The Manna Bible profile picture

The Manna Bible

The Manna Bible Comes Alive

About Me

Check out the Exciting New Manna Bible Project
What is the Manna Bible?
It's the Bible like you've never heard it before!
We're creating an original audio experience for each book, chapter and verse.
All offered Free online.

Who is Jesus the Rock Project?
The Christian non-profit producer of the Manna Bible.
Please Donate here!!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: The Soundtracks for these book are being composed, recorded, and produced for JTRP by:
PSALMS....................Stacy Primeau
JOHN........................Aaron Bewza
REVELATIION............Peter Minetola

Voices so far include: Marven Mann, Beaux & Peter Minetola, and Stacy Primeau
Interested in Joining the recording team?
If you're a music composer/producer and if you'd like to apply for a grant to create a soundtrack... contact us
Influences: God the Father, The Son (Jesus), The Holy Spirit, The Scriptures
Sounds Like: Nothing you've ever heard before!!!
Record Label: JTRP (Jesus the Rock Project for Non Profit)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Adopt a Verse, Verse Collection, or Chapter

Perhaps you would consider donating to cover the production cost of a particular portion of this Bible and receive a gift in return. Adopt a Verse Make a special donation of 160.00 US enough to fu...
Posted by The Manna Bible on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 06:39:00 PST

Interested in Joining the recording team?

Interested in Joining the recording team? If you're a music composer/producer and if you'd like to apply for a grant to create a soundtrack... Contact us at:
Posted by The Manna Bible on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 05:24:00 PST

F & Q's about the Manna Bible

Why Another audio Bible? a) Just have a listen!...and it's FREE! b) The internet/myspace has created a way to spread the Gospel of Jesus by sharing audio files. With this Bible you can legally...
Posted by The Manna Bible on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 05:08:00 PST