.**Sariah**. profile picture


About Me

One of my aims in life is to collect lots of letters after my name, and big debts under John Howard's. Currently I'm at "Sariah Scott, BBSc (Latrobe)" but I'm working on some more this year at my new (not so fun) uni, Monash! :) Luckily I DO like school (nerd).

I have two of the best jobs ever: one being Jetty Surf, and two- tutoring primary and high school kiddies. My family is super cool, especially my 7 year old sister, Leah, who probably has a bigger vocabulary then you :p
I'm trying to overcome the massive crush I have on Andy Lee (Hamish and Andy) but have conceded defeat as Megan Gale probably has the edge on me with the whole 'super model' thing. Im far too short to compete with those kind of credentials!
My parents aren't keen on pets so I bought a fish to compensate so Leah wouldn't miss out on childhood perks. (I know, a fish is still a pet, but hardly...they dont make noise, mess or need to be walked). However i have become very attached to 'Tuna', so I think I'm actually compensating for MY childhood!! :)
I dont go anywhere without 3 things;
1. My phone (always contactable!!)
2. My Ipod (her name is Cali and she is bright pink!!)
3. Lip gloss
I may be suffering from a non severe form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (for all my psych friends!!) as I HATE winter and function in summer only. Everything looks better in summer and everyone looks better with a tan :)
I love to cook, and think I'm pretty great at it! I never mastered the can opener, 24 hour time, or saying the alphabet backwards. I think I'm low maintenance but can understand if you disagree with me.
Bad Habits:
1. I use an ice-cream scoop to put milo into my mug.
2. My Dad calls me the 'trail' because I leave things around everywhere I go.
3. I may be personally responsible for our nations water crisis due to the time I spend in the shower
Likes...Likes: Wearing PJ’s, brushing my teeth, hot summer days, chocolate, California, friends, church, pink, intriguing/charismatic people, long hot showers, eating, Grey's Anatomy marathons with Jaise, or... really anything with Jaise , words over 3 syllables, compliments, live music, mocktails, shopping, Television, school, d & m's, logic, passionfruit, punctuality, getting ‘A’s, massages, and myspace.
Dislikes... Dislikes: Wearing anything with a restrictive neck (I think my mum used to make me wear Skivvy’s when I was younger), unclean teeth, air conditioning, asparagus, coleslaw, boyfriends (with the exception of Jaise because he is cool), purple, obnoxious/ostentatious people, cold water, washing dishes, people who snore, criticism, spelling mistakes, rap or anything associated with it, exams, irrational people, any fruit that is kind of furry- like peaches, running late, getting ‘B’s, massages from creepy guys, people telling me I spend too much time on myspace.
And YES, I am aware that most of my likes and dislikes are dichotomous, so I could also add ‘dichotomies’ to my ‘likes’ section.
Some fun facts; I am ever so slightly obsessive compulsive about personal hygiene, i like the red but not the green flavour things on BBQ shapes, eat too much chocolate and own more shoes than my wardrobe can accommodate.
Myspace Stuff

My Interests

Everyone keeps complaining that 'MY' myspace has too many things on it, and it makes their computers go slow, and make noises as if they were about to combust. So im putting fun things in this box! ...Ok general interests: I like knowing how things work (not things as in machines or cars or electrical gadgets, they are boring)...but things as in 'people', or peoples minds more explicitly. I am very intrigued by what motivates people, and nerdy things such as that. I’m really interested to know why it is that I cant write the word 'ratio' without accidentally putting an 'n' on the end, making the word 'ration'. I guess its because we use the suffix 'tion' in the English language so much, but even when i consciously think "don’t write ration, don’t write ration" I still do. Its hard to explain. Other interests...I like Pilates. I think I could become addicted to Pilates if I wasn’t so lazy (or so busy). I like the fact that I could be taller if I did it all the time. I also like it because of the 'yogalates' references on the OC. I think I would make a good OC mum. More of the Kirsten Cohen type than the Julie Cooper type. Other things I like...I like my imaginary friend named Clinton. Also my metaphoric 'psychologists couch' that my friends metaphorically sit on when they talk to me. Its metaphoric because I’m not actually a qualified psychologist, just a good listener, and also because I don’t actually own a 'real' couch so it has to be metaphoric. I also like my super sexy rock star boyfriend Jaise. He is the coolest person ever. Leah is my favourite person (we will label her NUMBER 1 fav person...)But Jaise is following very close behind (we will label him NUMBER 1.5...)He is the coolest because he uses the word ‘boring’ to denote any negative situation. He also is the coolest because he named his car ‘Shrek’. Also because he has KFC everyday, and has an inability to put on weight (I’m jealous about that one). Also because he plays drums in a HOT band.....and has crazy rock star hair. And he makes pretty pictures on walls like this.... (Thats MY name).Also because he is always complimenting me and he is super nice to everyone. He is very cool. Thats about it...I dont really like much else that I havent mentioned in some other box on my cool space.

I'd like to meet:

Hmmm, so many people, I ♥ making friends! But to mention a few…
Chris Carrabba Jennifer Hawkins
Kelly Slater (again!!!) Also Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse- to thank them for enriching my life by creating "LOST".



I watch LOST and GREY'S ANATOMY religiously, the minute they have finished downloading because I cant handle the suspense created by adverts, and I cant risk accidentally hearing a spoiler that someone from America lets leak. I can appreciate that LOST frustrates people. But dont argue with me about it, I'm the biggest advocate of LOST out there! I am more likely to tell you the problem is the show is so clever, it's going over your head.


Name Sariah
Birthdate 17th July 1985
Birthplace Melbourne
Eye Color Dark Dark Brown
Hair Color Brunette!
Righty or lefty Right, all the clever people are
Your weakness chocolate, impulse spending, and taking on too much at one time
Ever been in love doubtful :)
Goal you'd like to achieve this year an honours acceptance letter in the mail!!
First thought waking up "where is that snooze button??"
Your best physical feature Im currently sporting a FANTASTIC tan ;) (thanks to California for that)
Pepsi or coke Neither- I am officially caffeine free!!
Coffee or Capuccino Hot Chocolate and Peppermint tea!
Do you swear Never, ..well, I accidently swore when I thought a man in a costume (in Hollywood) was a statue and he jumped out and scared me
Do you smoke Definitely not
Ever been drunk Definitely not
Do you sing in the shower...in the car...listening to my ipod...OK YES!
Do you want to get married Ofcourse!
Do you want kids Lots of them!
Do you believe in yourself Very much so
Ever been called a tease once or twice *wink wink*
Ever shoplifted Nope!
Ever beaten someone up Have you seen the size of me? Impossible! No!
What country do you most want to visit France
Number of tattoos Zero
Number of Piercings Just my ears :)
Any regrets A regret is merely a learning experience in a great disguise :)
What do you look for in the opposite sex Too many things, which is why Im ever so single!

My Blog

my celebrity look-alikes

..> ..> http://www.myheritage.com..>..>...
Posted by .**Sariah**. on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 06:50:00 PST

Things we miss most about California

Things I miss most about California- By Sariah Walking down Pacific Coast Highway in Laguna Beach trying to choose a restaurant to eat at Waking up in a fantastic mood contemplating all the things we...
Posted by .**Sariah**. on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 10:29:00 PST


Ok just to reinforce the fact (yes, FACT) that I am most probably the luckiest person in the world we must all read this story. Last night was our Globe Product night...pretty much an opportunity for...
Posted by .**Sariah**. on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 04:41:00 PST

my fabulous trip to california

To explain why my trip was so unbelievably fantastic I must start with a preamble. At my work (jetty surf) we stock Hurley,(p.s.- best brand ever!) who were sponsoring the Boost mobile Pro ...
Posted by .**Sariah**. on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 12:08:00 PST