Golf and Mathematics
Artistic ppl. Geeks. Vegetarians & Jazzcore bastards.
Arcturus, Bill Bruford, Bill Frisell, Bob Drake, Bob Dylan, Carcass, Cardiacs, Devil Doll, Devin Townsend, Diamanda Galás, Dillinger Escape Plan, Dodheimsgard, Edgard Varèse, Estradasphere, Fantomas, Frank Zappa, Fred Frith, Fushitsusha, John Zorn, Magma, Matmos, Merzbow, Meshuggah, Mike Patton, Mr. Bungle, Naked City, Nokturnal Mortum, Pink Floyd, Rene Lussier, Secret Chiefs 3, Solefald, Tim Berne, Tori Amos, Ulver, Van der Graaf Generator, ...
Kwaidan, The Qatsi-trilogy, Sånger från andra våningen, Pi, Requiem for a Dream, Tetsuo I, Das Kabinett des Dr Caligari, Santa Sangre, Holy Mountain, Freaks, Monty Python movies, Trainspotting, Polanski, Godard, Kurosawa, Buñuel, Kubrick, Bergman, Lang, Lynch, Fellini and Marcel Carné. And The Cremaster Cycle probably rule.
Twin Peaks, The Simpsons, Futurama, Kobra
Gödel Escher Bach, John Cage, William S Burroughs, Vladimir Sorokin, Victor Pelevin, Dostojevskij, Jeff Noon, George Orwell, James Joyce, John C Lilly, Dice Man, Maldoror, Also sprach Zarathustra, Rural Class Struggles in Ambridge, ...
Richard Dawkins