I'd like to meet people who radiate love, who live life knowing that fear is best manifested as a way to grow. People who measure ever breath they take with quality and not in how many they take. People who are brave enough to make themselves vulnerable, brave enough to be laughed at. People who know that if you are exposed and open to an expereince, and it scares you, then it should be embraced, for this manifested will become a divine beauty, a gift. Poeple who know how to really use their senses, five highways of communication between you and this world, do not for a moment take one for granted, they are all most impermanent. Just as is everything else.What is human nature?
You would not share you table with me?
You like feeling owed don't you?
You would rather hoard your comfort than to share a little with a stranger.What is human nature?
I said to him, "You, sir, are a self-indulging prick,
shadowed by your own cowardice,
unwilling to place someone else's need ,
before your own."Human naturally he responded,
" Oh really? I think you're a skinny little bitch,
piss off."
And I smiled at him and said," Yes, I think you're right,
I know that makes you feel won,
but you're angry with me because I am calling you on your shit."What is human nature?
Are you going to pretend new identity when we meet?
Or are you rare and brave enough to really let me see?
Does your self-embarrassment create a lying tongue?What is human nature?
I see the strangers' stares.
Every subtle movement my body makes, it is sure to be noted.
How many times is he going to puff his chest and steal a glance,
before feeling satisfied, before feeling territory staked.
What new lies can he unload on me?Human naturally I am self-realizing.
I feel good when I think of solitude amongst this chaos.
I feel fine when I think of once again owning my mind.
I finally feel calm when I think of how wrong you've been.Naturally, I held on to a promise and a hope that love had arrived.
All the while allowing my forgiveness abused.
My complete understanding taken for granted.
And advantage taken over my young heart and its common fears.What is human nature?
My desire of togetherness so strong, that I understood and forgave so much,
That it became self-abusing.
I finally feel understood.
I feel awesome knowing this about myself.
I finally feel forgiven.
I am human and naturally will always seek love, only now from within.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
How about me not needing your congratulations. How about being your own decisive element. How about no longer putting you before me. How about realizing I am better than this.Why can't you forgive yourself? Why can't you allow yourself my love? Why not jump from that ledge and let me catch you?How about actually admitting your regret. How about letting catastrophe run its course. How about looking forward to a new future. How about giving yourself time to heal. How about that.Why can't this make sense? Why didn't this equate freedom? Why doesn't this equate equality?How about making room for divine intervention. How about being incredibly strong. How about being consciously clear. How about feeling good.Did being silly ever cross your mind? Did being wounded inhibit judgment? Why did fear win over you? Why this time and not with times before?How about not controlling the uncontrollable. How about letting go. How about traveling for miles and never leaving home. How about loving me, freely. How about shedding a few more tears.Feelings fly high to low. I can't forget how beautiful it was. I can't forget how loved I was. I can't forget how unalone I felt. I can't forget how safe I felt. I am waiting to dive in again. I am waiting for loving envelopment.What has become of me? I have never been so embarrassed. I have never been so ashamed. I have never grown so fast. I have never loved so rightly. I have never forgiven so completely.What has changed in you? What clarity have you gained? What love can you claim?Hello Purity Hello Sanity Hello Divinity Hello Frailty Hello Masculinity Hello Femininity Hello Uncertainty Hello Finality Hello Grayness Hello Freshness Hello Longingness Hello Emptiness Hello Gentleness Hello Oneness Hello Obsessiveness Hello Shame Hello Jealousy Hello Truth Welcome Wisdom
I was attracted to your charm. I was attracted to your touch. I was attracted to your promising smile, A promise of certain love.I was gripped by your woundedness. I was gripped by your design. I was gripped by your laughter, Rooted deep in certain relief.These words descibe your essence, These words come so slow. These, my words of insight, Are allowing me to grow.I was attracted to your smell. I was attracted to your warmth. I was attracted to your love, A love undeniably for me.I was moved by your truths. I was moved by your past. I was moved by your presence, A presence so simply beautiful.These words describe how I felt. These words still hold to be true. These, my words from my depths, Still apply when I think of you.I am moved. I am attracted. I am gripped. I am breeched. I am propelled. I am.
Will and Grace has always made me laugh to no end. Other than that, I don't own a television, I dont like T.V. very much, I like to own my mind.
Why did I behave so superficially? I could have spent that time being happy. I could have spent that time being loved.Why do I write? I do not know. All I have is the trust. All I do know is I trust the reason is divine.I am afraid of expressing too much happiness. I am finding that most people are weary, uncomfortable With those who are comfortable knowing themselves.Where do you hide your head when conflict arises?Can you justify your existence as your best? Is your utopia within you, or is it in someone else? Can you create peace around you, Before first manifesting it within?I feel your invasion. I do not want to make your acquaintance. Your acquaintance is a double-edged sword, And I have thin skin.Is your sorrow measured in tubs of tears shed? Or is it measured by how many times you never recovered? Can your happiness be seen in the lines of your face?How much of you are you? You are a product of an environment, So is that environment productive for you?The thing I hate most about you, Is the undeniable truth that I fear I am. Anger is based in fear. We hate in others what we hate in ourselves.Every minute is a chance for beauty. To be seen and expressed. Every minute gone is a minute less I have left to live.Let dreams find your heart. Let dreams create you, just as you created them.Speak from your chest, speak from your heart. Focus your thoughts at your core, not your head. You will find the truth is more easily spoken, In fact, you'll find it is more difficult to lie.