Its great.
"The Power of Now", Eckhart Tolle / "Be Here Now" and "THe Only Dance There Is", Ram Dass / All Rumi / "Tao te Ching", Lao Tsu / "This", Poonja / "Dammapada", Budda / "The Pathless Path", Osho / "Awakening the Buddha Within", Lama Surya Das/ "Pure Heart, Enlightened Mind", journal of Maura O'Halloran/ ""Everyday Zen", Beck/ "Dark Night of the Soul" trans. Mirabai Star/ "Dessert Solitare", Edward Abbey /"The Little Prince"/ "When Things Fall Apart" Pema Chodron/ "In My Own Way", "The Book", Alan Watts/ "This is Your Brain on Music"
Everyone I've ever met