i will swim there one day(not me) but freestyle all the way!!!!!!!!besides my gf im interested in bowling, wrestling, football, swimming, and sometimes school..remember when gIrLs had..cOoTiEs.. when friends always -lIsTeNeD- 2 yOu when [dreams] were unshattered and -w O r r i e s- were few when recess was tOo |sHoRt| and life was tOo --LoNg-- when decisiOns came .:eAsIlY:. with(nO NeEd) tO bElOnG when :.:stOrKs:.: delivered babies and passiOns werent tOo strOng when [friEndsHiPs] werent bRoKeN. right was .RIGHT. & wrOng was :WRONG: when ((BaD)) things didnt happen only _skinned kneeS_ brOught ::tears:: and the night.light in our rOom (.quieted.) aLl our fears.. when :.decisiOns.: were s0|VeD by [eNi mEaNy.mini m0] when b0yS were sOoO !yUckyy! and *goOdbye* only meant tIl ::t o m o r r o w:: when yOur clOthes didnt .mAtCh. & *r E a L* friends didnt p|A|r|T the (.FuN.) went on *4ever* and never left a bRo|KeN
Anybody who wants to hang out or talk or try and make friends...Citizen Reign
Citizen Reign