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I listen to vast variety of music, however there are couple examples listed:**********************Yila Remixes, dan le sac VS scroobius pip, Planet Funk, The bird and the bees, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Sakura, KOMNATA, 200 km in the wrong lane,Tom Waits, Le Tigre, Ladytron, Klaxons, Cansei de ser Sexy, Forward Russia, Scroobius Pip, Dan le Sac, Peter, Bjorn & John, LCD Soundsystem, Fischerspooner, Justice VS. Simian, New Young Pony Club, We are Scientists, POLYSICS!, Electrocute, Bright Eyes, The Strokes, The Go! Team, Muse, The Mars Volta, Radiohead, The Pixies, White Rose Movement, Squarepusher, cLOUDDEAD, Daft Punk, Dangermouse, The Doors, Lou Reed!!!!!!!!!!!!U.N.K.L.E
Girl next Door Step up JUST WATCHED THE "EUROTRIP" John tucker must die-shitty movie OHH I'VE BEEN ONCE ON THEIR CONCERT IN MOSCOW!!!!
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"War and Peace" by Tolstoy(-the poetical monster, and don't be afraid-it might be quiet heavy for one book), "Demons and Angels."( easy reading),Max Brooks, Ernest Hemingway, Jane Austen, Charles Bukowski, Nicholas Sparks