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Truth Seeking, Information Farmer Extraordinaire

About Me

When you're in love your brain secretes endorphins into your blood. Organic morphine leaks out of a gland into your skull, feels like a low-grade opium rush. Some people confuse the two, the head rush and the love. You think you're in love with a person, but you're in love with a syringe. Skin like liquid silk, hair, eyes, laugh, smile, impulses, trust, confidence, curves, perfume, sweat, affection, but still a syringe. You're high and hooked, and soon comes the more, more, more: marriage, career, mortgage, children, school, it's harder and harder to feel that rush. Happens all the time, men and women. Body clocks twenty years out of synch between genders, the rush dries up. You look for new hooks, new fixes, anything for that more, more, more. Some people burn their lives to the ground doing so, fodder for talk radio and daytime television. These same people assail the evils of drugs and urine-test their own children. The Contortionist's Handbook Craig Clevenger I have always thought of people as punch lines. I laugh at everyone, all the time. I laugh when they fall down, no matter how old they are, even if they break their hip and they're my grandmother. Jesus mom was fucking pissed. I laugh when they just miss their bus and then run after it waving their arms in a futile attempt to make the driver stop, and when he doesn't it means they'll be late for something very important. I especially laugh when they have nervous breakdowns. Sometimes I think about that footage of Jim Bakker being led away in handcuffs as he whimpers and goes fucking insane and I have to lie down to keep from fainting. The Other Sister and I Am Sam are two of the funniest movies ever made. I can't even walk into a McDonald's, not even to steal a saltshaker. All those people stuffing double cheeseburgers into their greedy mouths are just big sloppy sight gags to me. I was kicked out of my reading circle in third grade for laughing at a girl who couldn't sound out her sentences. Years later she told me that I was singularly responsible for the stutter she'd later developed, and for her intense shyness and low self-esteem. The important thing was that I'd made a difference in her life. I have always found the misfortunes of others hilarious, because they're not me. If there's such a thing as karma I'm fucking doomed. Apathy and Other Small Victories Paul Neilan
    I am: Thin. We're talking asian thin here though, not Kate Moss thin. Left handed and right-brained Constantly distracted by the traffic of my own thoughts Sometimes hard to live with, so I've been told An admitted Internet junkie and damn proud of it A comment whore, in that I love to give and receive comments on everything I read, see, or hear. So please drop me a comment whenever I write something that amuses, disturbs, pleases, angers, or otherwise changes your day. A beer snob that prefers real beer over the disgusting swill that they pass off as beer here in America An A+ and Network+ certified PC Tech, although these days this doesn't mean much CIW certified , which means I know what the Internet is A movie addict and will forever be a member of NetFlix A member of the Tenacious D disciples. Completely obsessed with social networking, blogging, and web publishing An appreciator of real beers such as Newcastle , Anchor Steam , Sierra Nevada , and Guinness A luggage monkey for Disney Cruise Line in Port Canaveral - Not as of 07-17-05 A part-time book jockey at Barnes&Noble An IT night operator for Bank First in Winter Park. I also work during the day in operations, which means I play around with electronic money. Not gay, but many people assume I am for some reason Terribly in debt, but hopefully one day I won't be A Journalism Major ( Computer Science Management in Information Systems Political Science minor) @ UCF. I'm a day/month/few years late and a dollar short, but I'm doing my best. A non-meat-eater. I don't dare call myself a vegetarian, but I don't eat animals. 70% for health reasons, 30% for ethical reasons. This is the only RED MEAT I ingest, and it's delicious. A hopeless romantic and idealist
    I like: Great movies that make you think, laugh, and/or cry (and not in that particular order) Gorgeous weather Books that I can't put down until I finish them People who think abstractly Technological Gadgets Art and music that gets you jazzed, psyched and sharpens you up a bit. Stuff that forms dendrites in your brain. Dancing to a good beat People that challenge me People that are as curious about the world as I am and can laugh at the absurdities in it. To drink coffee late at night and watch the sun come up
    Things that irk me: Ignorant people The things in this world that make it miserable but that I am unable to change in my current state of being When people make references to things they've never seen, heard, read, or have any insight into Bad listeners People who try and act more intelligent than they really are. Just be yourself. Shrimp, I just don't like 'em. They just don't appeal to me, I think it's the texture and the fact that you can see their poop The increasing de-evolution of the human species due to the proliferation of reality TV, the Evangelical religious right, bad movies, worse sitcoms, and extreme partisan politics US Weekly magazine, it's one of the worst celebrity tabloidish mags out there. Have you seen it? It just needs to, well, DIE! The overuse of cute little internet acronyms and shortening of words because typing the full word is sooo draining, i.e.: LOL, LMAO, ROFL, u = you, 4 = for, I want: To change the world in some small way, shape, or form To save someone or something from disaster To live a happy and enjoyable life until the end of my days To See some sort of change for peace in this world in my lifetime To drink at least one beer from each and every corner of the world that makes beer To one day get up on a stage and do at least one small, spoken word performance To one day publish a book, and have it read by at least five people.
    I have: An unhealthy fetish for collecting (and never writing in) paper journals, especially those made from small indigenous peoples A tendency to get lost in bookstores The habit of over analyzing things and being overly critical of the world around me to the point of being annoying A dry, yet entertaining sense of humor that people have told me they enjoy Been told that I am an excellent listener and conversationalist Also been told that I can be an incredible asshole, usually by members of the fairer sex An incredibly sarcastic wit that some tell me annoys the shit out them. Well, fuck those people. Traveled as far as Thailand and Las Vegas (and some places in between), and would like to see as much of the world as I possibly can in the short amount of time I have here.
    Other Places I Babble (or once did): LiveJournal (retired) It's a Gon, Gon, Gon, Gon, Gon-zo World (retired) Metroblogging Orlando stevemullis[dot]com (now playing)

My Interests

dancing, music, beer, movies, reading, politics, people, conversation, travel

I'd like to meet:

interesting, non-judemental, open-minded, and fun people that can hold a good conversation but also don't mind tipping back a few once in a while.Those that can be serious when necessary yet can constantly laugh at the sheer abusrdity of it all.


DJ Icey, Fugazi, Junior Senior, K-OS, Dead Kennedy's, Primus, Rollins Band, Radiohead, Portishead, Johnny Cash, Ween, Beck, Rage Against the Machine, The Stray Cats, GWAR, Lamb, Ladytron, Dead Kennedy's, Damien Rice, Elliot Smith, Roky Erickson, Alan Vega, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Stereolab, Tenacious D, The Kleptones, The Album Leaf, The Rapture, Interpol, The Gypsy Kings, The Kleptones, dj bc, The Grassy Knoll, Kid Loco


Fight Club, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Big Lebowski, Ocean's Eleven, Lord of the Rings, Blow, Office Space, Dogma, High Fidelity, Good Will Hunting, The Royal Tenenbaums, Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, Lost in Translation, Broken Flowers, Star Wars, The Matrix


I don't really watch television. It's EVIL!!


Fight Club, Lullaby, Farenheit 451, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Ishmael, Survivor, Franny and Zooey, Slaughterhouse Five, The Rum Diary, Syrup, The People's History of the United States, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Prague, The Great Shark Hunt, Ham on Rye, Post Office, Black Coffee Blues, Smile You're Traveling, On the Road, Hell's Angels, On Writing, High Fidelity


Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Hunter S. Thompson, Jello Biafra, Henry Rollins, Charles Bukowski, Chuck Palahniuk, Ed Murrow, Your mom

My Blog

Porcelain Dreams.

I recently took a road trip along I-95 up to North Carolina and along the way I saw something that struck a chord with me and I find it worth mentioning. Somewhere in between nowheres-ville Georgia a...
Posted by Steve on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 03:01:00 PST

survival of the fittest.

While in NC (currently on vacation) I witnessed this battle of nature taking place. In fact I almost stepped on it.It's a digger wasp versus some incredibly large spider.Amazingly, the wasp won and d...
Posted by Steve on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 07:22:00 PST

Adalberto Abbate: microsculptures

Adalberto Abbate: Go here for more....
Posted by Steve on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 06:31:00 PST

A Thought on, oh you know...

Call me an asshole but I really hate 'Candlelit Vigils' and all of the bullshit posturing people do after a tragedy like this happens. All of the fancy little speeches, somber words, gross speculatio...
Posted by Steve on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 06:03:00 PST

What's the best way to get to Carnegie Hall?....Practice.

FADE IN:INT - STEVE'S BEDROOM - EARLY EVENINGWe open on STEVE pacing his cluttered and mildly disheveled bedroom, obviously bored. The room isn't messy in a gross, frat-boy kind of way, but just clut...
Posted by Steve on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 06:14:00 PST

jabbering for charity.

Remember those little charity walks you would do in grade school? You'd get your parent or neighbor to sponsor you for like $0.10 a lap or something and then spend a few hours walking or running aro...
Posted by Steve on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 09:02:00 PST

revenge of the lawn*

Growing up, mowing the lawn every Saturday is standard practice for a young man. In Florida this is even worse as you have to mow the lawn nearly year round, and don't even get me started on the summ...
Posted by Steve on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 04:10:00 PST

back to the drawing board.

So I caught her with her ex, which apparently isn't her ex. Unbelievable I tell you! Especially after all of the things she said to me just two nights ago. To quote a great man, "Great scott!" I wa...
Posted by Steve on Sat, 13 May 2006 12:38:00 PST


Relationships with people, especially lovers, are not unlike the relationships we have with our pairs of jeans. We all wear jeans right? We also all form a strange bond with our jeans, almost more s...
Posted by Steve on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 06:59:00 PST

Spring Forward to Your Doom!

Tomorrow, April 1st, is a magical moment in time. No I'm not talking about April Fool's Day, but that too is a magical time. No, what I am referring to is that amazing time of year the comes only tw...
Posted by Steve on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 08:55:00 PST