Adorable xVx profile picture

Adorable xVx

Those who worship heaven will achieve spirituality; those who treasure the earth will have root.

About Me

L'homme court a sa propre perte puisque l'homme ne craint aucun rival; Vous avez oublié ce que c'est de partager votre terriroire avec des créatures d'une supériorité aussi orgueilleuse que la vôtre. Vous croyez pouvoir arranger le monde a votre convenance, alors vous dressez des cartes et vous y tracez des lignes en affirmant posséder la terre parce que vous pouvez dessiner des frontières. Les plantes qui poussent, les bêtes qui y résident, vous les dites vôtres, vous vous appropriez non seulement ce qui vit aujourd'hui mais ce qui se développera demain et l'employez comme bon vous semble. Puis, obéissant a votre nature présomptueuse et violente, vous déclarer des guerres et vous entre-tuez pour les lignes que vous avez imaginées sur la surface du monde. Tous vos beaux discours sur la possession de ceci et l'approbation de cela n'ont pas plus d'importance que les grondements hargneux d'un chien enchainé ou le chant de défi d'un moineau. Vos prétentions n'ont de réalité que le pendant le temps qu'il faut pour les énoncer. Nommez-le comme il vous plaira, revendiquez-le autant que vous le voudrez, le monde n'appartient pas aux hommes. Ce sont les hommes qui appartiennent au monde. Vous ne posseder pas la terre a laquelle vos corps finissent par retourner, et elle ne garde pas le souvenir des noms que vous lui donnez.

My Interests

Animal's rights
Friends and family
Religion and spirituality
Islam and the Tao
Martial Arts, Training
Weapons, Swords and Knifes
CRAFT Learning, Theaching
Wilderness Survival
History/Ecology, Herbs
Soccer, Snowboard
Kayak, Canoe
Hiking, Outdoor
Writting Short Stories,
Being broke

I'd like to meet:

i'm pretty happy as it is..

have a look at this..

velik kanadski jelen drukcije mamut.. :)


"Music is pretty much the most important thing in my life. it got me through the worst possible times. it was there when no one else was."
Vegan Reich, ExC,
Rise Against, Ignite,
H20, Madball,
Comeback Kid, Ramallah,
Path of Resistance, Purification,
MxT, YxT,
Nueva Etica, xWith Honorx,
Sworn Enemy, AFI,
Hazen Street, Agnostic Front,
NajOne, Matisyahu, Sinic
xReign Of Terrorx, Freeman
Dead Prez, Immortal Techniques
Suicidal Tendencies, SweatShop Union
TES, Jedi Mind Tricks, Shurik'n


In God Hands
The Constante Gardener
Sometime In April
Reservoir Dogs
True Romance
Kill Bill
La Guerre des Tuques


Knowledge is the key.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything..
discovery/history channels


Tao Te Ching

Voltaire's, Zola's
Of Mice and Men
The Horse Whispere
Robin Hobb's
Derrick Jensen
- Endgame: Volume 1: The Problem of Civilization
- Endgame: Volume 2: Resistance
- Strangely Like War: The Global Assault on Forests
- A Language Older Than Words
- The Culture of Make Believe
- Listening to the Land
Clive Ponting
- A Green History of the world
Frantz Fanon
- The Wretched of The Earth
- Black skin White masks
John Perkins
- Confession of an Economic Hit Man
- The Secret History of the American Empire
- Sprit Of the Shuar
- The World Is As You Dream It
- Recipes for Disaster
- Days of War, Nights of Love
- Evasion
- Off the Map
- Rusty String Quartet
- Stone Hotel


Postojati tvoj vlastiti heroj.
Be proud of who you are.
Stand for what you believe in.
Fight for what makes your heart beat.
knotkle tvoj granica,
uciti kako sici na njima

My Blog

Peter Young Released

On Thursday, February 1st, Peter Young walked through the doors of the Victorville FCI II facility and into the free world. He was greeted by a small crowd and immediately taken to a celebration dinne...
Posted by Adorable xVx on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 09:56:00 PST

The AETA, the new animal enterprise terrorism act

It is effective. Corporations, industry groups and the politicians representing them rushed through legislation labeling activists as "terrorists" on the first day back from Congressional recess. Yest...
Posted by Adorable xVx on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:22:00 PST

Ever heard of a GRAND JURY?

As a Canadian, it is not something that 'directly affects' to me. Yet we should all know about it and there's hundreds of good reasons for that, which applies to anyone intres...
Posted by Adorable xVx on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 10:09:00 PST

Get A Room!'s show calendar

alright, it's back and will permenantly be here as it used to be, now with a direct link to M. Get A Room! himself. it's there for all the him all the questions you may have!
Posted by Adorable xVx on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 10:14:00 PST