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Misfits Last Caress
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Click Here for more great videos and pictures!I am 38 years old. That is pretty old in dog years but in human years I am still pretty young. I have been married for so long I can not remember being single. That is okay though cause my wife is pretty cool and our kids are really cool too. I work on aircraft for a govt near you. I love both kinds of football, College and Profesional (Titans and tha Vols), fast and cool cars, anything that can be done outside. I love to hunt and fish cause I like the way that animals taste. I have 3 dogs, a male and a 2 females. The first female is 7 years old and weighs about 60 pounds. She is a Boxer/hound mix. The second female is a pup Tea Cup chiuaha. She is roten thanks to the girls. The male is 3 years old and weighs 90 pounds. He is a Boxer/Pit Bull mix. He is a Monster. I like long walks on the beach and making out with your sister. I am from the great state of Tennessee. Texans love us cause we helped them become a country and then a state. I think that when I grow up I would like to be a Stunt Coordinator for midget porn again. I like to try to freak people out. I love the look on their faces when I blurt out something completely out of left field. I think it may aggrevate some folks but who cares, I get a laugh out of it. I like to fight but I always just end up blocking punches with my face. Maybe I should try another strategy? Once, I did eat all I could. I have been and still am all I can be. I like humans more than non-humans. I once found a way to stop world hunger and I found a cure for cancer but I got really drunk that night and forgot about it. I met the Dali Lama once and he told me, "Unga Bunga a booga loa chong chi". I don't know what that means but I am fairly certain he was mad about me shooting his prize Yak.I hear voices sometimes. I think they are trying to tell me to stay home and clean my guns. One day I will record them and you can hear them too! I try not to think too much cause it always makes my head hurt. One time, my brain started itching and the only way I could get rid of it was to think about sand paper.I would like to buy the world a Coke and then tell them to Fuck Off!

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My Interests

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I like people, I hear that some of them are pretty cool, so I guess I would like to meet some of those.Hey, if you see Gandhi, tell him nevermind. He will understand. I saw Elvis at the 7/11 in Memphis a while back so I guess I'll mark him off the list. I want to meet the person that came up with soft toilet paper. I would also like to meet the guy who invented that thing that helped those people that time.I would like to meet the guy who does those Valtrex commercials and ask him, "what the hell were you thinking".I met Jimmy Buffet and David Byrne one night, got their autograghs. I also met Coheed and Cambria, got their autograghs too.

My Blog

Michael Jackson, Seriously?

Given the current events concerning a certain pop icons death and the media circus that subsequently developed, I ask, "why"?I understand his iconic status due to the success of his music. I even unde...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 19:03:00 GMT

New pics of USO Tour 07

Kid Rock, Robin Williams, Lewis Black, Lance Armstrong and Miss USA
Posted by on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 21:14:00 GMT

I shouldn’t

I shouldn’t be so empathetic. I shouldn’t be so irritated. I shouldn’t be so pathetic. I shouldn’t be so medicated. I shouldn’t be so damn immature. I shouldn’t fee...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 22:29:00 GMT

Customer Inservice

Okay, tell me if you have had this happen to you. Seriously write me and tell me about it!..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> I am currently with Verizon wireless...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 22:04:00 GMT

New Religion Idea

I am currently concidering  starting a new religion. I am going to call it "The Church Of Later Day Sinners". The basic premis is that if you do something that others may think is wrong but you a...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 21:28:00 GMT