I have two of the best jobs ever: one being Jetty Surf, and two- tutoring primary and high school kiddies. My family is super cool, especially my 7 year old sister, Leah, who probably has a bigger vocabulary then you :p
I'm trying to overcome the massive crush I have on Andy Lee (Hamish and Andy) but have conceded defeat as Megan Gale probably has the edge on me with the whole 'super model' thing. Im far too short to compete with those kind of credentials!
My parents aren't keen on pets so I bought a fish to compensate so Leah wouldn't miss out on childhood perks. (I know, a fish is still a pet, but hardly...they dont make noise, mess or need to be walked). However i have become very attached to 'Tuna', so I think I'm actually compensating for MY childhood!! :)
I dont go anywhere without 3 things;
1. My phone (always contactable!!)
2. My Ipod (her name is Cali and she is bright pink!!)
3. Lip gloss
I may be suffering from a non severe form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (for all my psych friends!!) as I HATE winter and function in summer only. Everything looks better in summer and everyone looks better with a tan :)
I love to cook, and think I'm pretty great at it! I never mastered the can opener, 24 hour time, or saying the alphabet backwards. I think I'm low maintenance but can understand if you disagree with me.
Bad Habits:
1. I use an ice-cream scoop to put milo into my mug.
2. My Dad calls me the 'trail' because I leave things around everywhere I go.
3. I may be personally responsible for our nations water crisis due to the time I spend in the shower
Likes...Likes: Wearing PJ’s, brushing my teeth, hot summer days, chocolate, California, friends, church, pink, intriguing/charismatic people, long hot showers, eating, Grey's Anatomy marathons with Jaise, or... really anything with Jaise , words over 3 syllables, compliments, live music, mocktails, shopping, Television, school, d & m's, logic, passionfruit, punctuality, getting ‘A’s, massages, and myspace.
Dislikes: Wearing anything with a restrictive neck (I think my mum used to make me wear Skivvy’s when I was younger), unclean teeth, air conditioning, asparagus, coleslaw, boyfriends (with the exception of Jaise because he is cool), purple, obnoxious/ostentatious people, cold water, washing dishes, people who snore, criticism, spelling mistakes, rap or anything associated with it, exams, irrational people, any fruit that is kind of furry- like peaches, running late, getting ‘B’s, massages from creepy guys, people telling me I spend too much time on myspace.
And YES, I am aware that most of my likes and dislikes are dichotomous, so I could also add ‘dichotomies’ to my ‘likes’ section.
Some fun facts; I am ever so slightly obsessive compulsive about personal hygiene, i like the red but not the green flavour things on BBQ shapes, eat too much chocolate and own more shoes than my wardrobe can accommodate.
Myspace Stuff