Painting,Listining to my ipod, Watching my grand daughter,And going to movies.Swimming,Watching movies on a raining night.And going out with my friends.
Stephen King,John saul ,charlton Heston ,John Wayne,And alot More.......................
Country music,Tejano music,Oldies,JASS.No Hard rock.NO rap.
Abyss.The Ptand,pet Semetery,The Omen.Aliens,The Ten Comandments,The Wizerd Of Oz.AND ALOT MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reality shows,poker.News History channels.The girls Next Door. I Pretty much like anything.
Stephen King,Dean Koontz,John Saul And Alot more !!!!!!!
My brother,He raised me. My Mom ,GOD. And Anyone who helped me along the way. You all Know who you are?