Thanks for checking out the OFFICIAL Mayhem Street Riders MySpace page. First a little history of Mayhem and how it all got started.A group of riders belonged to a bike club that had several rules, enjoyed parking lot pimpin the bikes, had mandatory rides and meetings and the president began acting like a DICKtator. Well a couple of the guys didn't like being told what to do or the attitude of the president and the direction of the club. So they left the club and decided to form a new club. One that didn't have a president, where someone would not be a prospect, a club that didn't charge any dues and more importantly, nothing was mandatory. Thus a few friends came together and formed the best So Cal bike club out today known as Mayhem Street Riders. We are the club that changed the way other clubs ran. We do not have a president, we do not have any dues and no one is a prospect and nothing is mandatory. We are friends that get together and ride our bikes, party and hang out together. You may catch us at bikes nights, stunt spots, music videos and MTV. The friendship in the club has turned from being friends to being family. Many clubs have tried to copy our technique and for one reason or another have not been able to be as popular or as good as Mayhem. You may be a fan of our spoof section on our web site, you may enjoy seeing our pictures of events. They say that being duplicated is the biggest form of flattery. Well you may see some clubs with no president, no mandatory this or that, might see some spoofs on websites and you will see clubs claiming to be drama free. Well all this originated right here my friends with Mayhem Street Riders.Mayhem has chapters all over the map. Los Angeles is the motherland chapter but we also have Orange County, San Diego, El Paso Texas, Dallas Texas, Chicago, Colorado, Arizona, Mexico and the United Kingdom. We have our website and phone numbers where all the members can stay in touch and keep up with what happened in our lives. Many members have their jobs because of this club along with girlfriends, some wives and some sanchas because of Mayhem. Along with those chapters named above we also began Mini Mayhem which consists of members children getting together for family events. Our latest Mini Mayhem event was a day at the beach and at night having a bon fire and roasting marshmellows. We are more than a club or a crew, we are family. We invite any motorcycle riders to come out and get to know us and ride with us. We are riding on Wednesdays, we actually go on a ride either a canyon or a nice street that we ride on and end up at Hollywood Bike Night. After that hit a stunt spot where we put it down then go for some food with the fellas and recap the night. Sundays you can catch us along the beach or a canyon. We use our bikes to ride, no parking lot pimpin here.Wanna know about us? Click on this banner
Created by ICEMAN