Jay profile picture


You dudes get outta the way now

About Me

Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, this son of a Dutch immigrant bides his time between dealing with his incredibly good and horrendously bad luck.

My Interests

Comics. Samurai. Cain Marko.

I'd like to meet:

The Dog, The Bastard, The Wolf, The Point Man, The Rain, The Monster, The Saint.


Hot water music, A wilhelm scream, None more black, Lucero, Johnny Cash, Tom Waits, Small brown bike, Norah Jones, Gunmoll, P.O.S. Plus a lot of old jazz music.


There will be blood, No country for old men, Kiss kiss bang bang, Fight club, Seven Samurai.


Arrested Development, Six feet under, Oz, Rescue me, Freaks and geeks, Samurai champloo, Sopranos, Firefly, Deadwood, Rome, AOTS.


How about Authors? Joseph Heller, Kurt Vonnegut, J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Kirkman, Garth Ennis, Brian Azzarello, Fred and Geoffery Hoyle, Brian K. Vaughan, Edgar Allan Poe, Chuck Palahniuk, Warren Ellis


Chuck Ragan, Jerry VanVeen, Johhny Cash, Clint Eastwood, Malcolm X, Stan Lee

My Blog

Totally Fuckin' Sword!

For those of you who don't know....Totally Sword! is my gang. It is comprised of random 80's nonsense, complete obscurity, and idiosyncratic catalysts for a better existence! It takes no more to join ...
Posted by Jay on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 09:33:00 PST