listin to music,play hockey,go to shows,fuck around at partys,snowboard ,and wakeboard in the summer at havsu ... spring breakk babayyyalt="Caption for age" height="300" width="300"
johhny richter, and parks bonifay or course the gangstar bellow
ANYTHING subanoize records, kmk, kingspade, jeru the damjaa , gangstar, odb rip. , wu tang , mr hyde, all the ill bill crew,mophine , benifit , mac dre, norcal shit, and all hip hop .
my fav movie is america history X and transporter 2, fast and ferious all ov, butterfly effect, the hiching , all hanibl, saw am all the saws, and list goes on .
entarouge or how ever you spell HBO - vincent chase, E , ari, turtle, and drama . best show alive.
My grandma who passed away god bless, my family because thier always thier for me and hopefully i can find a beautiful out thier