Stallion profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

I'm a go getter 4real. i want it i get it thats it. also one of the most loyal people you will ever meet once you are a part of my team you will be on that team 4life. I Dont Trade. Threw the years I have lossed alot of good people to bad things life is way to short you never know when someones end is near. So love the ones that love you. "Live Out Your Dreams Until Your Heart Gives Out".Redistributing }

My Interests

My interest is happiness, health, success, and the people that believe in life's real riches

I'd like to meet:

All the people that helped me reach this point in my life.


I like all music.


belly, purplerain, scarface, newjackcity." Sometimes the villian wins thats life".






the people who took a part in the change of the world and anyone who has worked hard to get from the bottom to the top!