iiM StiiLl L-ToWnS FyNeSt!!!! "iiTs DiiMpLeS& profile picture

iiM StiiLl L-ToWnS FyNeSt!!!! "iiTs DiiMpLeS&

I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

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I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone that knows what they want in life.I want to meet people that are real about whatever they are talking about, Not people that like to play games or hate. I dont have time for childish games anymore we on that grown up shit. Other then that it really doesnt matter who I meet!! This is My DeOnDrE from Freeport you know Cuz.. LOL But yea he got my back to the fullest like I got his man..We go back like to cadillacs on 2 flats but we still rolling..NA this my nigga

This iis a new piic ii took on Thanksgiving with my fine ass lil cousin Domo!! Lol for all you beezy's out there that are interested just hit me up and ii will put in a word for you!! HolLa


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WoW riGhT NoW iF YoU dOnT kNow YOu ShoUlD KnOw ThAt PlaTiNuM Is ThE bEsT LoCaL GroUp iN SaCrAmEnTo...If YOu dont KnoW StEp YoUr GamE uP anD FinD oUt!    ThiS is my FrEsH oUt tHE HoSpItAl aFtEr GeTtInG My WiSdOm TeEtH PuLlEd...DaMn it huRtS LIkE a BiTcH BuT My BaBy tOoK CaRe OF ME!!! LoL AnD MoSt Of AlL I gOT tO ThAnK JoSh FoR SiTtInG tHErE tHrOuGh alL thE ScReAmInG I wOuLDnT dO iT!!!


   JaNaE JaNaE JaNaE....GiiRl WhAt CaN ii Say ABoUt YoU?? WeLl....ii lOve ThE HeCc ouT Of my LiiL SiiS NaEnAE!!! My LiiL SiiStA..SOPHiiSTiiCATED, iiNDiiViiDUAL,STRiiViiNG,TO ACHEiiVE!! ii CaN DiiG ThAt CuZ thATs ExAcTly WhAt yOu aRe..MaN iiM NoT GoiiNg tO LiiE wE HaVe BeEn ThRouGh SooO sO MuCh BuT wE tOo StRoNg tO LeT ShiiT BrEaK uS DoWn..We BeTtEr ThEn thAt aNd ii LoVe YoU...MaN YoU wiiLl aLwAyS Ce My LiiL SiiS No MaTtEr wAt YoU BrAnDeD yOuR plAce iiN My heARt...We'Ve HavE sOmE Of THe fUnNiiEsT TiiMes ToGeThEr MaKiiN DaNceS, WaTChiiN PeOplE GeT hiiT iiN tHE HeAd WiiTh An EgG By a mOviiN CaR!! LoL "RaE" YoU knOw ii LoVe yOU tOo..buT GiiRl ii Love yoU ThAt AlL thAt MaTtErS SiiS!!    JaRaE....My LiiL CuZzO...MaN DiiD ii TelL YoU ThAt We Go? Na CuZ yOu AlReADy KnOw...BuT yeA ThiiS My OnE oF My FaVoRiiTe CoUsiiNs On mY DaDdiiEs SiiDe yoU KnOw ii OnLy GoT 2 oF thOsE..LoL DoNt TeLl JeD oR DaNte!! LoL Na BuT We haVe BeEn ThRouGh iiT aLl anD YoU wErE aLwAyS TheRe RoBeRt,thE CenTeR,MoNeY, GiiRl whAteVeR iiT wAs YoU wEre thErE anD YoU weRe oN iiT..MaN JaRaE ii juST GoT tO AsK yOu a QuEsTiiOn HoWs ThAt HeAD FeEl? (EgG) LoL ii Am PlaYiiN!! Lol ThAt WaS A GoOd LaugH tHouGh yOu HavE tO aDmiiT iiT!! MaN wE'Ve haD FuN TiiMeS wAtChiiN MoViEs,TryiiN tO MaKe OuR oWn MuSiiC ViiDeOS Or T.V ShoWs..MaN ThoSe WeRe tHe DaYs aND ii MiiS thEm ANd YOu CaLl Me...ii LoVe yOU liiL CouSiiN FoR rEal anD JuST KnOW thAT ii WiiLl aLwaYs Ce hErE!!    TiiNa TiiNa MaH Chii'cCa....GoOrUlLe WhAt iiT dOoKy..ThiiS CHiiCc RiiGHT HeRe aNd Me HavE BeEn DoiiNg iiT..ThiiS iiS onE oF My GeMiiNii TwiiN PaRtNeR iiN CriiMe TyPe FiiGgA...DiiG ThAt!! MaN HoEs HaTe ON Us CuZz We Are ThE StRaiiGht DeFiiNiiTiiOn Of SoME ShOwStOPpaS AnD ThEy KnOw iiT!! buT We LoVe ThE HaTe iiT KeEpS uS MoTiiVaTeD AnD MoViiN WiiTh ThE DaY...CuZz We HaVe TO StAy ShiiTt'N On YoU...iiTs CoOo THoUgH CuZz Ya'Ll hOeS aiiNt ShiiT aNyWaY!! DiiG iiT oR GeT WiiT iiT!! DuEcEs Up ii LoVe Ya SiiS!!!



ii DiiD iiT

All I can say is all the books I have read the past years got me this..And I am happy for that Diploma..I dID it!!    Aryka,Jenny,Star,And CraZy asS Felicia


Th!s Is @ P!cTuR3 Of M3 @nD M@h Gr@nDp@(mY HeRo) On My B!rThDay In MiSsOuRi..It W@s HeLl@ FuNny..DaMn Th@t H@t W@s HeLl@ [email protected] CoUlD H@v3 Di3d Y@ KnOw...

My Blog

My MaN

HeY EvErYbOdiiE....WhAt iiT Do>? Me FiiNe ChiiLl'N LiikE a ViiLliiAn FeEliiN MySeLF SomEThiiNg ViSoUs..DiiG iiT!! LoL..Na BuT yA GiiRl ReCenTlY GoT SnAtcHeD uP AND SwEpT oFf HeR FeEt..ii MeAN ii FoUnD...
Posted by iiM StiiLl L-ToWnS FyNeSt!!!! "iiTs DiiMpLeS& on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 04:15:00 PST


The things I am going through right now are crazy people think they understand me but they dont have no idea..I am in a crazy ass relationship right now with someone I'd rather not say the name becaus...
Posted by iiM StiiLl L-ToWnS FyNeSt!!!! "iiTs DiiMpLeS& on Mon, 22 Aug 2005 08:41:00 PST


I WANNA KNOWCurrent mood: curious I'm curious to know the skinny on you people so respond to this questionaire and I'll holla, UNO1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do ...
Posted by iiM StiiLl L-ToWnS FyNeSt!!!! "iiTs DiiMpLeS& on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST