Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag) profile picture

Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag)

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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Myspace Comments | Myspace Graphics | Myspace SurveysI am a very emotion-based person. I am also very open and understanding. I refuse to be a part of any type of 'scene', and I believe that true individuality does not lie in the perceptions of others who THINK they know who you are. Individuality lies in the knowledge and acceptance of the person that you, in your heart, KNOW you are. Be true to the person you are. Enough said. I'm devoted and loyal to those who show me the same in return. My greatest personal achievement is writing for the excellent underground music magazine, "VIRUS!" (currently on hiatus)! I love to write and I love music; it's a perfect coupling. Honestly, I relate to music on a personal level, and (usually) the songs on will reflect my current state of mind (listen to the words; the songs change often).I also sing and play guitar. I prefer to sing (or try to). I love all types of music (except 'new' country, hip hop, rap, R&B, and anything that's bland and derivative), but I especially LOVE electro/industrial, psychobilly, REAL hardcore, and horror-punk. I also like neo-classical with a dark edge and stuff like Enigma, Qntal, Loreena McKennit and, yes, Enya. I have a degree in broadcasting and am pursuing a bachelor's in communications (kinda'). My dream is to be involved in the music industry somehow. I write whenever I can, whether it be poetry, essays, short stories, entertainment name it, I write it. Any photos I put up are (99.9% of the time) manipulated (using my face...the teeth in photoshopped stuff are either altered or fake teeth; I don't want anyone thinking I have bad teeth, 'cuz I don't, and the eyes are all me...I don't own goofy contact lenses), photographed by, or are of me. Yeah, I'm multi-talented. Whatever. I absolutely love the outdoors (especially at night)! That's all.
Name: Jeremy
Date of Birth: A long time ago
Birthplace: Earth
Current Location: Duluth
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 6 footish
Heritage: English, Finnish, Irish, German
Piercings: Noper
Tattoos: Ditto
Band/Singer: Too many to name
Song: Once again, too many
Movie: You can read that over on the left
Disney Movie: Something Wicked This Way Comes
TV Show: Couldn't tell ya'
Color: Aquamarine, Black
Food: Sweet and spicy stir fry veggies
Pizza Topping: Mushrooms and green peppers
Ice-Cream Flavor: Orange
Drink (alcoholic): I just don't like sweet stuff
Soda: Diet Dew
Store: Metropolis Mail Order
Clothing Brand: Who cares???
Shoe Brand: I just like big boots
Season: Autumn
Month: October
Holiday/Festival: Halloween
Flower: meh
Make-up Item: ummm...none
Board Game: Trivial Pursuit
This or That
Sunny or Rainy: Rainy, (especially storms)
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or Veggie: Veggie
Night or Day: Night, (big time)
Sour or Sweet Sour
Love or Money: Love
Phone or In Person: In Person
Looks or Personality: Personality
Coffee or Tea: Tea
Hot or Cold Cold
Goal for this year: To survive it
Most missed memory: I try not to dwell on the past
Best physical feature: Eyes, or so I've been told
First thought waking up: Awwww, fuck!
Hypothetical personality disorder: Do I really need to be hypothetical???
Preferred type of plastic surgery: None. Fake is weak.
Sesame Street alter ego: Bert
Fairytale alter ego: The Big Bad Wolf
Most stupid remark: Too many to remember
Worst crime: Crimes of the heart
Greatest ambition: To just be happy
Greatest fear: To die alone
Darkest secret: I really have no secrets; my life is an open book
Favourite subject: Creative writing, philosophy
Strangest recieved gift: Nicotine patches
Worst habit: See above (not hard to figure out)
Do You
Smoke: Yes, (for now)
Drink: Yes, (VERY rarely)
Curse: Yes
Shower Daily: Yes
Like thunderstorms: Yes, (LOVE 'em)
Dance in the rain: Yes, I have
Sing: Yes, I try
Play an instrument: Yes, guitar and a little keyboard
Get along with your parents: Yes
Wish on stars: No
Believe in fate: No
Believe in love at first sight: No
Can You
Drive: Yes
Sew: Yes (hand sew only)
Cook: Yes
Speak another language: No
Dance: No
Sing: Yes
Touch your nose with your tongue: Yes, (really well; I was a big KISS fan as a child)
Whistle: Yes
Curl your tongue: Yes (All kinds of stuff; once again, I was a big KISS fan as a child)
Have you Ever
Been Drunk: Yes
Been Stoned/High: Yes, (many many years ago)
Eaten Sushi: Not yet
Been in Love: Yes
Skipped school: Yes
Made prank calls: Yes
Sent someone a love letter: Yes
Stolen something: A toy car when I was, like, 10
Cried yourself to sleep: Yes
Other Questions
What annoys you most in a person? Lack of understanding
Are your right of left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? When I fall asleep
Name three things you can't live without: Family, friends, music
What is the color of your room? Brown and white
Do you have any siblings? 3
Do you have any pets? The Killer Yorkshire
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? I'd kill someone I hate for free (that was facetiousness)
What is your middle name? Secret
What are your nicknames? None, really
Are you for or against gay marriage? For, (let people be happy)
What are your thoughts ..ion? It's not up to me. But, I want a say in the decision if the child mine.
Do you have a crush on anyone? Maybe, maybe not
Are you afraid of the dark? Hell no! I love it!
How do you want to die? Quickly
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten in one day? Stupid question
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Without hesitation
What is the last law you have broken? None
In a Member of the Opposite Sex
Hair color: Not too picky
Eye Color: ditto
Height: shorter than me
Weight: less than me
Most important physical feature: Eyes (the windows to the soul), and smile
Biggest turn-off: Ignorance, and once again, lack of understanding
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VnV Nation - Beloved

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My Interests

"Blue" - The Birthday Massacre

Add to My Profile | More VideosTrue happiness. Music (it is truly my life). Feebly attempting to be philosophical (I love philosophy). World events. Stuff about religion and the occult. Women who are true. Friends that you can count on for anything (I'm blessed when it comes to this). Soul searching. Always on a quest to better myself mentally. Hating 'herd mentality'. Despising the idea that fashion or a 'scene' makes a person unique or an 'individual'; think about it...duh. Writing (poetry, in particular; however, I tend to dislike reading most poetry...go figure). People who are intelligent, but not cocky. (((Parentheses))). Camping. Full moons. I love foggy nights. I love rainy nights. I love thunderstorms whenever. My favorite time of the year is Autumn (October, in particular). I hate summer with a passion. I'm a hopeless romantic...with an emphasis on hopeless. Oh yeah, and MITCH HEDBERG WAS THE FUNNIEST PERSON THAT EVER EXISTED!

I'd like to meet:

Several musical artists. Oh yeah, and Christopher Walken.Soooooo, VIRUS is on hiatus at the moment, so, yes, the tops in my friends list are my best friends. Fuck off (yes, I'm a douche' bag).


Electro, industrial, punk (especially REAL hardcore, horror-punk & psychobilly) long as it isn't derivative and uninspired, an occasional synthpop CD, dark ambient, the darker side of classical, orchestral music, neo-classical (especially powerful symphonic music with beautiful female vocals), some metal (ummmm, like bands that don't sound like every other band out there...watching Headbangers Ball is like watching the same band over and over again, for the most part), Johnny Cash (cannot be classified), and the occassional Celtic tune. I suppose it is pretty obvious that I like stuff with a little bit of a dark edge to it (actually, anything that has a REAL edge is cool by me). I listen to entirely too many bands to name them all.


Depends on my mood. When I'm bummed out, I love to watch anything that will make me laugh. Other than that, I love horror, GOOD sci-fi, GOOD action, sci-fi and monster movies from the 1950's, and the occasional suspense or drama. Some of my all time faves:"Killer Klowns from Outer Space", "Equilibrium", "Legend:Director's Cut", "Independence Day", "The Howling", "Boondock Saints", "VNV Nation: PastPerfect", "Dawn of the Dead" (original and re-make), "The Prophecy", "Napolean Dynamite", "Dark City", "Near Dark", the DVD that came with "Mitch: All Together", "SNL: The Best of Christopher Walken", "The Grinch" (with Jim Carey), Godzilla, Gamera, and Kaiju movies in general(old and new..."Gamera: The Revenge of Iris" is the best...I grew up on the shit, okay????), Greg The Bunny (BLAH!)...there are others, but these stick out right now. Rezurex - Devil Woman from Outerspace

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Television, in general, absolutely blows; it has been destroyed by 'reality television'. I watch TV to escape reality, Goddamnit! About the only shows on TV I ever go out of my way to watch are "Jericho", "Heroes", and "Scrubs". Other than that, when I do watch, it is either Comedy Central (I like to laugh, duh.), Discovery, History, A&E, Headline News, National Geographic, NHL, MMA, Cartoon Network (Adult Swim), The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, American Movie Classics, blah, blah, blah. Oh yeah, Metalocalypse is the shit!Tiger Army - Forever Fades Away

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Horror fiction. End of the world stuff. Books about demons and devils. Books about angels. Books about any type of religious mumbo-jumbo. Milton's "Paradise Lost". "The Descent" by Jeff Long, "World War Z" (pick up the audio book, too! Very cool!) Survival Manuals. Stuff about the occult (I highly recommend "Occultism: It's Theory and Practice" by Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah...great reading if you can still find it), UFOs, Bigfoot, and other off-the-wall subject matter.


My Mom and Pops. They had nothing, and busted their collective ass to make a great life for their family. They are my only heroes.

My Blog

My near death experience...or so it seemed.

I'm alive...barely. Seriously, I was brought to the emergency room on Tuesday because...let me start from the beginning. I woke up with a sore throat and a headache that morning. That's been happening...
Posted by Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag) on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 09:47:00 PST

Nostalgic (punk, Halloween, being 7, The Ramones)

Yeah.  So, after a long day at work (longer and more hectic than I expected), I came home, dyed my hair (Midnight Burgandy...make your jokes now, it's a new thing), and sat down an...
Posted by Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag) on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 11:05:00 PST

Fucking super lame!!!! (my blogs)

For some reason, the majority of my blogs look blank; they are not.  Just highlight them and they pop up.  Don't ask me why, because I have no fucking clue.  Super lame.
Posted by Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag) on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 08:29:00 PST

Update about nothing

Just thought I'd fill my "friends" in on what's new with me.  NOTHING.  Same old same old.  I work, workout, eat and sleep.  VIRUS is on 'hiatus' at the moment (which sucks, becaus...
Posted by Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag) on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 11:22:00 PST

2 poems, and that's all (02/06/2007).

Okay, I have 2 new poems/song lyrics.  Actually, the first is a song I did with my buddy, Jay, YEARS ago!   Soooo, onto the poems/lyrics -----------------------------------------------------...
Posted by Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag) on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 02:45:00 PST

Poems I like by other authors.(FEB. 1 2007)

As it says in my "interests" section of my profile, I am not a big fan of 'reading' poetry.  There are, however, some that have stuck in my brain throughout the years because I could relate to th...
Posted by Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag) on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:46:00 PST

A new poem (Jan. 28, 2007)

Here's another one.  Actually, I'll probably expand this one into song lyrics...eventually. ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- Where Damnation Hides ...
Posted by Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag) on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 03:46:00 PST

Once again, another poem.

I've been on a tear lately with writing poems (that have no titles).  I don't know why.  Also, if you haven't already and want to, go to my older blogs (there are a few pages) and ...
Posted by Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag) on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:09:00 PST

...and yet another poem

Here's a new one.  Once again, no title on this one. ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- Preplanned course of life Things never happen that way Life, love ...
Posted by Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag) on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 05:39:00 PST

And yet another poem

This is a new one, inspired by my love of zombie films and my current state of mind.  Hope ya' like it! I'm Climbing Out I've been below The weight of my world above me Held in darkness But I sti...
Posted by Jeremy D. (VIRUS! Music Mag) on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 01:18:00 PST