comic books/graphic novels, cuisine (especially Italian), science fiction and fantasy entertainment, role-playing games (D&D3.5/D20, Mutants & Masterminds 2e, GURPS 4e, City of Heroes), travel
Saint Paul, Siddhartha, Sir Richard Burton, Charles Darwin, Isaac Asimov, FDR, JFK, the Clintons, Al Gore; George Lucas, Peter Jackson, Joss Whedon, Kevin Smith, Bryan Singer
classic rock (Tom Petty), classical (Beethoven), hard rock (Black Sabbath), heavy metal (Metallica), folk, jazz, swing, world (esp. neoCeltic)
Star Wars (especially original trilogy), Lord of the Rings trilogy, Fifth Element, the films of Terry Gilliam (especially Brazil), Blade Runner, Batman Begins, Magnificent Seven, The Mummy, Superman Returns, Princess Bride, Young Frankenstein
-All time: Batman: the Animated Series, Farscape, Highlander: the Series, M.A.S.H., Monty Python's Flying Circus, Star Trek (esp. the original series and the Next Generation) -Currently: Doctor Who, Hustle, Smallville, Stargate SG1, Veronica Mars
Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, the works of Arthur C. Clarke and Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories, J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth novels, David Brin's Uplift War, Ray Bradbury, Robert A. Heinlein, Thieves' World anthologies, David Weber's Honor Harrington books
Saint Francis, Father Damian, Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa Odysseus, King Arthur, Robin Hood, Zorro, the Shadow; Batman, Green Arrow, Superman, Captain America, Spider-Man