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No, my electronical dictionary is working but i am too busy to do this uncvallified job for you here....
Well, for me Beinsa Douno is a better oracle and profet than both Nostradamus and Edgar Caysee. Since lots of things he predicted had happened. It is interesting to see how Douno s teaching reached Russia, Germany and a few other countryes outside Balkan, exactly as he predicted 100 years ago. I do not support his ideas about the socialism, but the rest is one of my favourite religions. For example mr Dnov has predicted climatical change about 100 years ago and the end of the European Union wich will be a short-timed political constellation.

If You wanna find something about US:s latest weapons you have to read although the Medevialaged profet Mitar Tarabitcj (died 1889), you can find him on google on English, already translated from Serbian, where the valium-weapons and psycological weapons are good described in this World War 3 (called wrong for "War against Terrorism").
OK I can actually offer some predictions of Mitar Tarabic trough the help of the Net absolutely FREE (MY God!). No cost at all about owr mutual future:
UNHOLY ONE ATTACKS SERBIA - 1990 TO 2000The Serbs will separate from each other, and they will say: "I am not a Serb, I am not a Serb." The unholy one will infiltrate this nation and bed with Serbian sisters, mothers and wives. He will sire such children that among the Serbs, since the beginning of the world, these will be the worst of offspring. Only weaklings will be born, and nobody will be strong enough to give a birth to a real hero."[This last paragraph might also be a reference to the current situation in the Balkans. If you assume that Tarabic made no distinction between Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, etc., then it is quite possible that by saying "I am not a Serb, I am not a Serb", he means to indicate all those that have distanced themselves from the former Yugoslavia. On the other hand, he might also be referring to a situation that has not happened yet.]"At one time we shall disappear from this land of ours. We shall go to the north, and then realising our stupid deed we shall return. When we come back, we shall wise up and chase away the unholy one, not to see him, in God's name, ever again.
PREDICTIONS & EVENTS FOLLOWING THE END OF WORLD WAR II"After the Great War peace will reign all over the world. Many new states will appear... black, white, red and yellow. An international court is formed, which does not allow countries to fight each other. This Court will be above all kings. Where a war starts, the Court will judge justly, trying to transform hatred and butchery into love and peace. The lucky ones who live to see these times will be more than happy.After a while some great kings, as well as some small ones, will start to fake their respect for the Court, while doing whatever they please... Many small wars will begin because of this... thousands upon thousands will die, but there will be no big wars.There will be a few wars around the kingdom of Israel, but sooner or later the peace will come even there. In these wars brothers fight brothers; then they make peace and kiss each other, but their hatred remains... All these small wars are initiated by the great kingdoms, because of their wickedness and malice; those who fight and butcher each other do it because of their blind stupidity."
MORE ILLUSIONThe whole world will be plagued by a strange disease and nobody will be able to find a cure; everybody will say I know, I know, because I am learned and smart, but nobody will know anything. People will think and think, but they will not be able to find the right cure, which will be with God's help, all around them and in themselves.Man will travel to other worlds to find lifeless deserts there, and still, God forgive him, he will think that he knows better than God himself. There, except the eternal peace of God, he will see nothing, but he will sense with his heart and soul all of God's beauty and power. People will drive in rigs upon the moon and stars. They will look for life, but life similar to ours they will not find. It will be there, but they will not be able to understand it and see that it is life.One who goes there, God forgive him, not believing in God as it is proper for an honourable and decent person, when he comes back he will say: "Oh, you people, who mention God's name with doubt, go there where I was, than you will see what is God's mind and power."The more people will know, the less they will love and care for each other. Hatred will be so great between them that they will care more for their different gadgets than for their relatives. Man will trust his gadget more than his first neighbour...Among people of a nation far in the north a little man will appear who will teach men about love and compassion, but there will be many Judas and hypocrites around him so that he will have many ups and downs. Not one of these hypocrites will want to know what is real human grace, but his wise books will remain, and all the words he will say [tape recordings?], and then then people will see how self-deceived they were.Those who will read and write different books with numbers will think that they know the most. These learned men will let their lives be led by their calculations, and they will do and live exactly how these numbers tell them. Among these learned men there will be good and evil men. The evil ones will do evil deeds. They will poison air and water and spread pestilence over the seas, rivers and earth, and people will start to die suddenly of various ailments. Those good and wise will see that all this effort and hard work is not worth a penny and that it leads to the destruction of the world, and instead of looking for wisdom in numbers, they will start to seek it in meditation.
EVIL ONES RAVAGE THE EARTH - WORLD WAR IIIWhen they start to meditate more, they will be closer to God's wisdom, but it will be too late, because the evil ones will already ravage the whole earth and men will start to die in great numbers. Then people will run away from cities to the country and look for the mountains with three crosses, and there, inside, they will be able to breathe and drink water. Those who will escape will save themselves and their families, but not for long, because a great famine will appear. There will be plenty of food in towns and villages, but it will be poisoned. Many will eat because of hunger and die immediately. Those who will fast to the end will survive, because the Holy Ghost will save them and they will be close to God.

"People waging this war will have their scientists who will invent different and strange cannon-balls. When they explode, these cannon-balls, instead of killing, will cast a spell over all that lives; people, armies and live stock. This spell will make them sleep, and sleep they will instead of fighting, and after they will come back to their senses.We [Serbia] will not fight in this war, but others will do battle over our heads. Burning people will fall from the sky over Pozega [a town in Serbia]. Only one country at the end of the world, surrounded by great seas, as big as our Europe, will live in peace, without any troubles... Upon it or over it not a single cannon-ball will explode! Those who will run and hide in the mountains with three crosses will find shelter and will be saved to live after in abundance, happiness and love, because there will be no more wars..."

(Serbian knowledge and wisdom s not that bad you know... After all helps You maybe in Your confused life? - this last one was my own comment :)


hen about predictions the Bible gives some very clear about the "very chip" s time in front of owr direction soon...
I read a lot so i have to know well those and much more things, wich You can t imagine i find in Eastern Europa today to read.
The question was to comment mr Douno s pic from above...yeh: Pls read what the wholy profet Beinsa Douno said 100 years ago:
"Evil enemies will attack the Slavic nations from West, East, South and North. If they do not UNITE - the Slavic will be etnically cleaned from the face of the Earth"
- And is IT not what we TODAY see on Balkan and in Eastern Europa, Central Asia, allready occupyed of US-military bases.... where some stupid miljarder like the Ungarian born Judish-American George Soros is ordering and financing private revolutions and governments, calling death and kaos for the "Open society" (?!) togheter with the Tjechoslovakia-born Madlenka (Madlene) Albright - both greatest delivers of exported revolutions to this part of the world. You can t imagine but peole s money are frozen to the level before 1970 for pensions, and money for mothers and unemployed on Balkan today, so we can say mostly peple live with 30 dollars for the MONTH!!! Then it is easy to die or sell your land for no money at all to rich Western tourists and companies just to survive colonisation is a fact.
Mr Sorrosss!!!!
Better times with free healthcare, free medicines, wide open Apteks and Hospitals with free dentists and 40 days by state payd vacations in SPa-hotels for the kids of the labour (tell me in your Western "democrasy" only a few milioners can allow them today this wich the state in Eastern Europa garanted us! I have been on those vaccations! I have lived during this period!
We lived in a society where there was not unimployment, 45 years fast prices, everyone owned his own home in the city plus VILLA and at lest 2 gardens in the country and even vine-yeard, owned at least a car (OK, Lada, but peple s values were to care for each other, than work 2-3 job and die in stress as we do today in your WESTERN "FREE" MARKET, waiting for 700 meter OCEAN WATER TO COVER US on the bottom of the ocean!! I have lived in the REAL SOCIALISM, wich your WESTERN PROPAGANDA-MEDIA call today for "Kommunism". It does not matter than the communistic party in all Eastern-European countries had planes for communism to come first year 2 260 and this first in Moskva - after all petiletka-plans!
The Western Universitets and editors does not care about facts! They black-painted it from "real-socialism" over to "communism". And sure Berlin is not any longer dividet. But this happens only in owr Eastern european Mind. Since noone wants to hear about Eastern European artists, movies, languages...then the BERLIN-WALL is still left in YOUR western MIND!!! And that is a GLOBAL problem! Colonisators old conservativism and pirate mentality is a PROBLEM! For the HUMANITY! Anyway, someone needs to talk the truth. If the newspappers do not do it in Western Europa today, but prefer PROPAGANDA - huh...PEOPE do it. Like I do here - from mouth to mouth. This secret talk destroys systems, LYERS and PROPAGANDATORS!You can t lie for your young generations, since the Evidence is living in owr souls and we are still milions having those evidences in owr power!!!
You have to kill milions of us and owr whole GENERATION to REVIDE owr mind with your psykoholigal weapons! So long we are in life we can t revide the history and owr memories!!! With all respect to your very chip and HAARP and psyko-generators, cleaning mind...but You as those Global Colonisators have to think we are not IDIOTS, not ANIMALS, not STUPID, but WELLEDUCATED - even without Harward, Lord-titles and medals! So long we are in life, we will tell people THE TRUTH!!!

Well, i think it is wrong to make war for OIL and NEWCOLONIALISM, when the World OCEAN is cleaning us every moment both colonisators and slaves, rich and poor! We need a world-governement since we are reaching those critical conditions very quckly and have no time actually to make wars.
This pic from above illustrates the creators of the Kirilitza-Alfapet, wich the Washington-based journalist Sam Vakning tryied to rise a new revolution against, when this Mr Vakning (wrong transkription of the Macedonian name "Vankin" - so he was American, playing local Macedonian journalist) trying to rise a new revolution on Balkan searching for a new "Attaturk against the Cyriliza-language", wich is phonetically the most PERFECT transcription in the world and easiest to learn in a few minutes, i am sure. Well, so Washington-based Sam Vakning-lier met a massive resistence on the Net 3-4 years ago and hundreds of upset Slavic visited the American newspapper to fuck theyr sick Holywood edition from Cirilitza to Latin letters off (without people s referendums, ofcourse, since on Balkan Washington do his strategy inspite of massive demonstration, as this time when they, for example, destroyed Bulgarians and Rumanians and other ex-Sovjet republics defens-rocket-system behind closed doors - in Bulgaria in this process partipiciated such an respektfull politician as Georgi Prvanov - Such a shame!)

MORE EVIDENCES to say i am not talking bull-shit read here: Upset Slavic users of Cirilitzan. OBS! You need to type in a comment before you can READ the answer from the readers!

Well i am not some political weired, but it happens so much NEWFASICMS and UNJUSTICE on Balkan and in Eastern Europa and in Central Asia today, so You must be an idiot, to not care when everything is just up and down arownd you in the worse crisis in Euro-Asia, i d say... the planet ever know... So back to my interests... I must be expert even in spirituality and astronomy and other scientifical disciplines, so i have difiiculties to make a good choise for the issues we could talk about. Even if I prefer to listen to others today and just trying to make distance from the world arownd, since it is going over in pure madness... Then, as the Serbian Profet Mitar Tarabitchj told us, we need to save ourselvs and the humanity trough MEDITATIONS and pray inside to GOD! The madness is a fact today and the humanity has lost controll over its future! So everything we can do is to look inside and judge owrselves and owr own values and wishes!
Other scientists i respect are:
Elena Blavatska, Swedenborg, Denis Lindbohm, Carl Sagan, Petr Nilson etc...

I'd like to meet:

A few idols to talk politics with could be, for example:
Volen Sidorov
Panslavists arownd the world
The man-legend Fidel Castro! - I admire your selfsacrifice for the justice on this planet!!!
Kubratt Tomov (we actually talked on the phone so long) - a good try on his spiritual lever for the humanity.
My greatest hero is the Balkan oracle Vanga...ofcourse...

Myspace Codes

Myspace Codes


????? ?????? ????? ??????! ????? ?????? ????? ????! ????? ?????? ????? ????! ????? ?????? ???? ?!
NEBO SLAVJAN ???? ??????, The Slavic Skies

src=" g"
Dean Red s German home page awailable for English and German speaking pls press here:

From Dean s repertoar

"SDELAN V S S S R"/("Made in USSR")

Urkaina i Krajm, Belarusj i Moldova -
Eto moja strana.
Sachalin i Kamtchatka, Uraljskie goraj -
Eto mojq strana.
Krasnojarskij kraj, Sibirj i Povoljzje,
Kazachstan i Kavkaz, i Pribaljtika tozje...

Ja rozjden v Sovetskom Sojuze,
Sdelan ja v SSSR,
Ja rozjden v Sovetskom Sojuze,
Sdelan ja v SSSR.

Rjuriki, Romanovaj, Lenin i Stalin -
Eto moja strana.
Puschkin, Esenin, Vajsozkij, Gagarin -
Eto moja strana.
Razorenaje zerkvi i novaje hramaj,
Krasnaja ploschtchadj i strojka na BAM-e

Ja rozjden v Sovetskom Sojuze,
Sdelan ja v SSSR,
Ja rozjden v Sovetskom Sojuze,
Sdelan ja v SSSR.

Olimpijskoe zoloto, startaj, pobedaj -
Eto mojq strana.
Zjukov, Suvorov, kombajnaj, torpedaj -
Eto moq strana.
Oligarchi i nishtchie, moschtj i razrucha,
KGB, MVD i boljschaja nauka...

Ja rozjden v Sovetskom Sojuze,
Sdelan ja v SSSR,
Ja rozjden v Sovetskom Sojuze,
Sdelan ja v SSSR.

Glinka, Tolstoj, Dostoevskij, Tjajkovskij,
Vrubelj, Schaljapin, Schagal, Ajvazovskij,
Neft i almazaj, zoloto, gaz,
Flot, VDV, VVC i speznaz.

Vodka, ikra, Ermitazj i raketaj,
Samaje krasivaje zjenschtin planetaj,
Schachmataj, opera, lutschij balet,
Skazjite, gde estj to, tchego u nas njet?!

Dazje Evropa objedinilasj v Sojuz,
Vmeste nashi predki srazjalisj v boju
Vmeste vajgrana Vtoraja mirovaja vojna.
Vmeste maj samaja boljschaja strana.
Duschat granizaj, bez vizaj neljzja.
Kak vam bez nasj, otzovitesj, druzja!

Ja rozjden v Sovetskom Sojuze,
Sdelan ja v SSSR,
Ja rozjden v Sovetskom Sojuze,
Sdelan ja v SSSR.

Zemlja v illjuminatore, zemlja v iljuminatore, zemlja v iljuminatore vidna
Kak sajn grustit o materi, kak sajn grustit o materi,
grustim maj o zemle - ona odna.
A zvezdaj tem ne menee, a zvezdaj tem ne menee, tchut blizje,
No vse takzje holodni.
I, kak v tchasaj zatmenija, i, kak v tchasaj zatmenija, zdem sveta
I zemnaje vidim sni.
I snitsja nam ne rokot kosmordroma,
e eta ledjanaja sineva
a snitsja nam trava, trava u doma,
Zelenaja, zelenaja trava.
A maj letim orbitami.
Putjami neizbitajmi.
Proshiv meteoritami prostor.
Opravdan risk i muzjeststvo.
Kosmitcheskaja muzajka.
Vplajvaet v delovoj nash razgovor.
V kakoj-to dajmke matovoj.
Zemlja v iljuminatore -
Vetcherne-rannaja zarja.
A sajn grustit o materi.
A sajn grustit o materi.
Zdjet sajna mat, a sajnovej - zemlja.
snitsja nam ne rokot kosmordroma,
e eta ledjanaja sineva
a snitsja nam trava, trava u doma,
Zelenaja, zelenaja trava.

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
We're all living in America
America, America

When there's dancing I want to lead
even if you're whirling around alone
Let yourselves be controlled a little
I'll show you how it really goes
We're making a nice round dance
Freedom is playing on all violins
Music is coming out of the White House
and Mickey Mouse is standing in front of Paris

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
We're all living in America
America, America

I know moves that are very useful
and I will protect you from missteps
And whoever doesn't want to dance at the end
doesn't know yet that they must
We're making a nice round dance
I will show you the way
Santa Claus is coming to Africa
and Mickey Mouse is standing in front of Paris

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
We're all living in America
America, America

We're all living in America
Coca-Cola, Wonderbra
We're all living in America
America, America

This is not a love song
This is not a love song
I don't sing my mother tongue
No, This is not a love song

We're all living in America
America is wonderful
We're all living in America
America, America

We're all living in America
Coca-Cola, sometimes war
We're all living in America
America, America

COOL MUSIC LINCS (FREE DOWNLOAD MP3 - just press your right button and then: Save target as on your HDD, then just listen! Enjoy it! ;):

Zdravko Colic with "Jugoslavijo"

Rade Jorovitcjwith "You are the woman of my life"

BIJELO DUGME with "Forget, if you can"

BIJELO DUGME with "Hej Slaveni"

Zdravko Colic - Ruska - Ruska

Saban Saulic - "Let s be older togheter"

Saban Saulic - Only i was loved false by you "

Rade Jorovic - I am looking for you with my sight

Miroslav Ilic "Beograde"

Saban Bajramovic - "Todoro"

Sava Radusinovic "If You wanna see me"

Sava Radusinovic "Beograd, you are calm down my sowl"

Zvonko Bogdan "8 tambura-player from Petro-Varadin"

BREAD AND SALT (LEB I SOL): "Jovano, Jovanke" - folk song

Ljuba Alicic: "Darkos Ringdans" (Darkovo Kolo)

Alla Pugatcheva s Official Site


the worldfamous GOJKO MITITCH!


Nas tchervenoto zname rodi
Nas ne ste ni uplashi smurtta
Nie sme na vseki kilometur! Nie sme na vseki kilometur!
I kraq na sveta...
STEFAN DANAILOV ?????? ????????

.. Padna drugarjat, v smurten boj
Padna za teb, svoboda,
Za da izgree, i stane toj
Malka tchervena zvezda! Malka tchervena zvezda!

"Lepa sela lepo gorat"/"Pritty villages pretty flame"
Kak zakaljalasj stalj


Sciense A. V. Karnauchov

rabotchij i kolhoznitza

TEXT: The Russian man to the Western Capitalist: "A very strange way to reform do You offer to us, although..." ..



Kak zakaljalasj stalj
Powest za Zoja i Schura
Dimitör Dimov: "Tjutjun" p;Level=1
Penjo Penev
Ljudmila i Vanga
The goal of capitalism is always the same
...all poetry from Ivan Vazov, the great one! ;)
Bjah malak az, no oshte pomnq:
Vuv staqta ni, bedna, skromna,
viseshe obraz zavechtel
do bozjata sveta ikona.
Nad nego imashe korona,
pod nego puk - dvuglav orel.
I tchesto majka mi togazi
me vdigashe da vidjq azi
otblizo toz lik svqt i star
i nezno dumashe mi: "Tchado
zeluni toq hubav dqdo
zeluni bulgarskiq zar"
I ottogaz go az obiknah.
Koga na vuzrast popristignah,
ot moq tejko az uznah,
tche ruskij zar rodej se s nazi,
tche turzite toj goni, mrazi,
tche toj shte ni spasi ot tqh.
Koga ni psuvashe tiranut,
"Moskovzi", vikashe ni s gnqv. -
Razbrach tche tejko beshe prav.
I vqrvach che da ni otbranqt,
schte hvruknat burzje kumto nas,
vse koltchem platchehme sus glas.
I taj otrano s taz ideq,
s taz vqra hvanach da ziveq.
I tchakam az, za must gotov,
i zeliqt narod mi tchaka,
koga v tegloto i vuv mraka
da tchuem ruskij silen zov.
I tchakame...taj kakto roba
na muka si poslednij tchas
taj kakto Lazar tchaka v groba
da tchuj glasa na svoq spas!
Navred, de tchuvat se vazdischki,
de sulzi ronqt se vdovishki,
de tezki zjeleza druntchat
i deto kurvite techat,
i deto ima mutchenizi,
i obeztchesteni devizi,
i bedni, goli siroti,
i okurvaveni baschti,
i tcherkvi, sela razvaleni,
i pulni s kokali poleni -
pri Tundzja, Timok i pri Vit;
vred, deto robut zjalovit
kum sever gorestno poglezjda,
vred, deto grej edna nadezjda,
vred, deto pulno e s tuga,
navred, no vsichka Bulgariq,
edna se duma tchuj sega,
edin ston, edin glas: Rusiq!
Rusiq! Kolko ni pleni
tuj ime svqto rodno milo!
To v mraka biva nam svetilo,
nadezjda v nashite zlini!
To spomnq ni, tche nij koga sme
zabraveni ot zelij svet
ljubov, tschto nikoga ne gasne
za nazi bdi s naj-sladuk svet.
Rusiq! Taz zemq velika
po shir, po broj, po sila! Tq
s nebeto ima si prilika
i samo s ruskata dusha!
Tam, tam molbite ni se tchuvat
i v dneshniq petchalen tchas
sartza vse bratski se vulnuvat
osemdeset miljona s nas!
O, skoro nam schte se protegne
mogustha, silna, bratska dlan
i kruv poganska pak ste tekne,
i pak shte grumne star Balkan!
Tche zarqt volqta si qsno
qvi v sveshtenata Moskva
i prez usta mu ednoglasno
Rusiq zqla hortuva:
"Reshil sum, kazje, da izbavq
ot robsto bratqta ni dnes.
Tova dulgut mi povelqva,
tova go iska ruska tchest.
Shte gledam s miren natchin azi
da stigna taz sveshtena zel,
no ne spolutcha li - togazi
shte vdigna ruskiqt orel.
V takuva slutchaj se nadeq,
tche vsqk ot vas shte bude pruv
za taz velikata ideq
da zertvuva imot i kruv!"
I ot daletchnata Kamtchatka,
dori do finskite morq
edna svetkaviza zasvqtka,
edin ratchu se vik: "Urra!"
O, zdravstvuj ti, Rusijo moschtna,
sveta trepna ot tvoq glas,
skokni, zarize polunoshtna,
zovem te nij, ela pri nas!
Balgariq sega te vika.
Tchasut nastana: tvoj zavet
i tvojta misiq velika
da gi izpalnish v toq svet!
Zatuj si ti protchuta, slavna
i druga nqmash s tebe ravna;
zatuj obchvashtash polusvet -
zarstva, narodi, okeani -
i nqmash izgled, kraj i tchet;
zatuj te bog do dnes otbrani
ot tolkova bedi, dushmani;
zatuj mozja da sakrushish
Mamaq-han i Bonaparta,
zatuj vraga si ti strashish,
koga te gleda i na karta,
zatuj zovesh se ti Sveta,
zatuj te ljubim kat bashta
i tchakame kato Mesiq:
Zatuj si ti Rusiq!
22 noevmri 1876 godina,
Ivan Vazov
Comment! - When it is about Vazovs poetry, well he was for Slavic Union more than 110 years ago. It is not strange at all, if U keep in mind the Turkish occkupation last 500 years on Balkans with British guns, armed by the British Quinn. Even today US is armeing the Albanian terrorist guerilla UCK/KLA to destroy Slavic and Christian Churchis and prepare Kosovo and Macedonia s land to the creation of Great Albania. I mean noone has learned anything from the history! Even the corrupted Serbian and Bulgarian politicians, named Dzjindzjitch, Nadezjda Mihajlova, Petar Stojanov, Ivan Kostov or Anastasiq Mozer. All corrupt shit Anglo-American occupation since this place is too strategical and important to them to controll East Asia and Afrika. But the Balkan citizens are tired by bribes and bombs and radioactivity and this Vazovs poem is so aktuall today if it is brand new for those political conditions today. Thank You for reading! Hristo Smirnenski, Nikola Jonkov Vapzarov
, Majakovskij
The goal for capitalism is always the same. Nothing new under the sun.
? Why the Western postcolonisators hate Lenin? Why Lenin is "dictator"? Why his litterature is "exremism"? Why his ideas are equal with "fascism"?
Noam Chomsky is one of America's most popular speakers, electrifying standing-room-only audiences all over the country as he dissects US foreign policy with insights like these:Contrary to what virtually everyone -- left or right -- says, the United States achieved its major objectives in Indochina. Vietnam was demolished. There's no danger that successful development there will provide a model for other nations in te region. At exactly the moment it invaded Panama...the Bush administration announced new high-technology sales to China [and] lift a ban on loans to Iraq...Compared to Bush's buddies in Baghdad and Beijing, Noriega looked like Mother Teresa. Prospects are pretty dim for Eastern Europe. The West has a plan for it -- they want to turn large parts of it into a new, easily exploitable part of the Third Word.
- "NATO out!", "Yankees out!" - Labels from demonstration - protest against USA:s military bases in Bulgaria without referendum 12 nov 2005
someone I often send flowers for his anticolonialism against the economical war of US and EU on Balkan ;)
"Wrong" meeting!
"by j.j. richardson
June 23, 1999
NATO's continued bombardment of Yugoslavia had several stated goals, one of which was the safe return of hundreds of thousands of Kosovar refugees. With refugees already pouring back over the borders, attention and concern now turn to the conditions facing returning refugees: bombed roads and bridges, burned villages, and an almost non-existent civil infrastructure Depleted uranium is twice as heavy as lead. As a result, ammunition made from DU can pierce just about any armor. But while it's an extremely effective an anti-tank weapon, DU does have a downside: It is radioactive and, in dust form, it can cause serious internal injuries.
But there's another potential problem: depleted uranium (DU). The Pentagon has confirmed that it used DU in Kosovo. It has also confirmed it has no plans to clean it up.
When used in combat, the uranium in the bullet or round ignites upon impact and, when it combines with oxygen, forms a toxic cloud of uranium oxide dust. Solid uranium is not harmful; DU is toxic only if the dust is inhaled or ingested, or if DU-contaminated shrapnel enters the body. Once oxidized, the dust -- which remains toxic to those who may inhale or ingest it -- settles in the immediate area and is also dispersed by wind and rain. What risks does DU pose to returning refugees? It depends on who you ask. Predictably, the Pentagon denies that the DU used in Kosovo poses any danger to the refugees. Indeed, it cites a number of studies in support of its conclusion. But there are a number of critics who say, essentially, the Pentagon is lying. Significantly, one of the biggest critics of the Pentagon's policy on DU is a former U.S. Army officer who was in charge of cleaning up DU after the Gulf War.
Doug Rokke served as the Theatre 12th Preventative Medicine Command health physicist with the 3rd U.S. Army Medical Command in the Persian Gulf War. Rokke had overall responsibility for radiological safety in the war, and his team was charged with the "clean up" of DU-contaminated battlefields and equipment in Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. His team never received any specialized training or protective gear.
Within two weeks of his return from duty in the Middle East, Rokke and the other members of his DU assessment team began developing health problems. "The Department of Defense doesn't want to admit that DU is harmful because they don't want the liability," he says. In March of 1991, Rokke says he received a faxed memorandum from Lt. Col. Ziehmn of Los Alamos National Laboratory suggesting "that we didn't 'find' anything that would disrupt the military's use of depleted uranium. They were using it, period."
In the past eight years, most of the original team has developed health problems, and some have died, according to Rokke. Rokke himself has had severe kidney and respiratory problems. A urinalysis conducted in March of 1994 -- three years after he returned to the States -- showed that the level of uranium present in his urine exceeded the normal level by more than 2,000 percent.
Lt. Col. Diane Lawhon, a spokesperson for the Pentagon's Office of the Special Assistant for the Gulf War Illnesses [OSAGWI] acknowledges that DU weaponry gives off "minor radiation," but says that the DU released in such "minute fragments ... should not be a health concern for returning refugees." According to Lawhon, "Uranium is all around us, in the air, the soil ... when exposed [to DU] the body just assimilates it."
The MoJo Wire received a faxed confirmation from Department of Defense press officer Lt. Col. Mike Milord that the Pentagon does not have plans to clean up the DU contamination in Kosovo: "No. It's use has been minimal and we do not believe it poses any significant health risk."
Rokke, of course, disagrees. The key to determining the danger posed to refugees, he says, is the quantity of DU used in Kosovo. That fact is impossible to determine given that the Pentagon refuses to release any information about its use of DU, beyond a general acknowledgement that it was used. However, by taking into account the number of sorties the A-10 Warthogs (the planes firing the DU bullets, according to the Pentagon) were flying per day, the estimated percentage of those sorties which actually fired DU rounds, and the number of rounds their guns hold, it is possible to arrive at an estimate. According to John Pike, a well-respected defense analyst with the Federation of American Scientists "one could reasonably assume that we have fired at least 10,000 of [DU] rounds."
Based on a conservative estimate of 10,000 fired rounds, the amount of DU used in the Gulf War was approximately 100 times greater than the amount used in Kosovo. But Rokke is quick to stress that the quantity of DU used in Kosovo would still "absolutely have a negative impact" on refugees that come in contact with contaminated areas: "Those areas need to be cleaned up, each of those rounds has to be cleaned up, or the stuff will just stay there forever." Rokke cautioned that people cleaning up contaminated areas, unless provided with the proper protective clothing and training, may develop serious health problems.
Refugees returning to their villages may kick up and inhale the dust simply by walking; children playing on tanks or other destroyed equipment could inhale it or ingest it (if they put their hands in their mouths, for example); soil, surface water, and ground water may be contaminated. According to some critics, enough DU exposure would likely cause refugees increased cancers, possibly damage to internal organs (primarily kidneys), and birth defects.
Roy Farrell, an emergency physician on the National Board of Directors of Physicians for Social Responsibility, says that it's difficult to know decisively what the long-term effects are, because not enough research has been done on depleted uranium in general.
However, Farrell points to Iraq as an example of the kind of effects combat use of DU can have on civilian populations. "Depleted uranium was used by U.S. and British forces in the Gulf War, and thousands of people were exposed to residual contamination." Although downplayed by the Clinton administration and Western media, Iraqi physicians have reported sharp increases in cancers such as lymphomas and leukemia in Southern Iraq, as well as an increase in birth defects.
Daniel Fahey, a former Naval officer who is now the research director at the National Gulf War Resource Center (NGWRC), has conducted extensive research on depleted uranium. DU contamination poses a hazard to NATO troops and Kosovar civilians alike, Fahey says, unless they are provided with appropriate training and protective clothing. "You're talking about something that should be stored as a radioactive waste, and [instead they're] spreading it around other countries -- and the Pentagon is saying there's not a problem."
While publicly claiming that DU is safe, the Army has quietly outfitted its men in full protective gear during DU testing. In the course of such testing at the Department of Energy's Nevada test site in 1994 and 1995, Rokke and his team were outfitted with head-to-toe protective gear, including full-face respirators. "We were totally encapsulated -- they taped us in," he says.
Indeed, Rokke says his team received the go-ahead to bury six Bradley fighting vehicles -- casualties of American "friendly fire" incidents -- during the Gulf War cleanup. The vehicles were "scrap heaps," Rokke says, and decontaminating them would have been impossible. They were buried in the sand instead.
While the Pentagon says that a clean up in Kosovo is simply unneccessary, there may be another factor in their decision: it's too expensive. According to Fahey, a DU clean-up effort is Kosovo would be "very difficult and costly." Tanks and other contaminated equipment would have to be wrapped in tarps and taken to decontamination sites. Additionally, the top layer of soil -- roughly one foot deep -- of all affected areas would have to be removed, "containerized" and disposed of properly. Likewise, all the rounds which missed their targets would have to be found and properly removed.
Fahey points to the Jefferson Proving Ground in Indiana as an example of the prohibitive cost of such an effort. In 20 years of DU testing, roughly 150,000 pounds of uranium were discharged over the Ground's 500 acres. The estimated cost for cleaning up that area was between $4 billion and $5 billion. "They're not cleaning it up -- [the Department of Defense] decided it was too expensive," Fahey says.
And now from: : Why did the International Penal Court at The Hague keep the story silent?
Why were Milosevic’s human rights denied him?
The Hague tries to conceal reasons of Slobodan Milosevic's death
Mr. Milosevic was found lying dead on his bed by a guard at the IPC detention centre, where he was taken after being illegally kidnapped by NATO forces in 2001 and where upon arrival, his prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, declared he was guilty even before the trial had begun.
This act of kidnapping was outside any forum of international law and contravened the law of Serbia and the Federal State of Yugoslavia in force at the time of the kidnapping. The question of the kidnap and the illegal detention at the Hague has never been addressed by the international community.
Slobodan Milosevic, 64, had had his request for medical treatment in Russia turned down by the IPC, although the doctors in the Netherlands were incapable of helping him in his condition - high blood pressure and heart problems. Why were his human rights denied him?
In the midst of his defence, after Carla del Ponte’s inept attempt at prosecution (many of her key witnesses turned out to be liars) Slobodan Milosevic was about to call some resounding names in international circles to the stand. Now, they will not have to go. How very convenient the “death” of Slobodan Milosevic is.
With the “disappearance” of an important witness in Milosevic’s trial, Milan Babic, through suicide, less than a week ago, the Hague detention centre could rightly be called Death Row and is evidently unfil to detain and protect prisoners
Forced from power during an illegal popular uprising on 5th October 2000, he was arrested on 1st April the following year without any formal charges having been brought, before being kidnapped and held illegally in The Hague, since when he has been successfully defending himself against Carla del Ponte’s prosecution team, whose main mission is to keep the pressure on one side while exonerating the true culprits for the Balkans mess, NATO and the Western powers, from their responsibility to stand trial.
Accused of a number of counts of crimes, it no longer matters what because under any norms of law in any civilised society, a person is deemed innocent until he is proven guilty. Carla del Ponte failed rotundly in her attempt to violate the legal profession and put Slobodan Milosevic behind bars after a conviction. The last laugh, and triumph, is his.
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
Results of Kosovo Peace:-350,000 non-Albanians have been "cleansed" from Kosovo -84 Serbian churches and monasteries have been razed and dozens more severely damaged -50,000 Serbian and Roma homes have been torched -910 People have been murdered, 811 were Serbs and Montenegrins -4,354 terrorists attacks, 4,121 against Serbs and Montenegrins -802 wounded, 751 Serbs and Montenegrins -821 abductions, 757 against Serbs and Montenegrins -2 million Serbian books have been burned SOURCE:
KLA becomes TMK - Nothing changed except the name Hashim Thaci, UCK leader; Bernard Kouchner UN Administrator of Kosovo Gen. Sir Mike Jackson KFOR Commander, Agim Ceku, commander of UCK Gen. Wesley Clarck, NATO commander, October 1999
In Eastern Europa everyone says Slobo got a victime for Psykotronical weapons, since he was unguilty
From again:
Slobodan Milosevic’s death in his prison cell triggers rumours of murder
Slobodan Milosevic - branded the "butcher of the Balkans" for the wars that tore Yugoslavia apart in the 1990s - has been found dead in his cell, just months before his war crimes trial was expected to conclude.
"Milosevic was found lifeless on his bed in his cell," the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague said in a statement.
The United Nations war crimes tribunal issued a statement that guards found Milosevic's body in his bed in the Hague. Dutch police and a coroner launched a formal probe.
Leaders in the region and in Western Europe lamented that Milosevic, 64, would never be convicted for his role in the break-up of Yugoslavia and the four wars in the region in the 1990s. His death also poses a setback in efforts by the United Nations and scholars to craft a definitive account of the wars.
In poor health for a number of years, Milosevic had a heart condition and high blood pressure, which together caused long delays in his war crimes trial here on charges of genocide and war crimes in Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo.
Former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic feared he was being poisoned in his detention cell in The Hague, his lawyer Zdenko Tomanovic said on Saturday hours after the tribunal announced Milosevic's death.
"Today, I have filed an official request to the tribunal to have the autopsy carried out in Moscow, having in mind his claims yesterday that he was being poisoned in the jail," Tomanovic told reporters in The Hague.
Carla del Ponte, chief prosecutor at UN war crimes tribunal:
"I regret deeply what happened, first of all because, after more than three years of trials, we are reaching the end of the trials by the beginning of this summer and I think...that it is regrettable for all witnesses, for all survivors, for all victims that are expecting justice.
"But we must expect now the result of the autopsy to see what is the cause of death. It will be much more clear in the next days."
For more than a decade as Yugoslavia tore itself apart, Milosevic was more than just another political leader. He both voiced and moulded the rise of Serbian nationalism and used the Yugoslav national army and its proxy forces to carve out a ‘Greater Serbia’.
No matter that he lost four wars and ended up as president of a pariah state. No matter that ‘Greater Serbia’ was foiled. Milosevic always managed to turn military defeat into a personal political victory, for he could persuade Serbs that he had done it for them.
Source: agencies
And another article from the same Source Pravda.Ru:
Slobodan Milosevic likely to serve his term in Russian prison
Yugoslavia collapsed as a result of the peacemaking activity of the West
The start of the US-led peacekeeping mission in the Balkans and the consequences, which the mission has caused in the region, is known as the Balkan problem. The problem has not been solved despite the active participation of world's leading international organizations. Furthermore, politicians and experts acknowledge that the number of unsolvable questions has been increasing, whereas Western states continue exercising the single-handed approach to the Balkan issue
Western states persistently ignore all accusations of so-called double standards, despite the informational campaign to aim the public opinion against Serbia and Slobodan Milosevic's regime. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia was established, although charges were presumably brought down against military men of the Yugoslav army, i.e.
Yugoslavia collapsed as a result of the peacemaking activity of the West. Russia's influence in the Balkans weakened, while sovereign states in the region became dependant on the policies of the EU and the USA.
On the other hand, there is an impression that the West prefers to ignore new problems, which may appear from the indefinite future of the Balkan states in general and the southern province of Serbia, Kosovo, in particular. Kosovo may obtain independence this year already, because of the UN's lenience. It may result in another outbreak of violence, or even launch another war.
In the meantime, the West is currently busy seeking war criminals and delivering them to the International Tribunal for former Yugoslavia, the aptitude of which is quite doubtful. However, only two names of Bosnian Serbs, Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic, made headlines in world newspapers, not to mention abstract talks about the democratization of the Balkans.
There is the reverse side of the medal too: Madeline Albright, the former US Secretary of State, incumbent British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Javier Solana, the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Wesley Clark, the former NATO Supreme Commander and many other well-known officials have been forgotten too: these defendants will never stand up in court.
The above-mentioned politicians are accused of violating the norms of the international humanitarian right and causing deliberate sufferings to the civilian population. The Hague's Chief Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, is aware of all testimonies and evidence, but the “severe punishment of the International Tribunal” does not reach everyone.
It is noteworthy that The Hague sends more and more of its cases to other courts, in Pristina and Sarajevo, for instance. The International Tribunal will complete only one political process, of course. Slobodan Milosevic's endless case was formally closed in February of 2004, after the court had listened to about 300 witnesses in two years.
The investigation of the case may take even more time in connection with the ex-president's poor state of health and new surfacing circumstances. It is an open secret that the list of charges brought against Slobodan Milosevic makes up 66 counts, including crimes against humanity, numerous violations of laws and international conventions, genocide of the people of Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo.
The Western society was rather annoyed with Russia's interference in the Balkan issue. The ex-prime minister of the Soviet government, Nikolai Ryzhkov, and the former chief of the international military cooperation of the Defense Ministry of Russia, Leonid Ivashov, testified in The Hague last year on Slobodan Milosevic's case. Their statements did not change anything. Furthermore, the Tribunal sets its claims against Russia saying that Russian authorities harbor Serbian generals and assist in their movement across the country.
British and American officials believe that the last Yugoslavian president, Slobodan Milosevic, should serve his term in Russia, in the event the defendant is found guilty, of course. The Sunday Times wrote that some criminals, convicted in The Hague, had been imprisoned in Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, France, Spain and Germany. A spokesman for the Hague Tribunal confirmed that Russia could also be listed as a state, in which the convicted will be sent. Russia, in its turn, will have to provide adequate conditions to prisoners.
Vladimir Yaduta
TEXT: "Do You still hesitate in the US-democracy?!? Then we are coming to yourself... On the ground: Iraq, Yugoalavija, Vietnam"
More from the same source:
The whole truth at The Hague
Despite the attempts to silence Slobodan Milosevic, his trial is proving an interesting source of information about what really happened in the Balkans.
Slobodan Milosevic, the ex-President of Yugoslavia, has inexplicably been denied the right to continue defending himself and instead, has been allocated a lawyer named Steven Kay, who conducts the "defence" without any information from the Milosevic team.
Of the 97 witnesses he contacted, 92 flatly refused to testify unless Slobodan Milosevic be given back the right to defend himself, according to Zdenko Tomanovic, Mr. Milosevic's chief legal advisor.
However, one witness who agreed to testify has left NATO and its masters in Washington squirming in embarrassment.
German journalist, ex-Army Major Franz Josef Hutsch was in Kosovo between September 1998 and December 1999. He describes himself as an "embedded reporter in the KLA" (Kosovo Liberation Army, otherwise knows as Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves, UCK).
Franz Josef Hutsch states that the climate he found in the province was "tense but not violent" but that the violence was caused by the UCK, not the Serbs.

German journalist, ex-Army Major Franz Josef Hutsch was in Kosovo between September 1998 and December 1999. He describes himself as an "embedded reporter in the KLA" (Kosovo Liberation Army, otherwise knows as Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves, UCK).
Franz Josef Hutsch states that the climate he found in the province was "tense but not violent" but that the violence was caused by the UCK, not the Serbs. The UCK, he claims, used hit-and-run tactics against Serb patrols and tried to provoke "excessive reaction" from the authorities, often staging events, making sure that civilians were in the wrong place at the wrong time, usually just before the journalists arrived.
He also claims that the Albanians tried to trick the Serbs into firing on civilians, which were used and abused to suit the aims of the UCK, being forced to endure harsh weather conditions so that they would be shivering and miserable before the cameras, or to be placed in combat areas to increase collateral damage.
The Albanians would make their money through the trafficking of drugs and prostitution - the drugs and women, often the prettier Albanian girls snatched from their families, would be swapped for guns on the frontier.
As for the officers, Hutsch states that between 80 and 100 Arabic officers worked with the KLA and that each unit was commanded by one of these Mujaheddin, who were paid "huge sums" of money by the firm MPRI, which trained these elements in bases in Turkey.
The nationality of the firm MPRI? The United States of America.
Kosovo: Chaos
The legacy of NATO's illegal attack against Yugoslavia
Kosovo has never been closer to a civil war. The mutual trust, the bortherly relations, the inter-cultural friendship which co-existed between Serbs and Albanians was destroyed by the KLA, aided and abetted by the USA in its criminal interference and intrusion into the internal affairs of a sovereign state. The result, five years on, is visible.
At least 22 people are dead and more than 500 injured, many seriously, after the worst ethnic violence in the history of Kosovo-Metohija, causing hundreds of UN police and NATO soldiers to be drafted into the area.
The violence started when a Serbian boy of 18 was shot dead in Caglavica by Albanians driving past in a car. The following day, a group of Serbs chased three Albanian children, who drowned in the River Ibar. On Wednesday, there were mass riots between the communities involving machine-gun fire, grenades and small arms.
This was not an isolated incident. There were attacks against Serbs and burnings of Serb houses in Mitrovica (north), in Lipljan and Gnjilane (east), in Caglavica and Kosovo Polje, near the capital, Pristina (centre) and in Belo Polje and Pec (west), provoking a series of demonstrations across Serbia.
Harri Holkeri, the UN administrator of Kosovo, called the incident a "black day". However, it was far more than this. Since NATO attacked the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999 for its campaign to oust the terrorist organization KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army, or Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves, in Albanian), in what was, is and always has been an integral part of Yugoslavia and the cornerstone of the Serb nation (Kosovo Polje), there has been an indiscriminate campaign by Albanians to force out the Serbs who remained.
200,000 Serbs fled their homes in the wake of the NATO attack and the extremists aim to keep them away, as Albanians pour over the frontier from Albania itself, to have children in Kosovo and therefore gain their birthright, a practice which has happened for decades in an orchestrated attempt to build a Greater Albania. Whether or not NATO (the USA) was blind or party to this is not clear, however what is known is that leading members of the terrorist organization, KLA, were wined and dined at the House of Congress in Washington before the NATO attack
Serbia's Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica stated yesterday that "events in the northern part of Kosovo-Metohija reveal the true nature of Albanian separatism, its violent and terrorist character". A bomb defused outside the UNMIK Headquarters earlier this month gives rise to fears that international terrorist cells are among the Albanians, trying to sow the seeds of chaos in the area to create the conditions to force out the remaining Serbs and the UNO so that the core business of the KLA - drugs, arms and human trafficking - can proceed without disturbance.
This is what Slobodan Milosevic was trying to halt, before his country was savagely attacked by NATO and before he was kidnapped and taken to The Hague
What happens next? Vojislav Kostunica favours a division of Kosovo-Metihija into cantons, while the Albanians are against any separation at all. None would have been necessary if NATO had not interfered in the delicate and complex fibre of the Balkans' unique political and ethnic mix with its imperialist and warmongering policies.
There is now serious doubt as to whether anything will be resolved by the elections next autumn.
.. The Greek party s logo


.. ??????
ARKAN(ZELIKO RAZNATOVIC) Arkan, was the legendary figure that dominated the nationalist field of Yugoslav politics during the '90s. Accused as a "war criminal" from the Court of Hagen, simultaneously however considered hero, with the "H" capital, for the pestered population of his Yugoslavia. He was born in Slovenia on 17 of April 1952, and his real name was ZeljkoRaznatovic, until he chose the nickname Arkan. "Arkan", it means "wild horse" in the language of Tatars, but for him was "nothing more than a nickname inspired by a cinema figure". "It was an idea of my childhood's friends, with who we passed many hours watching our beloved martial films with protagonist the Air Commander, which we called firstly Arkomand and later Arkan". Born to be winner, with any cost and any mean, Arkan was the son of a general of the Yugoslavian Air Force, and he had also a grandfather hero in one of the many battles against the Turks. In the '70s he lived mainly out of the former Yugoslavia , and more specifically in Germany, Belgium and Italy. He worked in any possible domain and he passed from all the socioeconomic levels that somebody can imagine. In the late '80s he returned in Yugoslavia and he opened a confectionery, in Belgrade. He became also the leader of Delije, the ultras of the football team Red Star Belgrade (CrvenaZvezda), which managed to win the European Champions League in the year 1991. His confectionery "The Prince" became one from the biggest and better places in Belgrade. Inspired and influenced by the pain and the sufferings of the Serbian populations in Krajna (Croatia), and Bosnia, he decided to dedicate himself in the struggle for national freedom and justice. He created the Serbian Voluntary Guard the world known "ArkanoviTigrovi (Arkan's Tigers)" with the only purpose to defend the Serbian populations from the Catholic and Muslim aggressors. The members of the Tigers where mainly recruited from Delije, who felt the holy obligation to serve the three ideals: motherland, belief and family.
Arkan created his camp in Erdut, and he started to prepare his Volunteers for the latest holy war of Orthodoxy. Arkan and his Tigers started their action in Croatia, in the Serbian populated lands of Krajna, which where terrorized by the monstrous Croatian Ustasha. The Croatian separatists in a try to achieve independence from Belgrade were trying by force to impose the massive exodus of the Serbian population of Croatia (which was officially before the war the 30% of the overall population of the Federal Yugoslav Republic of Croatia). Arkan and his Tigers marched together with the JNA (Yugoslav National Army) and the local Serbs. With many sacrifices they managed to liberate several cities occupied by the Catholic aggressors. In 1992 Arkan is triumphaly elected as a deputy of the Serbian Parliament with his political formation the "Party of the Serbian Unity".
But unfortunately the flames of war started to burn another place where Serbs were majority, this time in the mainland of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The enemy had two faces: From one part the Muslims fundamentalists strongly correlated with terrorist Islamic organizations world wide and supported by Muslims countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others. On the other part are the Catholic "old fellows" the Croats of Herzegovina, who try to revitalize their dream for a "Greater Croatia".
Arkan and his Tigers felt their sacred obligation, and influenced by the massacres against Serbs committed by Mujahedins in Western Bosnia, are marching against the aggressors. In Bijelina, Zvornik, and everywhere, the Serbian Volunteer Guard becomes the hope of the terrified Serbs. Its legendary leader, Arkan becomes the protector of his people and the terror of the aggressors. His adventures become folk songs, and his figure is dignified in the Orthodox Christian world. After the end of the war he returned in Serbia and he started to develop his business. He bought a football team, the FK Obilic (Milos Obilic was a legendary figure of the Serbian national history: during the battle of Kosovo against the Turks, Voevod Obilic assassinated the Sultan Murat inside his tent , and was killed also by his guards). Arkan led his team two times in the gaining of the Yugoslav Championship. Married three times, he had 8 children, 7 boys and one girl. His last marriage was with Svetlana Velickovic (Ceca) a Serbian Folk music singer.
In 1997 the "International Court of Justice" made a secret indictment against him for crimes against humanity. It is obvious that the western world propagandists worked with the following motto "Who is not with us, is a criminal". The International Court of Justice unfortunately did not do anything about the other factors of the Yugoslav wars (Muslims, Croats) and more over did not do anything about the people who bombed innocents in Yugoslavia during the NATO aggression in 1999. These people were bombing hospitals, trains, TV studios and bridges, in the heart of the traditional Europe, and they were trying to justify themselves with the sarcastic phrase "inevitable collateral damages".
Arkan was a soldier, fought like a soldier against soldiers who were attacking his people and his country. He was not killing children and women using uranium bombs how the NA(ZI)TO pilots did in 1999. Partial justice is one of the phenomena of our era. In 15th of January 2000 during a visit of Arkan in the Intercontinental Hotel of Belgrade, three people (between them a former policeman) using machine guns, assassinated the Tiger of Serbia, Zeljko Raznatovic Arkan. Their motives still unknown. Many rumors were released by the Serbian mass media about the authors of this action. The most realistic one has to do with a usual organized action of the CIA to close the Yugoslav wars issue. Arkan was burried in Belgrade, and his soul met Obilic, Knez Dusan, and Knez Lazar in heaven. His name and his legend will live for ever in the heart of all Serbs, and of all Orthodoxs. Relevant to this, is the widespread opinion between the Serbs that Arkan is still alive. The truth is that he is alive spiritually, in eternity.
src=" 11755_coupleap203body.jpg" Favorite page: ..
The funneral of mr Arkan - brutaly murdered by the EXTREMELY UNEDUCATED AND PRIMITIVE Anglo-American bloody BUTCHERS!tHE AMERICAN ANTICOMMUNISTICAL AND ANTISLAVIC WAR STARTED IN THE EARLY 1970: Olof Palme, Victor O Hara, Dean Reed, Arkan, Slobodan Miloshevitchj - all of them MURDERED BY CIA AND USA! lONG LIVE THE AMERICAN DREAM! ..
Clusterbombs - easy, cheep and clever (Tony Blair) and "making me and my best friends miliarders" (George W. Bush) html Cluster munitions are air-dropped (Cluster bomb) or ground-launched shells that eject multiple smaller submunitions ("bomblets"). Their primary purpose is to kill enemy infantry, although specialized weapons designed for anti-runway, anti-armor and mine-scattering purposes have also been developed.Incendiary cluster bombs are designed to start fires, just as conventional incendiary bombs (also called firebombs). They are specifically designed for this purpose, with submunitions of white phosphorus or napalm and they often include anti-personnel and anti-tank submunitions to hamper fire fighting efforts. When used in cities they were often preceded by the use of conventional explosive bombs to break open the roofs and walls of buildings to expose flammable contents to the incendiaries. This type of munition was extensively used by both sides in the strategic bombings of World War II. It was bombs of this type that were used to start firestorms in cases such as the bombing of Dresden in World War II and the firebombing of Tokyo. [edit] Threats to civilians 98% of 11,044 recorded cluster munitions casualties that are registered with Handicap International are civilians. Cluster munitions are hotly opposed by many individuals and hundreds of groups, such as the Red Cross,[1] the Cluster Munition Coalition and the United Nations, because of the high proportion of civilians that have fallen victim to the weapon. Since February 2005, Handicap International called for cluster munitions to be prohibited and collected hundreds of thousands signatures to support its call.[2]Cluster bombs pose a threat to civilians for two reasons: they have a very wide area of effect, and they almost always leave behind unexploded bomblets.The area affected by a single cluster munition, also known as the footprint, can be as large as two or three football fields.[citation needed] Because of the weapon's very wide area of effect, they have frequently been documented as striking both civilian and military objects in the target area. This characteristic of the weapon is particularly problematic for civilians when cluster munitions are used in or near populated areas and has been documented by research reports from groups such as Human Rights Watch,[1] Landmine Action and Handicap International.The other serious problem is unexploded ordnance (UXO) of cluster bomblets left behind after a strike. These bomblets may be duds or in some cases the weapons are designed to detonate at a later stage. In both cases, the surviving bomblets are live and can explode when handled, making them a serious threat to civilians and military personnel entering the area. In effect, the UXOs can function like land mines. These are sometimes called triple-threat weapons[citation needed], because they can explode in the air, on the ground, or later when stepped on or disturbed.Even with cluster bombs that are designed to fully explode there is a certain number of individual submunitions that do not explode on impact. The US-made MLRS with M26 warhead and M77 submunitions are supposed to have a 5 percent dud rate but in reality have a rate of 16 percent.[2] The rate for this type tested during the Gulf War was as high as 23 percent.[3] The M483A1 DPICM artillery-delivered cluster bombs have a reported dud rate of 14 percent[citation needed].Given that each cluster bomb contains hundreds of bomblets and are fired in volleys, even a small failure rate can lead each strike to leave behind hundreds or thousands of UXOs scattered randomly across the strike area. For example, after the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, UN experts have estimated that as many as one million unexploded bomblets may contaminate the hundreds of cluster munition strike sites in Lebanon.[4]In addition, some cluster bomblets, such as the CBU-87, are brightly colored in order to increase their visibility and warn off civilians. However, the color, coupled with their small and nonthreatening appearance has caused children to interpret them as toys. This problem was exacerbated in the United States military action against Afghanistan, when US forces dropped humanitarian rations from airplanes with the same yellow colored packaging as the BLU97. The rations packaging was later changed first to blue and then to clear packaging in the hopes of avoiding such hazardous confusion.The US military is developing new cluster bombs which they claim have a much lower (less than 1%) dud rate.[5] However, in the past, new more efficient cluster bombs have not been made in sufficient quantities to push the older bombs out of the stockpiles and use.[citation needed] Sensor-fuzed weapons that contain a limited number of submunitions that are capable of autonomously engaging armored targets may provide a viable, if costly, alternative to cluster munitions that will allow multiple target engagement with one shell or bomb while avoiding the civilian deaths and injuries consistently documented from the use of cluster munitions.[edit] Civilian deaths from unexploded cluster bomblets In Vietnam, people are still being killed as a result of cluster bombs and other objects left by the US and South Vietnamese militaries. Estimates range up to 300 people per year.[3] In post-war Kosovo unexploded cluster bomblets caused more civilian deaths than landmines.[4] In Lebanon as many as 40% of the bomblets dropped may not have detonated since the end of the Israeli summer 2006 cluster bombings. [5]. During the offensive on Lebanon, Israel allegedly fired about 1,800 cluster bombs, containing over 1.2 million cluster bomblets, on Lebanese towns and villages being used as cover by Hezbollah during the last 10 days of the war, according to an unconfirmed report by an unnamed head of an Israeli rocket unit.[6] It is claimed that sixteen civilians have been killed and 100 wounded[7] by unexploded bomblets since the August 14, 2006 ceasefire in the 2006 Israeli-Lebanon conflict. The US State Department is inquiring into whether Israeli use of US-made cluster bombs during the conflict conformed with the terms of agreements between them as to the conditions of the munition's use. Israel has expressed readiness to cooperate and provided generalized maps as stated below, but has not provided detailed maps or coordinates of areas targeted with cluster munitions[8]. In August 2006, the UN's Mine Action Coordination Center in Tyre, Lebanon, raised an alarm over the post-conflict impact on returning civilians of unexploded cluster bombs allegedly used by Israel in HizbAllah occupied village staging areas.[9]. Israel immediately after the cease-fire gave the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) maps indicating the likely locations of unexploded ordnance, to aid the international attempt to clear these areas and avoid injury to the population. However, these maps only showed the general location of unexploded ordnance and were not useful for systematic clearance of areas contaminated by cluster munitions. This is most likely because they are proximity devices and not precision devices and exact impact areas cannot be determined. Immediately after the ceasefire, Israel distributed warning notices to the residents in the areas of warfare, and recommended that they wait a few days before returning to the south until the UNIFIL forces were deployed there and the area had been cleared of unexploded ordnance. Clearance experts (source needed) have estimated that it will take 12-18 months to remove the immediate threat from unexploded ordnance from southern Lebanon.Sep 2006.htm[edit] Areas with significant unexploded cluster bomb submunitions Lebanon Indochina, especially in Laos and central Vietnam's former demilitarized zone. Kosovo Afghanistan Iraq Countries that have been affected by cluster munitions include:Afghanistan Albania Bosnia & Herzegovina Cambodia Chad Croatia Eritrea Ethiopia Iraq Israel Kuwait Laos Lebanon Montenegro Pakistan Russia (Chechnya) Saudi Arabia Serbia (including Kosovo) Sierra Leone Sudan Syria Tajikistan Vietnam

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No to Independent Kosovo!

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The Haag-court killed mr Slobodan Miloshevitcj with probably psychotronical weapons

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Yankeees-out demonstrations in Sofia, 12 december 2005

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Posted by maria on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 10:46:00 PST

Demonstrations against environment polluting US-military bases in Bulgaria, Balkans

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Discriminated again...

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Posted by maria on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

No, this can not be the country for my kids?

11 juli 2005: My daughter is trying to play outside when a Swedish waman called G. Karlsson is was laudly shouting from her balkong: "Drop down your toys. This in not your country" (Damn my daughter i...
Posted by maria on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Halllelluja! Watch up...!

Anti-Christ is coming!<img src =" eartof-bush.jpg">...
Posted by maria on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST