave Food: steak and potato
Do you ever wish you had another name? all da time
Do you like anyone? yes
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? mica
Who's the loudest? christina
Who have you known the longest of your friends? mica,netty, and christina
Who's the shyest: netty
Are you close to any family members? stephanie
When you cried the most: when im mad
What's the best feeling in the world: when im wit my boo
Worst Feeling: bein away from him
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's run through: da woods
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: feeling
Where did all the: drinks go
&..39;Why can't you: ' b more like me
Silly, little: baby
Tell me: your fantasy
Ran away from home: no
Pictured your crush naked: yea......seen it 2
Skipped school: couple of times
Broken someone's heart: sorry
Been in love: &..39;
Cried when someone died: yea
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yea
Done something embarrassing: yea
Done a drug: hell naw
Cried in school: no
Your Good Luck Charm: asya
Person You Hate Most: dis BITCH i know
Best Thing That Has Happened: became a mommy
Ice Cream: vanilla
WHO Makes you laugh the most: my friends
Makes you smile: my boo
Has A Crush On You: t-byrd
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: yea
Fallen for your best friend?: no
Made out with JUST a friend?: yea
Kissed two people in the same day?: no
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: no......nasty
Been rejected: . yea
Been in love?: still is
Been used?: yea
Done something you regret?: yea
Cheated on someone?: yea
Been called a tease: yea
You touched?: asya
You talked to on the phone?: mica
You hugged?: asya
You instant messaged?: t-byrd
You kissed?: asya
You yelled at?: my sista
Who text messaged you?: t-byrd
Who broke your heart?: donte
Who told you they loved you?: t-byrd

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Boyfriend Survey
Your Name:: angie
Your Age:: 20
His Name:: t-byrd
His Age:: 19
Your Birthday:: 11-13-86
His Birthday:: 2-26-87
Did you meet?: threw friends
Long have you known each other?: almost 3years
Long have you been together?: going on 3 years
Much do you love him?: i love him so much it hurts
Did he first tell you he loved you?: ova the phone
Said I love you first?: he did
Kissed who first?: i did
Asked who out?: he did
Did you meet??: at my crib
Was your first date?: at the mall
Did he first tell you he loved you?: in the car
Did he first hold your hand?: at the mall on our first date
Did you have your first kiss?: in the elevator
Did you meet him?: january something
Did you start going out?: feb. the 19
Did you first kiss him?: dont remember
Did he tell you he loved you?: when we almost broke-up
Did you last see him?: 2 days ago
Where?: at his place
was the last thing you told him?: i love him
why??: cause i do
is different about him?: he's always there when i need him
Is the worst argument you've had?: bout child support
Is the sweetest thing he's ever done for you?: when i was sick he came and toke care of me
Is the sweetest thing he's ever told you?: that he couldn't live with out me
Do you love most about him??: the love he has for me
Have you met his parents?: yes
Do they like you??: they love me
Has he met your parents?: yes
Do they like him??: they accept him
Does he like your parents??: he accept they
Does he have any siblings?: yes
If so... how many??: 5
Do you love him?: with all my heart
Does he love you??: always
Is he older or younger?: younger
By how much?: 2 months
Is he taller or shorter?: we are the same height
Do you guys have a favorite song?: anything by bobby valintino
Do you still kiss a lot?: every time we see each other
Have you ever woken up together?: many times
When?: 2 mant to count
Have you ever cried for him?: yes
Have you ever done anything for them?: yes
If so... what??: one time i bought him this amp that he wanted
2 words to describe him...: fine and caring
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TO DA LUV OF LIFEhey baby wuz up. me nothin jus thinkin bout u like always and i kno u doin da same. i just wanted to let u kno that iluv u so much and that u mean da world to me. cant no other nigga can take my heart away from u. i will always cherrish u for bein there fo me and helpin me create a beautiful little girl (ASYA LARIYE TROTTER).well ima make dis short so jus kno that i deeply deeply luv u and i will never leave my boo, T-BYRD