Every story begins somewhere in space and time...
Our story begins in Italy, on the Moneferrato's hills on a quiet and warm summer jazzly night.
It was August and Carlo (lead singer) and Luca (the drummer) met for the first time at a jazz jam session night
in Moleto.
After listening for a couple of hours not-stop-jazz-music Carlo, that was trying to form a band, asked to
Luca if he was playing any instrument; by his answer half of the band were made up.
The day after Carlo made a phone call to Riccardo (lead Guitar) by telling him about the UNLIMITED Project, so
he was in.
After that, the next Monday night they joined in the practice room to start play something.
They begun with a kind of cover program that took from probot to audioslave, foo fighters, qotsa, metallica and so on..
They keep it up for about 6 month.
Why they did it?
Because they didn't found a bassist yet!
For this reason they switched 5 bassists over this months and in the end they found Gabriele (actual bassist) that joined up the
band on the beginning of 2006.
Since then, they started with composition of own songs and keep up play in their practice room till Feb 2007 when they made up the first date ever as UNLIMITED.
On 25th, May they started the new album record.
The album was gong to be called ROCK PUSHER .
During the recording session time they kept up the gig thing by touring in Italy.
In falling 2007 the came back to studio to arrange new sounds for new album work.
In the beginning of 2008, they've been also contacted by "272 Records" of Hollywood (CA), to be part of the "Kill City Vol 7" compilation with the single GodHunter.